
Wed, 18 Apr 2012 17:47:14 -0700

Rik Cabanier <>
Wed, 18 Apr 2012 17:47:14 -0700
changeset 98
parent 77
child 83

Added section on security concern + called out link to canvas blending wiki

     1 <!DOCTYPE html public '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'
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     3 <html lang="en">
     4 <head profile="">
     5   <title>Filter Effects 1.0</title>
     6   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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    64 <div id="div-head" class="head">
    65 <!--logo-->
    67 <h1>Filter Effects 1.0</h1>
    69 <h2 class="no-num no-toc">16 December 2011</h2>
    70 <dl>
    71   <dt>Editors:</dt>
    72   <dd class="vcard">
    73     <span class="fn">Vincent Hardy</span>,
    74     <span class="org">Adobe Systems</span>,
    75     <span class="email"></span>
    76   </dd>
    77   <dd class="vcard">
    78     <span class="fn">Dean Jackson</span>,
    79     <span class="org">Apple Inc.</span>,
    80     <span class="email"></span>
    81   </dd>
    82   <dd class="vcard">
    83     <span class="fn">Erik Dahlström</span>,
    84     <span class="org">Opera Software ASA</span>, 
    85     <span class="email"></span>
    86   </dd>
    87   <dt>Authors:</dt>
    88   <dd>
    89     The authors of this specification are the participants
    90     of the W3C CSS and SVG Working Groups.
    91   </dd>
    92 </dl>
    94 <!--copyright-->
    96 <hr title="Separator for header">
    97 </div>
    99 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="abstract">Abstract</h2>
   101 <p>
   102   Filter effects are a way of processing an element's rendering before it is
   103   displayed in the document. Typically, rendering an element via CSS or SVG
   104   can conceptually described as if the element, including its children, are
   105   drawn into a buffer (such as a raster image) and then that buffer is
   106   composited into the elements parent. Filters apply an effect before the
   107   compositing stage. Examples of such effects are blurring, changing color
   108   intensity and warping the image.
   109 </p>
   111 <p>
   112   Although originally designed for use in SVG, filter effects are a set a set of
   113   operations to apply on an image buffer and therefore can be applied to nearly
   114   any presentational environment, including CSS. They are triggered by a style
   115   instruction (the 'filter' property). This specification describes filters in a
   116   manner that allows them to be used in content styled by CSS, such as HTML and
   117   SVG. It also defines a CSS property value function that produces a CSS
   118   &lt;image&gt; value.
   119 </p>
   121 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="status">Status of This Document</h2>
   123 <p>
   124   <em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its
   125   publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C
   126   publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in
   127   the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a> at
   129 </p>
   131 <p>
   132   This document is the first public working draft of this specification.
   133 </p>
   135 <p>
   136   Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
   137   Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted
   138   by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as
   139   other than work in progress.
   140 </p>
   142 <p>
   143   The (<a href="">archived</a>)
   144   public mailing list <a href=""></a> (see
   145   <a href="">instructions</a>) is preferred for
   146   discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text
   147   “Filter Effects” in the subject, preferably like this: “[Filter
   148   Effects] <em>…summary of comment…</em>”
   149 </p>
   151 <p>
   152   This document was produced by the <a
   153   href="">CSS Working Group</a> (part of the
   154   <a href="">Style Activity</a>) and the <a
   155   href="">SVG Working Group</a> (part of the <a
   156   href="">Graphics Activity</a>)
   157 </p>
   159 <p>
   160   This document was produced by groups operating under the <a
   161   href="">5 February 2004 W3C
   162   Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a <a
   163   href="">public list of any patent
   164   disclosures (CSS)</a> and a <a
   165   href="">public list of any patent
   166   disclosures (SVG)</a> made in connection with the deliverables of each group;
   167   these pages also include instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual
   168   who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a
   169   href="">Essential
   170   Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a
   171   href="">section
   172   6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.
   173 </p>
   175 <p>
   176   The <a href="ChangeLog">list of changes made to this specification</a> is
   177   available.
   178 </p>
   180 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="contents">Table of contents</h2>
   182 <!--toc-->
   184 <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
   186 <p>
   187   A filter effect is a graphical operation that is applied to an element as it is
   188   drawn into the document. It is an image-based effect, in that it takes zero or
   189   more images as input, a number of parameters specific to the effect, and then
   190   produces an image as output. The output image is either rendered into the
   191   document instead of the original element, used as an input image to another
   192   filter effect, or provided as a CSS image value.
   193 </p>
   195 <p>
   196   A simple example of a filter effect is a "flood". It takes no image inputs but
   197   has a parameter defining a color. The effect produces an output image that is
   198   completely filled with the given color. A slightly more complex example is an
   199   "inversion" which takes a single image input (typically an image of the element
   200   as it would normally be rendered into its parent) and adjusts each pixel such
   201   that they have the opposite color values.
   202 </p>
   204 <p>
   205   Filter effects are exposed with three levels of complexity:
   206 </p>
   208 <ol>
   209   <li>
   210     A small set of canned filter functions that are given by name. While not
   211     particularly powerful, these are convenient and easily understood and provide
   212     a simple approach to achieving common effects, such as blurring.
   213   </li>
   214   <li>
   215     A graph of individual filter effects described in markup that define an overall effect.
   216     The graph is agnostic to its input in that the effect can be applied to any content.
   217     While such graphs are the combination of effects that may be simple in isolation, the
   218     graph as a whole can produce complex effects. An example is given below.
   219   </li>
   220   <li>
   221     A customizable system that exposes a shading language allowing control over the
   222     geometry and pixel values of filtered output.
   223   </li>
   224 </ol>
   226 <p>
   227   The following shows an example of a filter effect.
   228 </p>
   230 <p>
   231   <span class="example-ref">Example filters01</span> - introducing filter
   232   effects.
   233 </p>
   235 <edit:example href="examples/filters01.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
   237 <p>
   238   The filter effect used in the example above is repeated here with reference
   239   numbers in the left column before each of the six filter primitives:
   240 </p>
   242 <table summary="filter example with reference numbers">
   243   <tbody>
   244     <tr>
   245       <td valign="top"><pre>
   248 1
   249 2
   250 3
   255 4
   256 5
   258 6
   261  </pre>
   262       </td>
   263       <td valign="top"><pre>&lt;filter id="MyFilter" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="200" height="120"&gt;
   264   &lt;desc&gt;Produces a 3D lighting effect.&lt;/desc&gt;
   265   &lt;feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="4" result="blur"/&gt;
   266   &lt;feOffset in="blur" dx="4" dy="4" result="offsetBlur"/&gt;
   267   &lt;feSpecularLighting in="blur" surfaceScale="5" specularConstant=".75" 
   268                       specularExponent="20" lighting-color="#bbbbbb" 
   269                       result="specOut"&gt;
   270     &lt;fePointLight x="-5000" y="-10000" z="20000"/&gt;
   271   &lt;/feSpecularLighting&gt;
   272   &lt;feComposite in="specOut" in2="SourceAlpha" operator="in" result="specOut"/&gt;
   273   &lt;feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="specOut" operator="arithmetic" 
   274                k1="0" k2="1" k3="1" k4="0" result="litPaint"/&gt;
   275   &lt;feMerge&gt;
   276     &lt;feMergeNode in="offsetBlur"/&gt;
   277     &lt;feMergeNode in="litPaint"/&gt;
   278   &lt;/feMerge&gt;
   279 &lt;/filter&gt;</pre>
   280       </td>
   281     </tr>
   282   </tbody>
   283 </table>
   285 <p>
   286   The following pictures show the intermediate image results from each of the six
   287   filter elements:
   288 </p>
   290 <table summary="filter example intermediate results">
   291   <tbody>
   292     <tr>
   293       <td><p><img width="115" height="70"
   294         alt="filters01 - original source graphic"
   295         src="examples/filters01-0.png" /><br />
   296         Source graphic</p>
   297       </td>
   298       <td> </td>
   299       <td><p><img width="115" height="70"
   300         alt="filters01 - after filter element 1"
   301         src="examples/filters01-1.png" /><br />
   302         After filter primitive 1</p>
   303       </td>
   304       <td> </td>
   305       <td><p><img width="115" height="70"
   306         alt="filters01 - after filter element 2"
   307         src="examples/filters01-2.png" /><br />
   308         After filter primitive 2</p>
   309       </td>
   310       <td> </td>
   311       <td><p><img width="115" height="70"
   312         alt="filters01 - after filter element 3"
   313         src="examples/filters01-3.png" /><br />
   314         After filter primitive 3</p>
   315       </td>
   316     </tr>
   317     <tr>
   318       <td> </td>
   319       <td> </td>
   320       <td></td>
   321       <td></td>
   322       <td></td>
   323       <td></td>
   324       <td></td>
   325     </tr>
   326     <tr>
   327       <td> </td>
   328       <td> </td>
   329       <td><p><img width="115" height="70"
   330         alt="filters01 - after filter element 4"
   331         src="examples/filters01-4.png" /><br />
   332         After filter primitive 4</p>
   333       </td>
   334       <td> </td>
   335       <td><p><img width="115" height="70"
   336         alt="filters01 - after filter element 5"
   337         src="examples/filters01-5.png" /><br />
   338         After filter primitive 5</p>
   339       </td>
   340       <td> </td>
   341       <td><p><img width="115" height="70"
   342         alt="filters01 - after filter element 6"
   343         src="examples/filters01-6.png" /><br />
   344         After filter primitive 6</p>
   345       </td>
   346     </tr>
   347   </tbody>
   348 </table>
   349 <ol>
   350   <li>
   351     Filter primitive <code>feGaussianBlur</code> takes input <a>SourceAlpha</a>,
   352     which is the alpha channel of the source graphic. The result is stored in a
   353     temporary buffer named "blur". Note that "blur" is used as input to both
   354     filter primitives 2 and 3.
   355   </li>
   356   <li>
   357     Filter primitive <code>feOffset</code> takes buffer "blur", shifts the result in
   358     a positive direction in both x and y, and creates a new buffer named
   359     "offsetBlur". The effect is that of a drop shadow.
   360   </li>
   361   <li>
   362     Filter primitive <code>feSpecularLighting</code>, uses buffer "blur" as a model
   363     of a surface elevation and generates a lighting effect from a single point
   364     source. The result is stored in buffer "specOut".
   365   </li>
   366   <li>
   367     Filter primitive <code>feComposite</code> masks out the result of filter
   368     primitive 3 by the original source graphics alpha channel so that the
   369     intermediate result is no bigger than the original source graphic.
   370   </li>
   371   <li>
   372     Filter primitive <code>feComposite</code> composites the result of the specular
   373     lighting with the original source graphic.
   374   </li>
   375   <li>
   376     Filter primitive <code>feMerge</code> composites two layers together. The lower
   377     layer consists of the drop shadow result from filter primitive 2. The upper
   378     layer consists of the specular lighting result from filter primitive 5.
   379   </li>
   380 </ol>
   382 <!-- ****************************************************************************** -->
   384 <h2 id="about">Reading This Document</h2>
   386 <p>
   387   Each section of this document is normative unless otherwise specified.
   388 </p>
   390 <p>
   391   This document contains explicit conformance criteria that overlap with some
   392   RelaxNG definitions in requirements. If there is any conflict between the two,
   393   the explicit conformance criteria are the definitive reference.
   394 </p>
   396 <p>
   397   Note that even though this specification references parts of <a
   398   href="#ref-svg11">SVG 1.1</a> it does not require an SVG 1.1
   399   implementation. <span class="note">Add link to conformance classes
   400   here.</span>
   401 </p>
   403 <!-- ****************************************************************************** -->
   405 <h2 id="definitions">Definitions</h2>
   407 <p>
   408   When used in this specification, terms have the meanings assigned in this section.
   409 </p>
   411 <dl>
   412   <dt id="term-null-filter"><span
   413   class="termDefine">null filter</span></dt>
   414   <dd>
   415     <p>
   416     The null filter output is all transparent black pixels. If applied to an element it means
   417   that the element (and children if any) becomes invisible. Note that it does not affect event processing.
   418     </p>
   419   </dd>
   420   <dt id="TermTransferFunctionElements"><span
   421   class="SVG-TermDefine">transfer function elements</span></dt>
   422   <dd>
   423     <p>
   424     The set of elements,
   425       <a>'feFuncR'</a>, <a>'feFuncG'</a>, <a>'feFuncB'</a>, <a>'feFuncA'</a>, that define the transfer function for the <a>'feComponentTransfer'</a> filter primitive.
   426     </p>
   427   </dd>
   428 <dt id="TermClientBoundingRect"><span
   429   class="SVG-TermDefine">bounding client rect</span></dt>
   430 <dd>
   431   <p>
   432   The union of all CSS border-boxes for the element if formatted with the CSS box model, as defined by the CSS OM method 
   433   <a href="">getBoundingClientRect</a> [<a href="#ref-CSSOM">CSSOM</a>].
   434   </p>
   435 </dd>
   436 <dt id="TermCSSBoundingBox"><span
   437   class="SVG-TermDefine">CSS bounding box</span></dt>
   438 <dd>
   439   <p>
   440   The union of all CSS border-boxes for the element and all it's descendant elements, provided the element is formatted with the CSS box model [<a href="#ref-CSS21">CSS</a>].
   441   </p>
   442 </dd>
   443 <dt id="TermCurrentUserCoordinateSystem"><span
   444   class="SVG-TermDefine">current user coordinate system</span></dt>
   445 <dd>
   446   <p>
   447   For elements formatted with the CSS box model: the current user coordinate system has its origin at the top-left corner of the 
   448   <a href="#TermClientBoundingRect">bounding client rect</a> and one unit equals on CSS px. The viewport for resolving percentage values is defined by the width and height of the
   449   <a href="#TermClientBoundingRect">bounding client rect</a>.
   450   </p>
   451   <p>
   452   For elements using SVG layout see <a>user coordinate system</a>.
   453   </p>
   454 </dd>
   455 <dt id="TermObjectBoundingBoxUnits"><span
   456   class="SVG-TermDefine">object bounding box units</span></dt>
   457 <dd>
   458   For elements formatted with the CSS box model: the bounding box is defined by <a href="#TermCSSBoundingBox">the CSS bounding box.</a> 
   459   <p>
   460   For elements using SVG layout the bounding box is defined by <a href="">the SVG bounding box</a>. 
   461   </p>
   462   <p>
   463   For both cases the bounding box defines the coordinate system in which to resolve values, as defined in <a>object bounding box units</a>.
   464   </p>
   465 </dd>
   466 <dt id="TermFilterPrimitiveReference"><span
   467   class="SVG-TermDefine">&lt;filter-primitive-reference&gt;</span></dt>
   468 <dd>
   469   <p>
   470   A string that identifies a particular filter primitive's output.
   471   </p>
   472 </dd>
   473 <dt id="TermFilterPrimitiveElements"><span
   474   class="SVG-TermDefine">filter primitives, filter primitive elements</span></dt>
   475 <dd>
   476   <p>
   477   The set of elements that control the output of a <a>'filter element'</a> element, particularly:  
   478     <a>'feDistantLight'</a>, 
   479     <a>'fePointLight'</a>, 
   480     <a>'feSpotLight'</a>,
   481     <a>'feBlend'</a>,
   482     <a>'feColorMatrix'</a>,
   483     <a>'feComponentTransfer'</a>,
   484     <a>'feComposite'</a>,
   485     <a>'feConvolveMatrix'</a>,
   486     <a>'feDiffuseLighting'</a>,
   487     <a>'feDisplacementMap'</a>,
   488     <a>'feFlood'</a>,
   489     <a>'feGaussianBlur'</a>,
   490     <a>'feImage'</a>,
   491     <a>'feMerge'</a>,
   492     <a>'feMorphology'</a>,
   493     <a>'feOffset'</a>,
   494     <a>'feSpecularLighting'</a>,
   495     <a>'feTile'</a>,
   496     <a>'feTurbulence'</a>,
   497     <a>'feDropShadow'</a>,
   498     <a>'feDiffuseSpecular'</a>,
   499     <a>'feUnsharpMask'</a>,
   500     <a>'feCustom'</a>.
   501     </p>
   502 </dd>
   503 </dl>
   505 <!-- ****************************************************************************** -->
   507 <h2 id="security">Security</h2>
   509 <p class="todo">Should this section be merged with the CSS shaders 
   510     <a href="">security
   511         considerations</a> section?</a>
   513 <h3 id="timing-attacks">Timing Attacks</h3>
   515 <p>
   516   Since a filter effect is applying a processing operation on input values, it
   517   is vital that no private information leaks from that operation. The same rules
   518   for cross-origin restrictions and tainting of data values apply to filtered
   519   content. There are a number of extra cases that are called out here.
   520 </p>
   522 <p>
   523   A timing attack is a method of obtaining information about content that is
   524   otherwise protected, based on studying the amount of time it takes for an
   525   operation to occur. For example, rendering is an operation that takes a
   526   significant amount of time, and that time depends on the complexity of the
   527   drawing operations involved. If, for example, red pixels took longer to draw
   528   than green pixels, one might be able to obtain an indication of the proportion
   529   of red to green in the element being rendered, even without ever having access
   530   to the content of the element. Taking that to its theoretical extreme, an
   531   attack may be able to modify content in a way that exposes such variations in
   532   timing over a long enough period.
   533 </p>
   535 <p>
   536   Filter effects do not add new vulnerabilities to such attacks, but they
   537   possibly allow malicious code to be written that accelerates the process. For
   538   example, a filter effect might be able to modify input pixel values in a manner
   539   that amplifies the differences in rendering. It is essential that a filter
   540   effect expose as little private information to the system as possible. One of
   541   the well-documented security issues is exposing the user's browsing history to
   542   script based on detecting the color of link elements styled with the 'visited'
   543   pseudo-class.
   544 </p>
   546 <p>
   547   A user agent must ensure that any content passed to a filter effect has
   548   discernible information removed. This includes, but is not limited-to:
   549 </p>
   551 <ul>
   552   <li>visited link styles must not be applied</li>
   553   <li>file input should not identify any file names</li>
   554   <li>editable content should not highlight dictionary information</li>
   555   <li>cross-origin restrictions described below</li>
   556 </ul>
   558 <h3 id="origin-restrictions">Origin Restrictions</h3>
   560 <p>
   561   Input to a filter effect must not include anything as input that would
   562   violate cross-origin restrictions. If cross-origin access is required,
   563   then the requested content should be explicitly marked with CORS data.
   564 </p>
   566 <p>
   567   This restriction includes:
   568 </p>
   570 <ul>
   571   <li>Any 'iframe' content</li>
   572   <li>Any images, either as content or via styling, that are not exposed with CORS</li>
   573   <li>Any tainted canvas</li>
   574   <li>Any cross-origin content referenced by 'use'</li>
   575 </ul>
   577 <p>
   578   For content that falls under this restriction, it should not be rendered into
   579   the input image. For example, a filter effect that is applying to a cross-origin
   580   'iframe' element would receive a completely blank input image.
   581 </p>
   583 <h2 id="FilterProperty">The <span class="prop-name">'filter'</span>
   584 property</h2>
   586 <p>
   587   The description of the <span class="prop-name">'filter'</span> property is
   588 as follows:</p>
   590 <div class="propdef">
   591 <dl>
   592   <dt id='propdef-filter'><span class='propdef-title prop-name'>'filter'</span></dt>
   593     <dd>
   594       <table summary="filter property" class="propinfo" cellspacing="0"
   595       cellpadding="0">
   596         <tbody>
   597           <tr valign="baseline">
   598             <td><em>Value:</em>  </td>
   599             <td>none | <a href="#FilterFunction">&lt;filter-function&gt;</a> [ <a href="#FilterFunction">&lt;filter-function&gt;</a> ]* </td>
   600           </tr>
   601           <tr valign="baseline">
   602             <td><em>Initial:</em>  </td>
   603             <td>none</td>
   604           </tr>
   605           <tr valign="baseline">
   606             <td><em>Applies to:</em>  </td>
   607             <td>All elements <span class="specissue">In SVG 1.1 it applies only to "container elements (except ‘mask’) and graphics elements"</span></td>
   608           </tr>
   609           <tr valign="baseline">
   610             <td><em>Inherited:</em>  </td>
   611             <td>no</td>
   612           </tr>
   613           <tr valign="baseline">
   614             <td><em>Percentages:</em>  </td>
   615             <td>N/A</td>
   616           </tr>
   617           <tr valign="baseline">
   618             <td><em>Media:</em>  </td>
   619             <td>visual</td>
   620           </tr>
   621           <tr valign="baseline">
   622             <td><em>Animatable:</em>  </td>
   623             <td>yes</td>
   624           </tr>
   625         </tbody>
   626       </table>
   627     </dd>
   628 </dl>
   629 </div>
   631 <p>
   632   If the value of the <a>'filter property'</a> property is <span class="prop-value">none</span> then there
   633   is no filter effect applied. Otherwise, the list of functions (described <a href="#FilterFunction">below</a>)
   634   are applied in order.
   635 </p>
   637 <h3 id="filters-in-css">How the 'filter' property property applies to content formatted with the CSS box model (e.g HTML)</h3>
   638 <p>
   639   The application of the <a>'filter property'</a> property to an element
   640   formatted with the CSS box model establishes a pseudo-stacking-context the same way that CSS
   641   <a href="">'opacity'</a> does,
   642   and all the element's boxes are rendered together as a group with the filter
   643   effect applied to the group as a whole.
   644 </p>
   645 <p>
   646   The <a>'filter property'</a> property has no effect on the geometry of the
   647   target element's CSS boxes, even though <a>'filter property'</a> can cause
   648   painting outside of an element's border-box.
   649 </p>
   650 <p>
   651   The compositing model follows the <a
   652   href="">SVG compositing
   653   model</a>: first any filter effect is applied, then any clipping, masking
   654   and opacity. These effects all apply after any other CSS effects such as
   655   'border'. As per SVG, the application of <a>'filter property'</a> has no
   656   effect on hit-testing.
   657 </p>
   659 <br />
   661 <h2 id="FilterFunction">Filter Functions</h2>
   663 <p>
   664   The value of the <a>'filter'</a> property is a list of &lt;filter-functions&gt;
   665   applied in the order provided. The individual filter functions are
   666   separated by whitespace. The set of allowed filter functions is given
   667   below.
   668 </p>
   670 <dl>
   671   <dt>
   672     <a>&lt;FuncIRI&gt;</a>
   673   </dt>
   674   <dd>
   675     An <a>IRI reference</a>
   676     to a <a>'filter element'</a> element that defines the
   677     filter effect. For example "url(commonfilters.xml#large-blur)". If the IRI references a non-existent object or the referenced  
   678     object is not a <a>'filter element'</a> element, then the <a>null filter</a> will be applied instead.
   679   </dd>
   681   <dt>
   682     grayscale(amount)
   683   </dt>
   684   <dd>
   685     Converts the input image to grayscale. The value of 'amount' defines the proportion
   686     of the conversion. A value of 100% is completely grayscale. A value of 0% leaves the
   687     input unchanged. Values between 0% and 100% are linear multipliers on the effect.
   688     If the 'amount' parameter is missing, a value of 100% is used.
   689     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#grayscaleEquivalent">given below</a>.
   690   </dd>
   692   <dt>
   693     sepia(amount)
   694   </dt>
   695   <dd>
   696     Converts the input image to sepia. The value of 'amount' defines the proportion
   697     of the conversion. A value of 100% is completely sepia. A value of 0 leaves the
   698     input unchanged. Values between 0% and 100% are linear multipliers on the effect.
   699     If the 'amount' parameter is missing, a value of 100% is used.
   700     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#sepiaEquivalent">given below</a>.
   701   </dd>
   703   <dt>
   704     saturate(amount)
   705   </dt>
   706   <dd>
   707     Saturates the input image. The value of 'amount' defines the proportion
   708     of the conversion. A value of 0% is completely un-saturated. A value of 100% leaves the
   709     input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect.
   710     Values of amount over 100% are allowed, providing super-saturated results.
   711     If the 'amount' parameter is missing, a value of 100% is used.
   712     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#saturateEquivalent">given below</a>.
   713   </dd>
   715   <dt>
   716     hue-rotate(angle)
   717   </dt>
   718   <dd>
   719     Applies a hue rotation on the input image. The value of 'angle' defines the 
   720     number of degrees around the color circle the input samples will be adjusted.
   721     A value of 0deg leaves the input unchanged. If the 'angle' parameter is missing,
   722     a value of 0deg is used. Implementations should not normalize this value in order
   723     to allow animations beyond 360deg.
   724     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#huerotateEquivalent">given below</a>.
   725   </dd>
   727   <dt>
   728     invert(amount)
   729   </dt>
   730   <dd>
   731     Inverts the samples in the input image. The value of 'amount' defines the proportion
   732     of the conversion. A value of 100% is completely inverted. A value of 0% leaves the
   733     input unchanged. Values between 0% and 100% are linear multipliers on the effect.
   734     If the 'amount' parameter is missing, a value of 100% is used.
   735     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#invertEquivalent">given below</a>.
   736   </dd>
   738   <dt>
   739     opacity(amount)
   740   </dt>
   741   <dd>
   742     Applies transparency to the samples in the input image. The value of 'amount' defines the proportion
   743     of the conversion. A value of 0% is completely transparent. A value of 100% leaves the
   744     input unchanged. Values between 0% and 100% are linear multipliers on the effect.
   745     This is equivalent to multiplying the input image samples by amount.
   746     If the 'amount' parameter is missing, a value of 100% is used.
   747     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#opacityEquivalent">given below</a>.
   748   </dd>
   750   <dt>
   751     brightness(amount)
   752   </dt>
   753   <dd>
   754     Applies a linear multiplier to input image, making it appear more
   755     or less bright.
   756     A value of 0% will create an image that is completely black. A value of 100% leaves the
   757     input unchanged. Other values are linear multipliers on the effect.
   758     Values of amount over 100% are allowed, providing brighter results.
   759     If the 'amount' parameter is missing, a value of 100% is used.
   760     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#brightnessEquivalent">given below</a>.
   761   </dd>
   763   <dt>
   764     contrast(amount)
   765   </dt>
   766   <dd>
   767     Adjusts the contrast of the input.
   768     A value of 0% will create an image that is completely black. A value of 100% leaves the
   769     input unchanged. Values of amount over 100% are allowed, providing results with less contrast.
   770     If the 'amount' parameter is missing, a value of 100% is used.
   771     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#contrastEquivalent">given below</a>.
   772   </dd>
   774   <dt>
   775     blur(radius)
   776   </dt>
   777   <dd>
   778     Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image.
   779     The value of 'radius' defines the value of the standard deviation to the Gaussian function.
   780     If no parameter is provided, then a value 0 is used. The parameter is
   781     specified a CSS length, but does not accept percentage values.
   782     The markup equivalent of this function is <a href="#blurEquivalent">given below</a>.
   783   </dd>
   785   <dt>
   786     drop-shadow(&lt;shadow&gt;)
   787   </dt>
   788   <dd>
   789     Applies a drop shadow effect to the input image. A drop shadow is
   790     effectively a blurred, offset version of the input image's alpha mask
   791     drawn in a particular color, composited below the image. The function
   792     accepts a parameter of type &lt;shadow&gt; (defined in CSS3 Backgrounds),
   793     with the exception that the 'inset' keyword is not allowed. The markup
   794     equivalent of this function is <a href="#dropshadowEquivalent">given
   795     below</a>.
   796   </dd>
   798   <dt>
   799     <code>custom(<span class="highlight">&lt;vertex-shader&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">[</span><span class="fade">wsp</span><span class="highlight">&lt;fragment-shader&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">][,</span><span class="highlight">&lt;vertex-mesh&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">][,</span><span class="highlight">&lt;params&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">]</span>)</code>  
   800   </dt>
   801   <dd>
   802       <table class="values-desc">
   803           <tr>
   804               <td><code>&lt;vertex-shader&gt;</code></td>
   805               <td><code>&lt;uri&gt; | none</code></td>
   806           </tr>
   807           <tr>
   808               <td><code>&lt;fragment-shader&gt;</code></td>
   809               <td><code>&lt;uri&gt; | none</code></td>
   810           </tr>
   811           <tr>
   812               <td><code>&lt;vertex-mesh&gt;</code></td>
   813               <td><code>+&lt;integer&gt;{1,2}[wsp&lt;box&gt;][wsp'detached']</code><br />
   814                   where: <code>&lt;box&gt; = filter-box | border-box | padding-box | content-box</code></td>
   815           </tr>
   816           <tr>
   817               <td id='#shader-params'><code>&lt;params&gt;</code></td>
   818               <td>See the <code>&lt;feCustom&gt;</code>'s <a href='#feCustomParamsAttribute'><code>params</code></a> attribute.</td>
   819           </tr>
   820       </table>
   822       <div class="todo">Add description to the filter here and reference to equivalent.</div>
   824       <div class="note">It might be clearer to name the <code>custom()</code> function 
   825           the <code>shader()</code> function instead and introduce an <code>feCustomShader</code>
   826           filter primitive instead of <code>feCustom</code>.</div>
   828   </dd>
   829 </dl>
   831 <div class="note">
   832   <p>
   833     The above list is a collection of effects that can be easily defined in
   834     terms of SVG filters. However, there are many more interesting effects
   835     that can be considered for inclusion. If accepted, there will have to
   836     be equivalent XML elements for the effect. Effects considered include:
   837   </p>
   838   <ul>
   839   <li>brightness, contrast, exposure</li>
   840   <li>halftone</li>
   841   <li>motion-blur(radius, angle)</li>
   842   <li>posterize(levels)</li>
   843   <li>bump(x, y, radius, intensity)</li>
   844   <li>generators</li>
   845   <li>circle-crop(x, y, radius)</li>
   846   <li>affine-transform(some matrix)</li>
   847   <li>crop(x, y, w, h)</li>
   848   <li>bloom(radius, intensity)</li>
   849   <li>gloom(radius, intensity)</li>
   850   <li>mosaic(w,h)</li>
   851   <li>displace(url, intensity)</li>
   852   <li>edge-detect(intensity)</li>
   853   <li>pinch(x, y, radius, scale)</li>
   854   <li>twirl(x, y, radius, angle)</li>
   855   </ul>
   856 </div>
   858 <p>
   859   The first function in the list takes the element (<a href="#SourceGraphic">SourceGraphic</a>) as
   860   the input image. Subsequent operations take the output from the 
   861   previous function as the input image. The exception is the function
   862   that references a 'filter element' element, which can specify an
   863   alternate input, but still uses the previous output as its
   864   <a href="#SourceGraphic">SourceGraphic</a>.
   865 </p>
   867 <h2 id="FilterElement">The <span class="element-name">'filter'</span>
   868 element</h2>
   870 <div class="element-summary">
   871   <div class="element-summary-name">
   872     <span class="element-name">
   873       ‘filter’
   874     </span>
   875   </div>
   876   <dl>
   877     <dt>
   878       Categories:</dt>
   879       <dd>
   880         None</dd>
   881         <dt>
   882           Content model:</dt>
   883           <dd>
   884             Any number of the following elements, in any order:
   885             <ul class="no-bullets">
   886               <li>
   887                 <a href="">
   888                   descriptive elements</a>
   889                   <span class="expanding">
   890                     — <a href="">
   891                       <span class="element-name">
   892                         ‘desc’
   893                       </span>
   894                     </a>
   895                     , <a href="">
   896                       <span class="element-name">
   897                         ‘metadata’
   898                       </span>
   899                     </a>
   900                     , <a href="">
   901                       <span class="element-name">
   902                         ‘title’
   903                       </span>
   904                     </a>
   906                   </span>
   907                 </li>
   908                 <li>
   909                   <a href="">
   910                     filter primitive elements</a>
   911                     <span class="expanding">
   912                       — <a href="#feBlendElement">
   913                         <span class="element-name">
   914                           ‘feBlend’
   915                         </span>
   916                       </a>
   917                       , <a href="#feColorMatrixElement">
   918                         <span class="element-name">
   919                           ‘feColorMatrix’
   920                         </span>
   921                       </a>
   922                       , <a href="#feComponentTransferElement">
   923                         <span class="element-name">
   924                           ‘feComponentTransfer’
   925                         </span>
   926                       </a>
   927                       , <a href="#feCompositeElement">
   928                         <span class="element-name">
   929                           ‘feComposite’
   930                         </span>
   931                       </a>
   932                       , <a href="#feConvolveMatrixElement">
   933                         <span class="element-name">
   934                           ‘feConvolveMatrix’
   935                         </span>
   936                       </a>
   937                       , <a href="#feDiffuseLightingElement">
   938                         <span class="element-name">
   939                           ‘feDiffuseLighting’
   940                         </span>
   941                       </a>
   942                       , <a href="#feDisplacementMapElement">
   943                         <span class="element-name">
   944                           ‘feDisplacementMap’
   945                         </span>
   946                       </a>
   947                       , <a href="#feFloodElement">
   948                         <span class="element-name">
   949                           ‘feFlood’
   950                         </span>
   951                       </a>
   952                       , <a href="#feGaussianBlurElement">
   953                         <span class="element-name">
   954                           ‘feGaussianBlur’
   955                         </span>
   956                       </a>
   957                       , <a href="#feImageElement">
   958                         <span class="element-name">
   959                           ‘feImage’
   960                         </span>
   961                       </a>
   962                       , <a href="#feMergeElement">
   963                         <span class="element-name">
   964                           ‘feMerge’
   965                         </span>
   966                       </a>
   967                       , <a href="#feMorphologyElement">
   968                         <span class="element-name">
   969                           ‘feMorphology’
   970                         </span>
   971                       </a>
   972                       , <a href="#feOffsetElement">
   973                         <span class="element-name">
   974                           ‘feOffset’
   975                         </span>
   976                       </a>
   977                       , <a href="#feSpecularLightingElement">
   978                         <span class="element-name">
   979                           ‘feSpecularLighting’
   980                         </span>
   981                       </a>
   982                       , <a href="#feTileElement">
   983                         <span class="element-name">
   984                           ‘feTile’
   985                         </span>
   986                       </a>
   987                       , <a href="#feTurbulenceElement">
   988                         <span class="element-name">
   989                           ‘feTurbulence’
   990                         </span>
   991                       </a>
   993                     </span>
   994                   </li>
   995                   <li>
   996                     <a href="">
   997                       <span class="element-name">
   998                         ‘animate’
   999                       </span>
  1000                     </a>
  1001                   </li>
  1002                   <li>
  1003                     <a href="">
  1004                       <span class="element-name">
  1005                         ‘set’
  1006                       </span>
  1007                     </a>
  1008                   </li>
  1009                 </ul>
  1010               </dd>
  1011               <dt>
  1012                 Attributes:</dt>
  1013                 <dd>
  1014                   <ul class="no-bullets">
  1015                     <li>
  1016                       <a href="">
  1017                         core attributes</a>
  1018                         <span class="expanding">
  1019                           — <a href="">
  1020                             <span class="attr-name">
  1021                               ‘id’
  1022                             </span>
  1023                           </a>
  1024                           , <a href="">
  1025                             <span class="attr-name">
  1026                               ‘xml:base’
  1027                             </span>
  1028                           </a>
  1029                           , <a href="">
  1030                             <span class="attr-name">
  1031                               ‘xml:lang’
  1032                             </span>
  1033                           </a>
  1034                           , <a href="">
  1035                             <span class="attr-name">
  1036                               ‘xml:space’
  1037                             </span>
  1038                           </a>
  1040                         </span>
  1041                       </li>
  1042                       <li>
  1043                         <a href="">
  1044                           presentation attributes</a>
  1045                           <span class="expanding">
  1046                             — <a href="">
  1047                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘alignment-baseline’">
  1048                                 ‘alignment-baseline’
  1049                               </span>
  1050                             </a>
  1051                             , <a href="">
  1052                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘baseline-shift’">
  1053                                 ‘baseline-shift’
  1054                               </span>
  1055                             </a>
  1056                             , <a href="">
  1057                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘clip’">
  1058                                 ‘clip’
  1059                               </span>
  1060                             </a>
  1061                             , <a href="">
  1062                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘clip-path’">
  1063                                 ‘clip-path’
  1064                               </span>
  1065                             </a>
  1066                             , <a href="">
  1067                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘clip-rule’">
  1068                                 ‘clip-rule’
  1069                               </span>
  1070                             </a>
  1071                             , <a href="">
  1072                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘color’">
  1073                                 ‘color’
  1074                               </span>
  1075                             </a>
  1076                             , <a href="">
  1077                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘color-interpolation’">
  1078                                 ‘color-interpolation’
  1079                               </span>
  1080                             </a>
  1081                             , <a href="">
  1082                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘color-interpolation-filters’">
  1083                                 ‘color-interpolation-filters’
  1084                               </span>
  1085                             </a>
  1086                             , <a href="">
  1087                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘color-profile’">
  1088                                 ‘color-profile’
  1089                               </span>
  1090                             </a>
  1091                             , <a href="">
  1092                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘color-rendering’">
  1093                                 ‘color-rendering’
  1094                               </span>
  1095                             </a>
  1096                             , <a href="">
  1097                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘cursor’">
  1098                                 ‘cursor’
  1099                               </span>
  1100                             </a>
  1101                             , <a href="">
  1102                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘direction’">
  1103                                 ‘direction’
  1104                               </span>
  1105                             </a>
  1106                             , <a href="">
  1107                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘display’">
  1108                                 ‘display’
  1109                               </span>
  1110                             </a>
  1111                             , <a href="">
  1112                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘dominant-baseline’">
  1113                                 ‘dominant-baseline’
  1114                               </span>
  1115                             </a>
  1116                             , <a href="#EnableBackgroundProperty">
  1117                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘enable-background’">
  1118                                 ‘enable-background’
  1119                               </span>
  1120                             </a>
  1121                             , <a href="">
  1122                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘fill’">
  1123                                 ‘fill’
  1124                               </span>
  1125                             </a>
  1126                             , <a href="">
  1127                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘fill-opacity’">
  1128                                 ‘fill-opacity’
  1129                               </span>
  1130                             </a>
  1131                             , <a href="">
  1132                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘fill-rule’">
  1133                                 ‘fill-rule’
  1134                               </span>
  1135                             </a>
  1136                             , <a href="#FilterProperty">
  1137                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘filter’">
  1138                                 ‘filter’
  1139                               </span>
  1140                             </a>
  1141                             , <a href="#FloodColorProperty">
  1142                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘flood-color’">
  1143                                 ‘flood-color’
  1144                               </span>
  1145                             </a>
  1146                             , <a href="#FloodOpacityProperty">
  1147                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘flood-opacity’">
  1148                                 ‘flood-opacity’
  1149                               </span>
  1150                             </a>
  1151                             , <a href="">
  1152                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘font-family’">
  1153                                 ‘font-family’
  1154                               </span>
  1155                             </a>
  1156                             , <a href="">
  1157                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘font-size’">
  1158                                 ‘font-size’
  1159                               </span>
  1160                             </a>
  1161                             , <a href="">
  1162                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘font-size-adjust’">
  1163                                 ‘font-size-adjust’
  1164                               </span>
  1165                             </a>
  1166                             , <a href="">
  1167                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘font-stretch’">
  1168                                 ‘font-stretch’
  1169                               </span>
  1170                             </a>
  1171                             , <a href="">
  1172                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘font-style’">
  1173                                 ‘font-style’
  1174                               </span>
  1175                             </a>
  1176                             , <a href="">
  1177                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘font-variant’">
  1178                                 ‘font-variant’
  1179                               </span>
  1180                             </a>
  1181                             , <a href="">
  1182                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘font-weight’">
  1183                                 ‘font-weight’
  1184                               </span>
  1185                             </a>
  1186                             , <a href="">
  1187                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘glyph-orientation-horizontal’">
  1188                                 ‘glyph-orientation-horizontal’
  1189                               </span>
  1190                             </a>
  1191                             , <a href="">
  1192                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘glyph-orientation-vertical’">
  1193                                 ‘glyph-orientation-vertical’
  1194                               </span>
  1195                             </a>
  1196                             , <a href="">
  1197                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘image-rendering’">
  1198                                 ‘image-rendering’
  1199                               </span>
  1200                             </a>
  1201                             , <a href="">
  1202                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘kerning’">
  1203                                 ‘kerning’
  1204                               </span>
  1205                             </a>
  1206                             , <a href="">
  1207                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘letter-spacing’">
  1208                                 ‘letter-spacing’
  1209                               </span>
  1210                             </a>
  1211                             , <a href="#LightingColorProperty">
  1212                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘lighting-color’">
  1213                                 ‘lighting-color’
  1214                               </span>
  1215                             </a>
  1216                             , <a href="">
  1217                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘marker-end’">
  1218                                 ‘marker-end’
  1219                               </span>
  1220                             </a>
  1221                             , <a href="">
  1222                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘marker-mid’">
  1223                                 ‘marker-mid’
  1224                               </span>
  1225                             </a>
  1226                             , <a href="">
  1227                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘marker-start’">
  1228                                 ‘marker-start’
  1229                               </span>
  1230                             </a>
  1231                             , <a href="">
  1232                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘mask’">
  1233                                 ‘mask’
  1234                               </span>
  1235                             </a>
  1236                             , <a href="">
  1237                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘opacity’">
  1238                                 ‘opacity’
  1239                               </span>
  1240                             </a>
  1241                             , <a href="">
  1242                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘overflow’">
  1243                                 ‘overflow’
  1244                               </span>
  1245                             </a>
  1246                             , <a href="">
  1247                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘pointer-events’">
  1248                                 ‘pointer-events’
  1249                               </span>
  1250                             </a>
  1251                             , <a href="">
  1252                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘shape-rendering’">
  1253                                 ‘shape-rendering’
  1254                               </span>
  1255                             </a>
  1256                             , <a href="">
  1257                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stop-color’">
  1258                                 ‘stop-color’
  1259                               </span>
  1260                             </a>
  1261                             , <a href="">
  1262                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stop-opacity’">
  1263                                 ‘stop-opacity’
  1264                               </span>
  1265                             </a>
  1266                             , <a href="">
  1267                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke’">
  1268                                 ‘stroke’
  1269                               </span>
  1270                             </a>
  1271                             , <a href="">
  1272                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke-dasharray’">
  1273                                 ‘stroke-dasharray’
  1274                               </span>
  1275                             </a>
  1276                             , <a href="">
  1277                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke-dashoffset’">
  1278                                 ‘stroke-dashoffset’
  1279                               </span>
  1280                             </a>
  1281                             , <a href="">
  1282                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke-linecap’">
  1283                                 ‘stroke-linecap’
  1284                               </span>
  1285                             </a>
  1286                             , <a href="">
  1287                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke-linejoin’">
  1288                                 ‘stroke-linejoin’
  1289                               </span>
  1290                             </a>
  1291                             , <a href="">
  1292                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke-miterlimit’">
  1293                                 ‘stroke-miterlimit’
  1294                               </span>
  1295                             </a>
  1296                             , <a href="">
  1297                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke-opacity’">
  1298                                 ‘stroke-opacity’
  1299                               </span>
  1300                             </a>
  1301                             , <a href="">
  1302                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘stroke-width’">
  1303                                 ‘stroke-width’
  1304                               </span>
  1305                             </a>
  1306                             , <a href="">
  1307                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘text-anchor’">
  1308                                 ‘text-anchor’
  1309                               </span>
  1310                             </a>
  1311                             , <a href="">
  1312                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘text-decoration’">
  1313                                 ‘text-decoration’
  1314                               </span>
  1315                             </a>
  1316                             , <a href="">
  1317                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘text-rendering’">
  1318                                 ‘text-rendering’
  1319                               </span>
  1320                             </a>
  1321                             , <a href="">
  1322                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘unicode-bidi’">
  1323                                 ‘unicode-bidi’
  1324                               </span>
  1325                             </a>
  1326                             , <a href="">
  1327                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘visibility’">
  1328                                 ‘visibility’
  1329                               </span>
  1330                             </a>
  1331                             , <a href="">
  1332                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘word-spacing’">
  1333                                 ‘word-spacing’
  1334                               </span>
  1335                             </a>
  1336                             , <a href="">
  1337                               <span class="attr-name" title="Presentation attribute for property ‘writing-mode’">
  1338                                 ‘writing-mode’
  1339                               </span>
  1340                             </a>
  1342                           </span>
  1343                         </li>
  1344                         <li>
  1345                           <a href="">
  1346                             xlink attributes</a>
  1347                             <span class="expanding">
  1348                               — <a href="#FilterElementHrefAttribute">
  1349                                 <span class="attr-name">
  1350                                   ‘xlink:href’
  1351                                 </span>
  1352                               </a>
  1353                               , <a href="">
  1354                                 <span class="attr-name">
  1355                                   ‘xlink:show’
  1356                                 </span>
  1357                               </a>
  1358                               , <a href="">
  1359                                 <span class="attr-name">
  1360                                   ‘xlink:actuate’
  1361                                 </span>
  1362                               </a>
  1363                               , <a href="">
  1364                                 <span class="attr-name">
  1365                                   ‘xlink:type’
  1366                                 </span>
  1367                               </a>
  1368                               , <a href="">
  1369                                 <span class="attr-name">
  1370                                   ‘xlink:role’
  1371                                 </span>
  1372                               </a>
  1373                               , <a href="">
  1374                                 <span class="attr-name">
  1375                                   ‘xlink:arcrole’
  1376                                 </span>
  1377                               </a>
  1378                               , <a href="">
  1379                                 <span class="attr-name">
  1380                                   ‘xlink:title’
  1381                                 </span>
  1382                               </a>
  1384                             </span>
  1385                           </li>
  1386                           <li>
  1387                             <a href="">
  1388                               <span class="attr-name">
  1389                                 ‘class’
  1390                               </span>
  1391                             </a>
  1392                           </li>
  1393                           <li>
  1394                             <a href="">
  1395                               <span class="attr-name">
  1396                                 ‘style’
  1397                               </span>
  1398                             </a>
  1399                           </li>
  1400                           <li>
  1401                             <a href="">
  1402                               <span class="attr-name">
  1403                                 ‘externalResourcesRequired’
  1404                               </span>
  1405                             </a>
  1406                           </li>
  1407                           <li>
  1408                             <a href="#FilterElementXAttribute">
  1409                               <span class="attr-name">
  1410                                 ‘x’
  1411                               </span>
  1412                             </a>
  1413                           </li>
  1414                           <li>
  1415                             <a href="#FilterElementYAttribute">
  1416                               <span class="attr-name">
  1417                                 ‘y’
  1418                               </span>
  1419                             </a>
  1420                           </li>
  1421                           <li>
  1422                             <a href="#FilterElementWidthAttribute">
  1423                               <span class="attr-name">
  1424                                 ‘width’
  1425                               </span>
  1426                             </a>
  1427                           </li>
  1428                           <li>
  1429                             <a href="#FilterElementHeightAttribute">
  1430                               <span class="attr-name">
  1431                                 ‘height’
  1432                               </span>
  1433                             </a>
  1434                           </li>
  1435                           <li>
  1436                             <a href="#FilterElementFilterResAttribute">
  1437                               <span class="attr-name">
  1438                                 ‘filterRes’
  1439                               </span>
  1440                             </a>
  1441                           </li>
  1442                           <li>
  1443                             <a href="#FilterElementFilterUnitsAttribute">
  1444                               <span class="attr-name">
  1445                                 ‘filterUnits’
  1446                               </span>
  1447                             </a>
  1448                           </li>
  1449                           <li>
  1450                             <a href="#FilterElementPrimitiveUnitsAttribute">
  1451                               <span class="attr-name">
  1452                                 ‘primitiveUnits’
  1453                               </span>
  1454                             </a>
  1455                           </li>
  1456                           <li>
  1457                             <a href="#FilterElementHrefAttribute">
  1458                               <span class="attr-name">
  1459                                 ‘xlink:href’
  1460                               </span>
  1461                             </a>
  1462                           </li>
  1463                         </ul>
  1464                       </dd>
  1465                       <dt>
  1466                         DOM Interfaces:</dt>
  1467                         <dd>
  1468                           <ul class="no-bullets">
  1469                             <li>
  1470                               <a class="idlinterface" href="#InterfaceSVGFilterElement">
  1471                                 SVGFilterElement</a>
  1472                               </li>
  1473                             </ul>
  1474                           </dd>
  1475                         </dl>
  1476                       </div>
  1478 <p>
  1479   The description of the <a>'filter element'</a> element
  1480 follows:</p>
  1482 <div class="adef-list">
  1483 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  1484 <dl>
  1485   <dt id="FilterElementFilterUnitsAttribute"><span
  1486   class="adef">filterUnits</span> = "<em>userSpaceOnUse</em> |
  1487   <em>objectBoundingBox</em>"</dt>
  1488     <dd>See <a>filter effects region</a>.</dd>
  1489   <dt id="FilterElementPrimitiveUnitsAttribute"><span
  1490   class="adef">primitiveUnits</span> = "<em>userSpaceOnUse</em> |
  1491   <em>objectBoundingBox</em>"</dt>
  1492     <dd>Specifies the coordinate system for the various length values within
  1493       the <a>filter primitives</a> and for the attributes that define the <a>filter primitive subregion</a>.<br />
  1494       If <span class='attr-value'>primitiveUnits="userSpaceOnUse"</span>, any length values
  1495       within the filter definitions represent values in the <a href="#TermCurrentUserCoordinateSystem">current user
  1496       coordinate system</a> in place at the time when the <a>'filter element'</a>
  1497       element is referenced (i.e., the user coordinate system for the element
  1498       referencing the <a>'filter element'</a> element via a <a>'filter property'</a>
  1499       property).<br />
  1500       If <span class='attr-value'>primitiveUnits="objectBoundingBox"</span>, then any length
  1501       values within the filter definitions represent fractions or percentages
  1502       of the bounding box on the referencing element (see <a href="#TermObjectBoundingBoxUnits">object bounding box
  1503       units</a>). Note that if only one number was specified in a <a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a> value
  1504     this number is expanded out before the <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> computation takes place.
  1505     <br />
  1506       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> is <span class="attr-value">userSpaceOnUse</span>.<br />
  1507       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  1508   <dt id="FilterElementXAttribute">
  1509   <span class="adef">x</span> = "<em><a>&lt;coordinate&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1510     <dd>See <a>filter effects region</a>.</dd>
  1511   <dt id="FilterElementYAttribute">
  1512   <span class="adef">y</span> = "<em><a>&lt;coordinate&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1513     <dd>See <a>filter effects region</a>.</dd>
  1514   <dt id="FilterElementWidthAttribute"><span class="adef">width</span> =
  1515   "<em><a>&lt;length&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1516     <dd>See <a>filter effects region</a>.</dd>
  1517   <dt id="FilterElementHeightAttribute"><span class="adef">height</span> =
  1518   "<em><a>&lt;length&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1519     <dd>See <a>filter effects region</a>.</dd>
  1520 <dt id="FilterElementFilterResAttribute"><span
  1521   class="adef">filterRes</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></em>"
  1522   </dt>
  1523     <dd>See <a>filter effects region</a>.</dd>
  1524  <dt id="FilterElementHrefAttribute"><span class="adef">xlink:href</span>
  1525   = "<span class="attr-value">&lt;IRI&gt;</span>"</dt>
  1526     <dd>An <a>IRI reference</a>
  1527       to another <a>'filter element'</a> element within
  1528       the current <a>SVG document fragment</a>. Any attributes which are defined on
  1529       the referenced <a>'filter element'</a> element which
  1530       are not defined on this element are inherited by this element. If this
  1531       element has no defined filter nodes, and the referenced element has
  1532       defined filter nodes (possibly due to its own <span
  1533       class="attr-name">href</span> attribute), then this element inherits
  1534       the filter nodes defined from the referenced <a>'filter element'</a> element. Inheritance can be
  1535       indirect to an arbitrary level; thus, if the referenced <a>'filter element'</a> element inherits attributes or its
  1536       filter node specification due to its own <span
  1537       class="attr-name">href</span> attribute, then the current element can
  1538       inherit those attributes or filter node specifications.
  1540       <div class="note">
  1541       This attribute is deprecated and should not be used in new content, it's included for
  1542       backwards compatibility reasons only.</div>
  1543       <br />
  1544       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  1545 </dl>
  1546 </div>
  1548 <p>
  1549   Properties inherit into the <a>'filter element'</a>
  1550 element from its ancestors; properties do <em>not</em> inherit from the
  1551 element referencing the <a>'filter element'</a>
  1552 element.</p>
  1554 <p><a>'filter element'</a> elements are never rendered
  1555 directly; their only usage is as something that can be referenced using the
  1556 <a>'filter property'</a>
  1557 property. The <a>'display'</a> property does not
  1558 apply to the <a>'filter element'</a> element; thus, <a>'filter element'</a> elements are not directly rendered even
  1559 if the <a>'display'</a> property is set to a value
  1560 other than <span class="prop-value">none</span>, and <a>'filter element'</a> elements are available for referencing
  1561 even when the <a>'display'</a> property on the <a>'filter element'</a> element or any of its ancestors is set
  1562 to <span class="prop-value">none</span>.</p>
  1563 <br />
  1565 <h2 id="FilterEffectsRegion">Filter effects region</h2>
  1567 <p>
  1568   A <a>'filter element'</a>
  1569 element can define a region on the canvas to which a given filter effect
  1570 applies and can provide a resolution for any intermediate continuous tone
  1571 images used to process any raster-based <a>filter primitives</a>. 
  1573 The <a>'filter element'</a>
  1574 element has the following attributes which work together to define the filter
  1575 effects region:</p>
  1577  <dl class='definitions unemphasized-names'>
  1578   <dt id="FilterUnitsAttribute"><a>'filterUnits'</a></dt>
  1579   <dd>
  1580       <p>
  1581   Defines the coordinate system for attributes <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>,
  1582       <a>'width'</a>, <a>'height'</a>.</p>
  1584     <p>
  1585   If <span class="attr-value">filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse"</span>, <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>,
  1586       <a>'width'</a>, <a>'height'</a> represent values in the current user coordinate
  1587       system in place at the time when the <a>'filter element'</a> element is referenced (i.e., the
  1588       user coordinate system for the element referencing the <a>'filter element'</a>
  1589       element via a <a>'filter property'</a> property).</p>
  1591       <p>
  1592   If <span class="attr-value">filterUnits="objectBoundingBox"</span>, then <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>,
  1593       <a>'width'</a>, <a>'height'</a> represent fractions or percentages of the
  1594       bounding box on the referencing element (see <a>object bounding box units</a>).</p>
  1596     <p>
  1597   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'filterUnits'</a> is <span
  1598       class="attr-value">objectBoundingBox</span>.</p>
  1600       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  1601   </dd>
  1602   <dt id="FilterRegionXYWidthHeightAttributes"><a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'width'</a>, <a>'height'</a></dt>
  1603     <dd>
  1604     <p>
  1605   These attributes define a rectangular region on the canvas to which this filter applies.</p>
  1606       <p>
  1607   The amount of memory and processing time required to apply the filter are
  1608          related to the size of this rectangle and the <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> attribute of the filter.</p>
  1609     <p>
  1610   The coordinate system for these attributes depends on the value for attribute <a>'filterUnits'</a>.</p>
  1611     <p>
  1612   The bounds of this rectangle act as a hard clipping region for each <a>filter primitive</a> 
  1613        included with a given <a>'filter element'</a> element; thus, if the effect of
  1614          a given filter primitive would extend beyond the bounds of the rectangle
  1615          (this sometimes happens when using a <a>'feGaussianBlur'</a> filter primitive with a
  1616          very large <a>'feGaussianBlur/stdDeviation'</a>), parts of the effect will get clipped.</p>
  1618     <p>
  1619   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'x'</a> and <a>'y'</a> is <span class="attr-value">-10%</span>.</p>
  1620     <p>
  1621   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'width'</a> and <a>'height'</a> is <span class="attr-value">120%</span>.</p>
  1622       <p>
  1623   Negative or zero values for <a>'width'</a> or <a>'height'</a> disable rendering of the element which
  1624        referenced the filter. </p>
  1626       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  1627   </dd>
  1629   <dt id="FilterRegionFilterRes"><a>'filter/filterRes'</a></dt> 
  1630   <dd>
  1631     <p>
  1632   Defines the width and height of the intermediate
  1633       images in pixels. If not provided, then the user agent will use reasonable
  1634       values to produce a high-quality result on the output device.</p>
  1636       <p>
  1637   Care should be taken when assigning a non-default value to this
  1638       attribute. Too small of a value may result in unwanted pixelation in the
  1639       result. Too large of a value may result in slow processing and large
  1640       memory usage.</p>
  1642       <p>
  1643   Non-integer values are truncated, i.e rounded to the closest integer value towards zero.</p>
  1645       <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_OORFilterRegion">Negative or zero values disable rendering of the element which referenced the filter.</span></p>
  1646       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  1647   </dd>
  1648 </dl>
  1650 <p>
  1651   Note that both of the two possible value for <a>'filterUnits'</a> (i.e., <span
  1652 class="attr-value">objectBoundingBox</span> and <span
  1653 class="attr-value">userSpaceOnUse</span>) result in a <a>filter region</a> whose
  1654 coordinate system has its X-axis and Y-axis each parallel to the X-axis and
  1655 Y-axis, respectively, of the <a>user coordinate system</a> for the element to which
  1656 the filter will be applied.</p>
  1658 <p class="note implementation">Sometimes implementers can achieve faster performance when the filter
  1659 region can be mapped directly to device pixels; thus, for best performance on
  1660 display devices, it is suggested that authors define their region such that
  1661 the user agent can align the <a>filter region</a> pixel-for-pixel with the
  1662 background. In particular, for best filter effects performance, avoid
  1663 rotating or skewing the user coordinate system. Explicit values for attribute
  1664 <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> can either help or harm performance.
  1665 If <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> is smaller than the automatic
  1666 (i.e., default) filter resolution, then filter effect might have faster
  1667 performance (usually at the expense of quality). If <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> is larger than the automatic (i.e.,
  1668 default) filter resolution, then filter effects performance will usually be
  1669 slower.</p>
  1671 <p class="note authoring">It is often necessary to provide padding space because the filter effect
  1672 might impact bits slightly outside the tight-fitting <a>'bounding box'</a> on a given
  1673 object. For these purposes, it is possible to provide negative percentage
  1674 values for <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a> and percentages values greater than <span class="attr-value">100%</span> for
  1675 <a>'width'</a>, <a>'height'</a>. This, for example, is why the defaults for
  1676 the filter effects region are <span class="attr-value">x="-10%" y="-10%" width="120%"
  1677 height="120%"</span>.</p>
  1679 <h2 id="AccessBackgroundImage">Accessing the background image</h2>
  1681 <p id="AccessingBackgroundImage">Two possible pseudo input images for filter effects are <a>BackgroundImage</a> and <a>BackgroundAlpha</a>, which each represent an image
  1682 snapshot of the canvas under the <a>filter region</a> at the time that the <a
  1683 href="#FilterElement"><span class="element-name">'filter'</span></a> element
  1684 is invoked. <a>BackgroundImage</a> represents both
  1685 the color values and alpha channel of the canvas (i.e., RGBA pixel values),
  1686 whereas <a>BackgroundAlpha</a> represents only the
  1687 alpha channel.</p>
  1689 <p>
  1690   Implementations <!--of SVG user agents often-->
  1691 will often need to maintain supplemental background image buffers in order to
  1692 support the <a>BackgroundImage</a> and <a>BackgroundAlpha</a> pseudo input images. Sometimes,
  1693 the background image buffers will contain an in-memory copy of the
  1694 accumulated painting operations on the current canvas.</p>
  1696 <p>
  1697   Because in-memory image buffers can take up significant system resources, <!--SVG-->
  1698 content must explicitly indicate to the <!--SVG-->
  1699 user agent that the document needs access to the background image before <a>BackgroundImage</a> and <a>BackgroundAlpha</a> pseudo input images can be used.
  1700 </p>
  1702 A background image is what's been <i>rendered before</i> the current element.
  1703 <edit:hostreq>The host language is responsible for defining what <i>rendered before</i> in
  1704 this context means
  1705 .</edit:hostreq> For SVG, that uses the painter's algorithm, <i>rendered before</i> means
  1706 all of the prior elements in pre order traversal previous to the element to
  1707 which the filter is applied.
  1709 <p>
  1710   The property which enables access to the background image is
  1711 <a>'enable-background'</a>:</p>
  1714 <div class="propdef">
  1715 <dl>
  1716   <dt id="EnableBackgroundProperty"><span class='propdef-title prop-name'>'enable-background'</span></dt>
  1717     <dd>
  1718       <table summary="enable-background property" class="propinfo"
  1719       cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  1720         <tbody>
  1721           <tr valign="baseline">
  1722             <td><em>Value:</em>  </td>
  1723             <td>accumulate | new | <a class="noxref"
  1724               href=""><span
  1725               class="value-inst-inherit noxref">inherit</span></a></td>
  1726           </tr>
  1727           <tr valign="baseline">
  1728             <td><em>Initial:</em>  </td>
  1729             <td>accumulate</td>
  1730           </tr>
  1731           <tr valign="baseline">
  1732             <td><em>Applies to:</em>  </td>
  1733             <td>Typically elements that can contain renderable elements. 
  1734               language is responsible for defining the applicable set of
  1735               elements.
  1736               For SVG: <a>container elements</a></td>
  1737           </tr>
  1738           <tr valign="baseline">
  1739             <td><em>Inherited:</em>  </td>
  1740             <td>no</td>
  1741           </tr>
  1742           <tr valign="baseline">
  1743             <td><em>Percentages:</em>  </td>
  1744             <td>N/A</td>
  1745           </tr>
  1746           <tr valign="baseline">
  1747             <td><em>Media:</em>  </td>
  1748             <td>visual</td>
  1749           </tr>
  1750           <tr valign="baseline">
  1751             <td><em>Animatable:</em>  </td>
  1752             <td>no</td>
  1753           </tr>
  1754         </tbody>
  1755       </table>
  1756     </dd>
  1757 </dl>
  1758 </div>
  1759 <p><a>'enable-background'</a> is only
  1760   applicable to <a>container elements</a>
  1761   and specifies how the <a>SVG user agent</a> manages the accumulation
  1762   of the background image.</p>
  1764 <p>
  1765   A value of <strong>new</strong> indicates two things:</p>
  1766 <ul>
  1767   <li>It enables the ability of children of the current <a>container element</a>
  1768     element to access the background image.</li>
  1769   <li>It indicates that a new (i.e., initially transparent black) background
  1770     image canvas is established and that (in effect) all children of the
  1771     current <a>container element</a>
  1772     element shall be rendered into the new background image canvas in
  1773     addition to being rendered onto the target device.</li>
  1774 </ul>
  1776 <p>
  1777   A meaning of <span class="attr-value">enable-background: accumulate</span> (the
  1778 initial/default value) depends on context:</p>
  1779 <ul>
  1780   <li>If an ancestor <a>container element</a>
  1781     element has a property value of <span class="attr-value">'enable-background:new'</span>, then all
  1782     renderable child elements of the current <a>container element</a>
  1783     element are rendered both onto the parent <a>container element</a>
  1784     element's background image canvas and onto the target device.</li>
  1785   <li>Otherwise, there is no current background image canvas, so it is only
  1786     necessary to render <a>graphics elements</a>
  1787     the renderable elements onto the target device. (No need to render to the
  1788     background image canvas.)</li>
  1789 </ul>
  1791 <p>
  1792   If a filter effect specifies either the <a>BackgroundImage</a> or the 
  1793   <a>BackgroundAlpha</a> pseudo input images and no
  1794 ancestor <a>container element</a>
  1795  element has a property value of <span class="attr-value">'enable-background:new'</span>, then the background
  1796 image request is technically in error. Processing will proceed without
  1797 interruption (i.e., no error message) and a transparent black image shall be
  1798 provided in response to the request.</p>
  1800 <h3 id="AccessBackgroundImageSVG">Accessing the background image in SVG</h3>
  1801 <p>
  1802   This section only applies to the SVG definition of enable-background.</p>
  1804 <p>
  1805   Assume you have an element E in the document and that E has a series of
  1806 ancestors A<sub>1</sub> (its immediate parent), A<sub>2</sub>, etc. (Note:
  1807 A<sub>0</sub> is E.) Each ancestor A<sub>i</sub> will have a corresponding
  1808 temporary background image offscreen buffer BUF<sub>i</sub>. The contents of
  1809 the <em>background image</em> available to a <a href="#FilterElement"><span
  1810 class="element-name">'filter'</span></a> referenced by E is defined as
  1811 follows:</p>
  1812 <ul>
  1813   <li>Find the element A<sub>i</sub> with the smallest subscript i (including
  1814     A<sub>0</sub>=E) for which the <a href="#EnableBackgroundProperty"><span
  1815     class="prop-name">'enable-background'</span></a> property has the value
  1816     <span class="prop-value">new</span>. (Note: if there is no such ancestor
  1817     element, then there is no background image available to E, in which case
  1818     a transparent black image will be used as E's background image.)</li>
  1819   <li>For each A<sub>i</sub> (from i=n to 1), initialize BUF<sub>i</sub> to
  1820     transparent black. Render all children of A<sub>i</sub> up to but not
  1821     including A<sub>i-1</sub> into BUF<sub>i</sub>. The children are painted,
  1822     then filtered, clipped, masked and composited using the various painting,
  1823     filtering, clipping, masking and object opacity settings on the given
  1824     child. Any filter effects, masking and group opacity that might be set on
  1825     A<sub>i</sub> do <em>not</em> apply when rendering the children of
  1826     A<sub>i</sub> into BUF<sub>i</sub>.<br />
  1827     (Note that for the case of A<sub>0</sub>=E, the graphical contents of E
  1828     are not rendered into BUF<sub>1</sub> and thus are not part of the
  1829     background image available to E. Instead, the graphical contents of E are
  1830     available via the <a href="#SourceGraphic">SourceGraphic</a> and <a
  1831     href="#SourceAlpha">SourceAlpha</a> pseudo input images.)</li>
  1832   <li>Then, for each A<sub>i</sub> (from i=1 to n-1), composite
  1833     BUF<sub>i</sub> into BUF<sub>i+1</sub>.</li>
  1834   <li>The accumulated result (i.e., BUF<sub>n</sub>) represents the
  1835     background image available to E.</li>
  1836 </ul>
  1838 <edit:example href="examples/enable-background-01.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  1840 <p>
  1841   The example above contains five parts, described as follows:</p>
  1842 <ol>
  1843   <li>The first set is the reference graphic. The reference graphic consists
  1844     of a red rectangle followed by a 50% transparent <span
  1845     class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1846     element. Inside the <span class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1847     is a green circle that partially overlaps the rectangle and a a blue
  1848     triangle that partially overlaps the circle. The three objects are then
  1849     outlined by a rectangle stroked with a thin blue line. No filters are
  1850     applied to the reference graphic.</li>
  1851   <li>The second set enables background image processing and adds an empty
  1852     <span class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1853     element which invokes the ShiftBGAndBlur filter. This filter takes the
  1854     current accumulated background image (i.e., the entire reference graphic)
  1855     as input, shifts its offscreen down, blurs it, and then writes the result
  1856     to the canvas. Note that the offscreen for the filter is initialized to
  1857     transparent black, which allows the already rendered rectangle, circle
  1858     and triangle to show through after the filter renders its own result to
  1859     the canvas.</li>
  1860   <li>The third set enables background image processing and instead invokes
  1861     the ShiftBGAndBlur filter on the inner <span
  1862     class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1863     element. The accumulated background at the time the filter is applied
  1864     contains only the red rectangle. Because the children of the inner <span
  1865     class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1866     (i.e., the circle and triangle) are not part of the inner <span
  1867     class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1868     element's background and because ShiftBGAndBlur ignores SourceGraphic,
  1869     the children of the inner <span class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1870     do not appear in the result.</li>
  1871   <li>The fourth set enables background image processing and invokes the
  1872     ShiftBGAndBlur on the <span class="element-name">'polygon'</span>
  1873     element that draws the triangle. The accumulated background at the time
  1874     the filter is applied contains the red rectangle plus the green circle
  1875     ignoring the effect of the <span class="prop-name">'opacity'</span>
  1876     property on the inner <span class="element-name">'g'</span>
  1877     element. (Note that the blurred green circle at the bottom does not let
  1878     the red rectangle show through on its left side. This is due to ignoring
  1879     the effect of the <span class="prop-name">'opacity'</span>
  1880     property.) Because the triangle itself is not part of the accumulated
  1881     background and because ShiftBGAndBlur ignores SourceGraphic, the triangle
  1882     does not appear in the result.</li>
  1883   <li>The fifth set is the same as the fourth except that filter
  1884     ShiftBGAndBlur_WithSourceGraphic is invoked instead of ShiftBGAndBlur.
  1885     ShiftBGAndBlur_WithSourceGraphic performs the same effect as
  1886     ShiftBGAndBlur, but then renders the SourceGraphic on top of the shifted,
  1887     blurred background image. In this case, SourceGraphic is the blue
  1888     triangle; thus, the result is the same as in the fourth case except that
  1889     the blue triangle now appears.</li>
  1890 </ol>
  1891 </edit:with>
  1893 <h2 id="FilterPrimitivesOverview">Filter primitives overview</h2>
  1895 <h3 id="FilterPrimitivesOverviewIntro">Overview</h3>
  1897 <p>
  1898   This section describes the various filter primtives that can be assembled
  1899 to achieve a particular filter effect.</p>
  1901 <p>
  1902   Unless otherwise stated, all image filters operate on premultiplied RGBA
  1903 samples. Filters which work more naturally on non-premultiplied data
  1904 (<a>'feColorMatrix'</a> and <a>'feComponentTransfer'</a>) will temporarily undo and redo
  1905 premultiplication as specified. All raster effect filtering operations take 1
  1906 to N input RGBA images, additional attributes as parameters, and produce a
  1907 single output RGBA image.</p>
  1909 <p>
  1910   The RGBA result from each filter primitive will be clamped into the
  1911 allowable ranges for colors and opacity values. Thus, for example, the result
  1912 from a given <a>filter primitive</a> will have any negative color values or opacity
  1913 values adjusted up to color/opacity of zero.</p>
  1915 <p id="filtersColorSpace">The color space in which a particular <a>filter primitive</a> performs its
  1916 operations is determined by the value of property <a>'color-interpolation-filters'</a> on the given <a>filter
  1917 primitive</a>. A different property, <a>'color-interpolation'</a> determines the color space for
  1918 other color operations. Because these two properties have different initial
  1919 values (<a>'color-interpolation-filters'</a> has an
  1920 initial value of <span class="prop-value">linearRGB</span> whereas <a>'color-interpolation'</a> has an initial value of <span class="prop-value">sRGB</span>), in some cases to achieve certain results
  1921 (e.g., when coordinating gradient interpolation with a filtering operation)
  1922 it will be necessary to explicitly set <a>'color-interpolation'</a> to <span
  1923 class="prop-value">linearRGB</span> or <a>'color-interpolation-filters'</a> to <span
  1924 class="prop-value">sRGB</span> on particular elements. Note that the examples
  1925 below do not explicitly set either <a>'color-interpolation'</a> or <a>'color-interpolation-filters'</a>, so the initial values for these properties apply to the examples.</p>
  1927 <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_undefinedPixels">Sometimes <a>filter primitives</a> result in undefined pixels. For example,
  1928 filter primitive <a>'feOffset'</a> can shift an image down and to the
  1929 right, leaving undefined pixels at the top and left. In these cases, the
  1930 undefined pixels are set to transparent black.</span></p>
  1932 <h3 id="CommonAttributes">Common attributes</h3>
  1934 <p>
  1935   The following attributes are available for most of the filter
  1936 primitives:</p>
  1938 <div class="adef-list">
  1939 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  1940 <dl>
  1941   <dt id="FilterPrimitiveXAttribute">
  1942   <span class="adef">x</span> = "<em><a>&lt;coordinate&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1943     <dd><p>
  1944   The minimum x coordinate for the subregion which restricts
  1945       calculation and rendering of the given <a>filter primitive</a>. See <a>filter primitive subregion</a>.</p>
  1946     <p>
  1947   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <span class="attr-name">x</span> is <span class="attr-value">0%</span>.</p>
  1948         <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  1949   </dd>
  1950   <dt id="FilterPrimitiveYAttribute">
  1951   <span class="adef">y</span> = "<em><a>&lt;coordinate&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1952     <dd><p>
  1953   The minimum y coordinate for the subregion which restricts
  1954       calculation and rendering of the given <a>filter primitive</a>. See <a>filter primitive subregion</a>. </p>
  1955     <p>
  1956   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <span class="attr-name">y</span> is <span class="attr-value">0%</span>.</p>
  1957         <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  1958   </dd>
  1959   <dt id="FilterPrimitiveWidthAttribute">
  1960   <span class="adef">width</span> = "<em><a>&lt;length&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1961     <dd><p>
  1962   The width of the subregion which restricts calculation and rendering
  1963       of the given <a>filter primitive</a>. See <a>filter primitive subregion</a>.</p>
  1964       <p>
  1965   A negative or zero value disables the effect of the given filter
  1966       primitive (i.e., the result is a transparent black image).</p>
  1967     <p>
  1968   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <span class="attr-name">width</span> is <span class="attr-value">100%</span>.</p>
  1969       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  1970   </dd>
  1971   <dt id="FilterPrimitiveHeightAttribute">
  1972   <span class="adef">height</span> = "<em><a>&lt;length&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1973     <dd><p>
  1974   The height of the subregion which restricts calculation and rendering
  1975       of the given <a>filter primitive</a>. See <a>filter primitive subregion</a>.</p>
  1976       <p>
  1977   A negative or zero value disables the effect of the given filter
  1978       primitive (i.e., the result is a transparent black image).</p>
  1979     <p>
  1980   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <span class="attr-name">height</span> is <span class="attr-value">100%</span>.</p>
  1981       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  1982   </dd>
  1983   <dt id="FilterPrimitiveResultAttribute">
  1984   <span class="adef">result</span> =
  1985   "<em><a>&lt;filter-primitive-reference&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  1986     <dd><p>
  1987   Assigned name for this <a>filter primitive</a>. If supplied, then graphics
  1988       that result from processing this <a>filter primitive</a> can be referenced by
  1989       an <a>'in'</a> attribute on a subsequent filter
  1990       primitive within the same <a>'filter element'</a> element. If no value is
  1991       provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit
  1992       input into the next <a>filter primitive</a> if that <a>filter primitive</a> provides
  1993       no value for its <a>'in'</a> attribute.</p>
  1994       <p>
  1995   Note that a <a>&lt;filter-primitive-reference&gt;</a> is not an XML
  1996       ID; instead, a <a>&lt;filter-primitive-reference&gt;</a> is only
  1997       meaningful within a given <a>'filter element'</a> element and thus have only
  1998       local scope. It is legal for the same
  1999       <a>&lt;filter-primitive-reference&gt;</a> to appear multiple times
  2000       within the same <a>'filter element'</a> element. When referenced, the
  2001       <a>&lt;filter-primitive-reference&gt;</a> will use the closest
  2002       preceding <a>filter primitive</a> with the given result.</p>
  2003       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  2004   </dd>
  2005   <dt id="FilterPrimitiveInAttribute">
  2006   <span class="adef">in</span> = "<em><a>SourceGraphic</a> | <a>SourceAlpha</a> | <a>BackgroundImage</a> | <a>BackgroundAlpha</a> | <a>FillPaint</a> | <a>StrokePaint</a> |
  2007   <a>&lt;filter-primitive-reference&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2008     <dd><p>
  2009   Identifies input for the given filter primitive. The value can be
  2010       either one of six keywords or can be a string which matches a previous
  2011       <a>'feBlend/result'</a> attribute value within the same <a>'filter element'</a>
  2012       element. If no value is provided and this is the first <a>filter primitive</a>, 
  2013   then this <a>filter primitive</a> will use <a>SourceGraphic</a>
  2014       as its input. If no value is provided and this is a subsequent <a>filter primitive</a>, 
  2015   then this <a>filter primitive</a> will use the result from the
  2016       previous <a>filter primitive</a> as its input.</p> 
  2017       <p>
  2018   If the value for <span class="attr-name">result</span> appears
  2019       multiple times within a given <a>'filter element'</a> element, then a reference to
  2020       that result will use the closest preceding <a>filter primitive</a> with the
  2021       given value for attribute <a>'feBlend/result'</a>.
  2022       Forward references to results are not allowed, and will be treated as
  2023       if no result was specified. </p>
  2024       <p>
  2025   Definitions for the six keywords: </p>
  2026       <dl>
  2027         <dt id="SourceGraphic"><span class="attr-value">SourceGraphic</span></dt>
  2028           <dd><p>
  2029   This keyword represents the graphics elements
  2030             that were the original input into the <a>'filter element'</a> element. For raster
  2031             effects <a>filter primitives</a>, the graphics elements
  2032             will be rasterized into an initially clear RGBA raster in image
  2033             space. Pixels left untouched by the original graphic will be left
  2034             clear. The image is specified to be rendered in linear RGBA
  2035             pixels. The alpha channel of this image captures any
  2036             anti-aliasing specified by SVG. (Since the raster is linear, the
  2037             alpha channel of this image will represent the exact percent
  2038             coverage of each pixel.)</p></dd>
  2039         <dt id="SourceAlpha"><span class="attr-value">SourceAlpha</span></dt>
  2040           <dd><p>
  2041   This keyword represents the graphics elements
  2042             that were the original input into the <a>'filter element'</a> element. 
  2043       <a>SourceAlpha</a> has all of the same rules
  2044             as <a>SourceGraphic</a> except that only the
  2045             alpha channel is used. The input image is an RGBA image
  2046             consisting of implicitly black color values for the RGB channels,
  2047             but whose alpha channel is the same as <a>SourceGraphic</a>.</p>
  2048       <p class="note implementation">If this option is
  2049             used, then some implementations might need to rasterize the
  2050             graphics elements
  2051             in order to extract the alpha channel.</p>
  2052     </dd>
  2053         <dt id="BackgroundImage"><span class="attr-value">BackgroundImage</span></dt>
  2054           <dd><p>
  2055   This keyword represents an image snapshot of the canvas under
  2056             the <a>filter region</a> at the time that the <a>'filter element'</a> element was invoked. See
  2057             <a href="#AccessingBackgroundImage">accessing the background
  2058             image</a>.</p>
  2059       </dd>
  2060         <dt id="BackgroundAlpha"><span class="attr-value">BackgroundAlpha</span></dt>
  2061           <dd><p>
  2062   Same as <a>BackgroundImage</a> except
  2063             only the alpha channel is used. See <a>SourceAlpha</a> and <a
  2064             href="#AccessingBackgroundImage">accessing the background
  2065             image</a>.</p>
  2066       </dd>
  2068         <dt id="FillPaint"><span class="attr-value">FillPaint</span></dt>
  2069           <dd>
  2070       <p>
  2071   This keyword represents the target element <i>rendered filled</i>.</p>
  2072       <p>
  2073   For svg this keyword represents the value of the <a>'fill'</a>
  2074             property on the target element for the filter effect.</p>
  2075       <p>
  2076   For non-SVG cases <a>FillPaint</a> generates a transparent black image. 
  2077         <span class="specissue">ISSUE: Consider whether this should be e.g the CSS bounding box filled with the current color, or if it makes sense to use the 'fill' property for this case too.</span>
  2078       </p>
  2079       <p class="note authoring">Note that text is generally painted filled, not stroked.</p>
  2080       <p>
  2081   The <a>FillPaint</a> image has conceptually infinite extent. 
  2082       Frequently this image is opaque everywhere, but it might not be if the "paint"
  2083       itself has alpha, as in the case of a gradient or pattern which
  2084       itself includes transparent or semi-transparent parts.</p>
  2085       </dd>
  2086         <dt id="StrokePaint"><span class="attr-value">StrokePaint</span></dt>
  2087           <dd>
  2088       <p>
  2089   This keyword represents the target element <i>rendered stroked</i>.</p>
  2090       <p>
  2091   For svg this keyword represents the value of the <a>'stroke'</a>
  2092          on the target element for the filter effect.</p>
  2093       <p>
  2094   For non-SVG cases <a>StrokePaint</a> generates a transparent black image. 
  2095         <span class="specissue">ISSUE: Consider whether this should be e.g the CSS bounding box filled with the one of the border colors, or if it makes sense to use the 'stroke' property for this case too.</span>
  2096       </p>
  2097       <p class="note authoring">Note that text is generally painted filled, not stroked.</p>
  2098         <p>
  2099   The <a>StrokePaint</a> image has conceptually infinite extent.
  2100       Frequently this image is opaque everywhere, but it 
  2101       might not be if the "paint"
  2102       itself has alpha, as in the case of a gradient or pattern which
  2103       itself includes transparent or semi-transparent parts.
  2104       </p>
  2105       </dd>
  2106         </dl>
  2107       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  2108   </dd>
  2109   </dl>
  2110 </div>
  2112 <h3 id="FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">Filter primitive subregion</h3>
  2114 <p class="todo">Merge <a href="">CSS shaders <a href="">processing model</p> with
  2115     this section or the filter regions section.</p>
  2117 <edit:with element="feBlend">
  2118 <p>
  2119 All <a>filter primitives</a> have attributes <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>,
  2120 <a>'width'</a> and <a>'height'</a> which
  2121 together identify a subregion which restricts calculation and rendering of
  2122 the given <a>filter primitive</a>. The <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>,
  2123 <a>'width'</a> and <a>'height'</a> attributes are defined
  2124 according to the same rules as other <a>filter primitives</a>' coordinate and length
  2125 attributes and thus represent values in the coordinate system established by
  2126 attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a> element.
  2127 </p>
  2129 <p><a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>,
  2130 <a>'width'</a> and <a>'height'</a> default to the union (i.e., tightest fitting bounding
  2131 box) of the subregions defined for all referenced nodes. If there are no
  2132 referenced nodes (e.g., for <a>'feImage'</a> or <a>'feTurbulence'</a>), or one or more of the
  2133 referenced nodes is a standard input (one of <a>SourceGraphic</a>, <a>SourceAlpha</a>, <a>BackgroundImage</a>, <a>BackgroundAlpha</a>,
  2134 <a href="#FillPaint"><span class="attr-value">FillPaint</span></a> or <a
  2135 href="#StrokePaint"><span class="attr-value">StrokePaint</span></a>), or for
  2136 <a href="#feTileElement"><span class="element-name">'feTile'</span></a>
  2137 (which is special because its principal function is to replicate the
  2138 referenced node in X and Y and thereby produce a usually larger result), the
  2139 default subregion is <span class="attr-value">0%, 0%, 100%, 100%</span>, 
  2140 where as a special-case the percentages are relative to the dimensions of the <a>filter region</a>, 
  2141 thus making the default <a>filter primitive subregion</a> equal to the <a>filter region</a>.
  2142 </p>
  2144 <p>
  2145   If the <a>filter primitive
  2146 subregion</a> has a negative or zero width or height, the effect of the filter
  2147 primitive is disabled. </p>
  2149 <p>
  2150   The <a>filter primitive subregion</a> act as a hard clip clipping rectangle on both the
  2151 filter primitive's input image(s) and the filter primitive result.</p>
  2152 <p class="specissue">ISSUE: Consider making it possible to do select between clip-input, clip-output, clip-both or none.</p>
  2154 <p>
  2155   All intermediate offscreens are defined to not exceed the intersection of
  2156 the <a>filter primitive subregion</a> with the <a>filter region</a>. 
  2157 The <a>filter region</a> and any of the filter primitive subregions are
  2158 to be set up such that all offscreens are made big enough to accommodate any
  2159 pixels which even partly intersect with either the <a>filter region</a> or the
  2160 filter primitive subregions.</p>
  2162 <p><a>'feTile'</a> references a previous filter primitive and then stitches the tiles together
  2163 based on the <a>filter primitive subregion</a> of the referenced filter primitive in
  2164 order to fill its own <a>filter primitive subregion</a>.</p>
  2166 <edit:example href="examples/filtersubregion00.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  2168 <p>
  2169 In the example above there are three rects that each have a cross and a circle in them.
  2171 The circle element in each one has a different filter applied, but with the same <a>filter primitive subregion</a>.
  2172 The filter output should be limited to the <a>filter primitive subregion</a>, so you should never see the circles 
  2173 themselves, just the rects that make up the <a>filter primitive subregion</a>. 
  2174 </p>
  2175 <ul>
  2176 <li>
  2177 The upper left rect shows an <a>'feFlood'</a> with <span class="attr-name">flood-opacity</span>="<span class="attr-value">75%</span>" so the cross should be visible through the green rect in the middle.
  2178 </li>
  2179 <li>
  2180 The lower left rect shows an <a>'feMerge'</a> that merges <a>SourceGraphic</a> with <a>FillPaint</a>. Since the circle has <span class="attr-name">fill-opacity</span>="<span class="attr-value">0.5</span>" it will also be transparent so that the cross is visible through the green rect in the middle.
  2181 </li>
  2182 <li>The upper right rect shows an <a>'feBlend'</a> that has <span class="attr-name">mode</span>="<span class="attr-value">multiply</span>". Since the circle in this case isn't transparent the result is totally opaque. The rect should be dark green and the cross should not be visible through it.
  2183 </li>
  2184 </ul>
  2186 </edit:with>
  2188 <h2 id="LightSourceDefinitions">Light source elements and properties</h2>
  2190 <h3 id="LightSourceIntro">Introduction</h3>
  2192 <p>
  2193   The following sections define the elements that define a light source, <a>'feDistantLight'</a>, 
  2194 <a>'fePointLight'</a> and <a>'feSpotLight'</a>,
  2195 and property <a>'lighting-color'</a>, which defines the color of the
  2196 light.</p>
  2198 <h3 id="feDistantLightElement">Light source <span class="element-name">'feDistantLight'</span></h3>
  2200 <edit:elementsummary name='feDistantLight'/>
  2201 <edit:with element='feDistantLight'>
  2203 <div class="adef-list">
  2204 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  2205 <dl>
  2206   <dt id="feDistantLightAzimuthAttribute"><span
  2207   class="adef">azimuth</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2208     <dd>Direction angle for the light source on the XY plane (clockwise), in
  2209       degrees from the x axis.<br />
  2210       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'azimuth'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2211       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2212   <dt id="feDistantLightElevationAttribute"><span
  2213   class="adef">elevation</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2214     <dd>Direction angle for the light source from the XY plane towards the Z-axis, in degrees.
  2215     Note that the positive Z-axis points towards the viewer.<br />
  2216     The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'elevation'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2217     <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2218 </dl>
  2219 </div>
  2221 <p>
  2222   The following diagram illustrates the angles which <a>'azimuth'</a>
  2223   and <a>'elevation'</a> represent in an XYZ coordinate system.
  2224 </p>
  2225 <img src="examples/azimuth-elevation.png" alt="Angles which azimuth and elevation represent" width="480" height="360" />
  2226 </edit:with>
  2228 <h3 id="fePointLightElement">Light source <span class="element-name">'fePointLight'</span></h3>
  2230 <edit:elementsummary name='fePointLight'/>
  2232 <div class="adef-list">
  2233 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  2234 <dl>
  2235   <dt id="fePointLightXAttribute"><span
  2236   class="adef">x</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2237     <dd>X location for the light source in the coordinate system established
  2238       by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a
  2239       href="#FilterElement"><span class="element-name">'filter'</span></a>
  2240       element.<br />
  2241       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'fePointLight/x'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2242       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2243   <dt id="fePointLightYAttribute"><span
  2244   class="adef">y</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2245     <dd>Y location for the light source in the coordinate system established
  2246       by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  2247       element.<br />
  2248       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'fePointLight/y'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2249       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2250   <dt id="fePointLightZAttribute"><span
  2251   class="adef">z</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2252     <dd>Z location for the light source in the coordinate system established
  2253       by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  2254       element, assuming that, in the <a>initial coordinate system</a>
  2255       , the positive Z-axis comes out towards the person viewing the content
  2256       and assuming that one unit along the Z-axis equals <a href="">one unit in X and Y</a>.<br />
  2257       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'fePointLight/z'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2258       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2259 </dl>
  2260 </div>
  2262 <h3 id="feSpotLightElement">Light source <span class="element-name">'feSpotLight'</span></h3>
  2264 <edit:elementsummary name='feSpotLight'/>
  2265 <edit:with element='feSpotLight'>
  2267 <div class="adef-list">
  2268 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  2269 <dl>
  2270   <dt id="feSpotLightXAttribute"><span
  2271   class="adef">x</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2272     <dd>X location for the light source in the coordinate system established
  2273       by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  2274       element.<br />
  2275       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feSpotLight/x'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2276       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2277   <dt id="feSpotLightYAttribute"><span
  2278   class="adef">y</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2279     <dd>Y location for the light source in the coordinate system established
  2280       by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  2281       element.<br />
  2282       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feSpotLight/y'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2283      <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2284   <dt id="feSpotLightZAttribute"><span
  2285   class="adef">z</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2286     <dd>Z location for the light source in the coordinate system established
  2287       by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  2288       element, assuming that, in the <a>initial coordinate system</a>
  2289       , the positive Z-axis comes out towards the person viewing the content
  2290       and assuming that one unit along the Z-axis equals <a href="">one unit in X and Y</a>.<br />
  2291       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feSpotLight/z'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2292       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2293   <dt id="feSpotLightPointsAtXAttribute"><span
  2294   class="adef">pointsAtX</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2295     <dd>X location in the coordinate system established by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> 
  2296       on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  2297       element of the point at which the light source is pointing.<br />
  2298       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'pointsAtX'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2299       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2300   <dt id="feSpotLightPointsAtYAttribute"><span
  2301   class="adef">pointsAtY</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2302     <dd>Y location in the coordinate system established by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> 
  2303       on the <a>'filter element'</a> element of the point at which the light source is pointing.<br />
  2304       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'pointsAtY'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2305       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2306   <dt id="feSpotLightPointsAtZAttribute"><span
  2307   class="adef">pointsAtZ</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2308     <dd>Z location in the coordinate system established by the
  2309         attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a> element of
  2310         the point at which the light source is pointing, assuming that, in the
  2311         <a>initial coordinate system</a>, the positive Z-axis comes out
  2312          towards the person viewing the content and assuming that
  2313          one unit along the Z-axis equals 
  2314          <a href="">
  2315          one unit in X and Y</a>.<br />
  2316       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'pointsAtZ'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2317       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2318   <dt id="feSpotLightSpecularExponentAttribute"><span
  2319   class="adef">specularExponent</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2320     <dd>Exponent value controlling the focus for the light source.<br />
  2321       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'specularExponent'</a> is <span class="attr-value">1</span>.<br />
  2322       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2323   <dt id="feSpotLightLimitingConeAngleAttribute"><span
  2324   class="adef">limitingConeAngle</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2325     <dd>A limiting cone which restricts the region where the light is
  2326       projected. No light is projected outside the cone. <span
  2327       class="attr-name">limitingConeAngle</span> represents the angle in degrees between
  2328       the spot light axis (i.e. the axis between the light source and the
  2329       point to which it is pointing at) and the spot light cone. <span class="requirement" id="assert_userAgentLightingConeSmoothing">User agents
  2330       should apply a smoothing technique such as anti-aliasing at the
  2331       boundary of the cone.</span><br />
  2332       If no value is specified, then no limiting cone will be applied.<br />
  2333       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2334 </dl>
  2335 </div>
  2336 </edit:with>
  2338 <h3 id="LightingColorProperty">The <span class="prop-name">'lighting-color'</span> property</h3>
  2340 <p>
  2341   The <a>'lighting-color'</a> property defines the
  2342 color of the light source for <a>filter primitives</a> <a>'feDiffuseLighting'</a> and <a>'feSpecularLighting'</a>.</p>
  2344 <div class="propdef">
  2345 <dl>
  2346   <dt><span class="index-def" title="'margin-top'"><a
  2347   id="propdef-lighting-color" name="propdef-lighting-color"
  2348   class="propdef-title"><span
  2349   class="prop-name">'lighting-color'</span></a></span></dt>
  2350     <dd>
  2351       <table summary="lighting-color property" class="propinfo"
  2352       cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  2353         <tbody>
  2354           <tr valign="baseline">
  2355             <td><em>Value:</em>  </td>
  2356             <td>currentColor |<br />
  2357               <a>&lt;color&gt;</a>
  2358               [<a>&lt;icccolor&gt;</a>] |<br />
  2359               <a class="noxref"
  2360               href=""><span
  2361               class="value-inst-inherit noxref">inherit</span></a></td>
  2362           </tr>
  2363           <tr valign="baseline">
  2364             <td><em>Initial:</em>  </td>
  2365             <td>white</td>
  2366           </tr>
  2367           <tr valign="baseline">
  2368             <td><em>Applies to:</em>  </td>
  2369             <td><a>'feDiffuseLighting'</a> and <a>'feSpecularLighting'</a>
  2370             elements</td>
  2371           </tr>
  2372           <tr valign="baseline">
  2373             <td><em>Inherited:</em>  </td>
  2374             <td>no</td>
  2375           </tr>
  2376           <tr valign="baseline">
  2377             <td><em>Percentages:</em>  </td>
  2378             <td>N/A</td>
  2379           </tr>
  2380           <tr valign="baseline">
  2381             <td><em>Media:</em>  </td>
  2382             <td>visual</td>
  2383           </tr>
  2384           <tr valign="baseline">
  2385             <td><em>Animatable:</em>  </td>
  2386             <td>yes</td>
  2387           </tr>
  2388         </tbody>
  2389       </table>
  2390     </dd>
  2391 </dl>
  2392 </div>
  2394 <h2 id="feBlendElement">Filter primitive <span class="element-name">'feBlend'</span></h2>
  2396 <edit:elementsummary name='feBlend'/>
  2397 <edit:with element='feBlend'>
  2399 <p>
  2400   This filter composites two objects together using commonly used imaging
  2401 software blending modes. It performs a pixel-wise combination of two input
  2402 images.</p>
  2404 <div class="adef-list">
  2405 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  2406 <dl>
  2407   <dt id="feBlendModeAttribute"><span
  2408   class="adef">mode</span> = "<em>normal | multiply | screen | darken |
  2409   lighten</em>"</dt>
  2410     <dd>One of the image blending modes (see <a
  2411       href="#BlendingTable">table</a> below). The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'mode'</a> is <span class="attr-value">normal</span>.<br />
  2412       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2413   <dt id="feBlendIn2Attribute"><span
  2414   class="adef">in2</span> = "<em>(see <a
  2415   href="#FilterPrimitiveInAttribute"><span class="attr-name">in</span></a>
  2416   attribute)</em>"</dt>
  2417     <dd>The second input image to the blending operation. This attribute can
  2418       take on the same values as the <a
  2419       href="#FilterPrimitiveInAttribute"><span
  2420       class="attr-name">in</span></a> attribute.<br />
  2421       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2422 </dl>
  2423 </div>
  2425 <p>
  2426   For all feBlend modes, the result opacity is computed as follows:</p>
  2427 <pre>qr = 1 - (1-qa)*(1-qb)</pre>
  2429 <p>
  2430   For the compositing formulas below, the following definitions apply:</p>
  2431 <pre>image A = in
  2432 image B = in2
  2433 cr = Result color (RGB) - premultiplied 
  2434 qa = Opacity value at a given pixel for image A 
  2435 qb = Opacity value at a given pixel for image B 
  2436 ca = Color (RGB) at a given pixel for image A - premultiplied 
  2437 cb = Color (RGB) at a given pixel for image B - premultiplied </pre>
  2439 <p id="BlendingTable">The following table
  2440 provides the list of available image blending modes:</p>
  2442 <div class="note-editor">
  2443 ED: make table look nicer</div>
  2445 <table summary="blending modes" width="500" border="1">
  2446   <tbody>
  2447     <tr>
  2448       <td>Image Blending Mode</td>
  2449       <td>Formula for computing result color</td>
  2450     </tr>
  2451     <tr>
  2452       <td>normal</td>
  2453       <td>cr = (1 - qa) * cb + ca</td>
  2454     </tr>
  2455     <tr>
  2456       <td>multiply</td>
  2457       <td>cr = (1-qa)*cb + (1-qb)*ca + ca*cb</td>
  2458     </tr>
  2459     <tr>
  2460       <td>screen</td>
  2461       <td>cr = cb + ca - ca * cb</td>
  2462     </tr>
  2463     <tr>
  2464       <td>darken</td>
  2465       <td>cr = Min ((1 - qa) * cb + ca, (1 - qb) * ca + cb)</td>
  2466     </tr>
  2467     <tr>
  2468       <td>lighten</td>
  2469       <td>cr = Max ((1 - qa) * cb + ca, (1 - qb) * ca + cb)</td>
  2470     </tr>
  2471   </tbody>
  2472 </table>
  2474 <p>
  2475   The <span class="attr-value">'normal'</span> blend mode is equivalent to <a
  2476 href="#feCompositeOperatorAttribute"><span
  2477 class="attr-value">operator="over"</span></a> on the <a>'feComposite'</a>
  2478 filter primitive, matches the blending method used by <a>'feMerge'</a> and matches
  2479 the <a>simple alpha compositing</a> technique used in SVG for all compositing outside of filter effects.</p>
  2481 </edit:with>
  2482 <edit:example href="examples/feBlend.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  2484 <h2 id="feColorMatrixElement">Filter primitive <span class="element-name">'feColorMatrix'</span></h2>
  2486 <edit:elementsummary name='feColorMatrix'/>
  2488 <p>
  2489   This filter applies a matrix transformation:</p>
  2490 <object data="mathml/feColorMatrix00.mml" type="application/mathml+xml" width="100%" height="140">
  2491 <pre>| R' |     | a00 a01 a02 a03 a04 |   | R |
  2492 | G' |     | a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 |   | G |
  2493 | B' |  =  | a20 a21 a22 a23 a24 | * | B |
  2494 | A' |     | a30 a31 a32 a33 a34 |   | A |
  2495 | 1  |     |  0   0   0   0   1  |   | 1 |</pre>
  2496 </object>
  2498 <p>
  2499   on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel on the input graphics to
  2500 produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values.</p>
  2502 <p>
  2503   The calculations are performed on non-premultiplied color values. If the
  2504 input graphics consists of premultiplied color values, those values are
  2505 automatically converted into non-premultiplied color values for this
  2506 operation.</p>
  2508 <p>
  2509   These matrices often perform an identity mapping in the alpha channel. If
  2510 that is the case, an implementation can avoid the costly undoing and redoing
  2511 of the premultiplication for all pixels with A = 1.</p>
  2513 <div class="adef-list">
  2514 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  2515 <dl>
  2516   <dt id="feColorMatrixTypeAttribute"><span class="adef">type</span> =
  2517   "<em>matrix | saturate | hueRotate | luminanceToAlpha</em>"</dt>
  2518     <dd>Indicates the type of matrix operation. The keyword <span
  2519       class="attr-name">matrix</span> indicates that a full 5x4 matrix of
  2520       values will be provided. The other keywords represent convenience
  2521       shortcuts to allow commonly used color operations to be performed
  2522       without specifying a complete matrix.
  2523       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'type'</a> is <span class="attr-value">matrix</span>.
  2524       <br />
  2525       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2526   <dt id="feColorMatrixValuesAttribute"><span class="adef">values</span> =
  2527   "<em>list of <a>&lt;number&gt;</a>s</em>"</dt>
  2528     <dd>The contents of <span class="attr-name">values</span> depends on the
  2529       value of attribute <a href="#feColorMatrixTypeAttribute"><span
  2530       class="attr-name">type</span></a>: 
  2531       <ul>
  2532         <li>For <span class="attr-value">type="matrix"</span>, <span
  2533           class="attr-name">values</span> is a list of 20 matrix values (a00
  2534           a01 a02 a03 a04 a10 a11 ... a34), separated by whitespace and/or a
  2535           comma. For example, the identity matrix could be expressed as: 
  2536           <pre>type="matrix" 
  2537 values="1 0 0 0 0  0 1 0 0 0  0 0 1 0 0  0 0 0 1 0"</pre>
  2538         </li>
  2539         <li>For <span class="attr-value">type="saturate"</span>, <span
  2540           class="attr-name">values</span> is a single real number value.
  2541           A <span class="attr-value">saturate</span> operation is
  2542           equivalent to the following matrix operation: 
  2543       <p>
  2544       <object data="mathml/feColorMatrix01.mml" type="application/mathml+xml" width="100%" height="130">
  2545           <pre>| R' |     | (0.2126 + 0.7873s)  (0.7152 - 0.7152s)  (0.0722 - 0.0722s) 0  0 |   | R |
  2546 | G' |     | (0.2126 - 0.2126s)  (0.7152 + 0.2848s)  (0.0722 - 0.0722s) 0  0 |   | G |
  2547 | B' |  =  | (0.2126 - 0.2126s)  (0.7152 - 0.7152s)  (0.0722 + 0.9278s) 0  0 | * | B |
  2548 | A' |     |           0                   0                   0        1  0 |   | A |
  2549 | 1  |     |           0                   0                   0        0  1 |   | 1 |</pre>
  2550       </object>
  2551       </p>
  2552       <div class="note authoring">A value of <span class="attr-value">0</span> produces a fully desaturated (grayscale) filter result,
  2553       while a value of <span class="attr-value">1</span> passes the filter input image through unchanged.
  2554       Values outside the 0..1 range under- or oversaturates the filter input image respectively.</div>
  2555         </li>
  2556         <li>For <span class="attr-value">type="hueRotate"</span>, <span
  2557           class="attr-name">values</span> is a single one real number value
  2558           (degrees). A <span class="attr-value">hueRotate</span> operation is
  2559           equivalent to the following matrix operation: 
  2560       <p>
  2561       <object data="mathml/feColorMatrix02.mml" type="application/mathml+xml" width="100%" height="130">
  2562           <pre>| R' |     | a00  a01  a02  0  0 |   | R |
  2563 | G' |     | a10  a11  a12  0  0 |   | G |
  2564 | B' |  =  | a20  a21  a22  0  0 | * | B |
  2565 | A' |     | 0    0    0    1  0 |   | A |
  2566 | 1  |     | 0    0    0    0  1 |   | 1 |</pre>
  2567     </object>
  2568     </p>
  2570           where the terms a00, a01, etc. are calculated as follows: 
  2571       <p>
  2572     <object data="mathml/feColorMatrix03.mml" type="application/mathml+xml" width="100%" height="230">
  2573           <pre>| a00 a01 a02 |     [0.2126 0.7152 0.0722]
  2574 | a10 a11 a12 | =   [0.2126 0.7152 0.0722] +
  2575 | a20 a21 a22 |     [0.2126 0.7152 0.0722]
  2577                                             [ 0.7873 -0.7152 -0.0722]
  2578                     cos(hueRotate value) *  [-0.2126  0.2848 -0.0722] +
  2579                                             [-0.2126 -0.7152  0.9278]
  2581                                             [-0.2126 -0.7152  0.9278]
  2582                     sin(hueRotate value) *  [ 0.143   0.140  -0.283 ]
  2583                                             [-0.7873  0.7152  0.0722]</pre>
  2584     </object>
  2585     </p>
  2586           Thus, the upper left term of the hue matrix turns out to be:
  2587       <p>
  2588     <object data="mathml/feColorMatrix04.mml" type="application/mathml+xml" width="100%" height="30"> 
  2589           <pre>0.2127 + cos(hueRotate value) * 0.7873 - sin(hueRotate value) * 0.2127</pre>
  2590       </object>
  2591       </p>
  2593         </li>
  2594         <li>For <span class="attr-value">type="luminanceToAlpha"</span>,
  2595           <span class="attr-name">values</span> is not applicable. A <span
  2596           class="attr-value">luminanceToAlpha</span> operation is equivalent
  2597           to the following matrix operation: 
  2598       <p>
  2599       <object data="mathml/feColorMatrix05.mml" type="application/mathml+xml" width="100%" height="130">
  2600           <pre>   | R' |     |      0        0        0  0  0 |   | R |
  2601    | G' |     |      0        0        0  0  0 |   | G |
  2602    | B' |  =  |      0        0        0  0  0 | * | B |
  2603    | A' |     | 0.2126   0.7152   0.0722  0  0 |   | A |
  2604    | 1  |     |      0        0        0  0  1 |   | 1 |</pre>
  2605    </object>
  2606    </p>
  2607         </li>
  2608       </ul>
  2609       If the attribute is not specified, then the default behavior depends on
  2610       the value of attribute <a>'feColorMatrix/type'</a>. If <span
  2611       class="attr-value">type="matrix"</span>, then this attribute defaults
  2612       to the identity matrix. If <span
  2613       class="attr-value">type="saturate"</span>, then this attribute defaults
  2614       to the value <span class="attr-value">1</span>, which results in the
  2615       identity matrix. If <span class="attr-value">type="hueRotate"</span>,
  2616       then this attribute defaults to the value <span
  2617       class="attr-value">0</span>, which results in the identity matrix.<br />
  2618       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span> </dd>
  2619 </dl>
  2620 </div>
  2622 <edit:example href="examples/feColorMatrix.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  2624 <h2 id="feComponentTransferElement">Filter primitive <span class="element-name">'feComponentTransfer'</span></h2>
  2626 <edit:elementsummary name='feComponentTransfer'/>
  2628 <p>
  2629   This filter primitive performs component-wise remapping of data as
  2630 follows:</p>
  2631 <pre>R' = <a href="#feFuncRElement">feFuncR</a>( R )
  2632 G' = <a href="#feFuncGElement">feFuncG</a>( G )
  2633 B' = <a href="#feFuncBElement">feFuncB</a>( B )
  2634 A' = <a href="#feFuncAElement">feFuncA</a>( A )</pre>
  2636 <p>
  2637   for every pixel. It allows operations like brightness adjustment, contrast
  2638 adjustment, color balance or thresholding.</p>
  2640 <p>
  2641   The calculations are performed on non-premultiplied color values. If the
  2642 input graphics consists of premultiplied color values, those values are
  2643 automatically converted into non-premultiplied color values for this
  2644 operation. (Note that the undoing and redoing of the premultiplication can be
  2645 avoided if <a>'feFuncA'</a> is the identity transform
  2646 and all alpha values on the source graphic are set to 1.)</p>
  2648 <p>
  2649   The child elements of a <a>'feComponentTransfer'</a> element specify the
  2650 transfer functions for the four channels:</p>
  2652 <ul id="transferFuncElements">
  2653   <li><a>'feFuncR'</a> — transfer function for the red component of the input graphic</li> 
  2654   <li><a>'feFuncG'</a> — transfer function for the green component of the input graphic</li> 
  2655   <li><a>'feFuncB'</a> — transfer function for the blue component of the input graphic</li> 
  2656   <li><a>'feFuncA'</a> — transfer function for the alpha component of the input graphic</li> 
  2657 </ul>
  2659 <p>
  2660   The following rules apply to the processing of the <a>'feComponentTransfer'</a> element:</p>
  2661 <ul>
  2662   <li>If more than one <a>transfer function element</a> of the same kind is specified, the last occurrence is to be used.</li>
  2663   <li>If any of the <a>transfer function elements</a> are unspecified, the <a>'feComponentTransfer'</a> must be processed as if those <a>transfer function elements</a> were specified with their <a>'type'</a> attributes set to <span class="attr-value">'identity'</span>.</li>
  2664 </ul>
  2666 <edit:with element='feFuncR'>
  2668 <div id='feFuncRElement'>
  2669 <edit:elementsummary name='feFuncR'/>
  2670 </div>
  2672 <div id='feFuncGElement'>
  2673 <edit:elementsummary name='feFuncG'/>
  2674 </div>
  2676 <div id='feFuncBElement'>
  2677 <edit:elementsummary name='feFuncB'/>
  2678 </div>
  2680 <div id='feFuncAElement'>
  2681 <edit:elementsummary name='feFuncA'/>
  2682 </div>
  2684 <p id="TransferFunctionElementAttributes">The attributes below are the
  2685 <span class='SVG-TermDefine'>transfer function element attributes</span>,
  2686 which apply to the <a>transfer function elements</a>.</p>
  2688 <div class="adef-list">
  2689 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  2690 <dl>
  2691   <dt id="feComponentTransferTypeAttribute"><span class="adef">type</span>
  2692   = "<em>identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma</em>"</dt>
  2693     <dd><p>
  2694   Indicates the type of component transfer function. The type of
  2695       function determines the applicability of the other attributes.</p>
  2696       <p>
  2697   In the following, C is the initial component (e.g.,
  2698          <a>'feFuncR'</a>), C' is the remapped component; both
  2699          in the closed interval [0,1].</p>
  2700       <ul>
  2701         <li>For <span class="attr-value">identity</span>: 
  2702           <pre>C' = C</pre>
  2703         </li>
  2704         <li>For <span class="attr-value">table</span>, the function is
  2705           defined by linear interpolation
  2706           between values given in the attribute
  2707           <a>'tableValues'</a>. The table has <em>n+1</em>
  2708           values (i.e., v<sub>0</sub> to v<sub>n</sub>)
  2709           specifying the start and end values for <em>n</em>
  2710           evenly sized interpolation regions. Interpolations
  2711           use the following formula:
  2713           <p>
  2714   For a value <code>C &lt; 1</code> find <code>k</code> such that:</p>
  2715           <p class="filterformula">k/n &lt;= C &lt; (k+1)/n</p>
  2717           <p>
  2718   The result <code>C'</code> is given by:</p>
  2719           <p class="filterformula">C' = v<sub>k</sub> + (C - k/n)*n * (v<sub>k+1</sub> - v<sub>k</sub>)</p>
  2721           <p>
  2722   If <code>C = 1</code> then:</p>
  2723           <p class="filterformula">C' = v<sub>n</sub>.</p>
  2724         </li>
  2725         <li>For <span class="attr-value">discrete</span>, the function is defined by the step function
  2726           given in the attribute <a>'tableValues'</a>, which provides a list of
  2727           <em>n</em> values (i.e., v<sub>0</sub> to v<sub>n-1</sub>) in order
  2728           to identify a step function consisting of <em>n</em> steps. The
  2729           step function is defined by the following formula:
  2731           <p>
  2732   For a value <code>C &lt; 1</code> find <code>k</code> such that:</p>
  2733           <p class="filterformula">k/n &lt;= C &lt; (k+1)/n</p>
  2735           <p>
  2736   For a value <code>C</code> pick a <code>k</code> such that:</p>
  2737           <p class="filterformula">k/N &lt;= C &lt; (k+1)/N</p>
  2739           <p>
  2740   The result <code>C'</code> is given by:</p>
  2741           <p class="filterformula">C' = v<sub>k</sub></p>
  2742           <p>
  2743   If <code>C = 1</code> then:</p>
  2744           <p class="filterformula">C' = v<sub>n-1</sub>.</p>
  2745         </li>
  2746         <li>For <span class="attr-value">linear</span>, the function is
  2747           defined by the following linear equation: 
  2748           <p class="filterformula">C' = <a
  2749           href="#feComponentTransferSlopeAttribute"><span
  2750           class="attr-name">slope</span></a> * C + <a
  2751           href="#feComponentTransferInterceptAttribute"><span
  2752           class="attr-name">intercept</span></a></p>
  2753         </li>
  2754         <li>For <span class="attr-value">gamma</span>, the function is
  2755           defined by the following exponential function: 
  2756           <p class="filterformula">C' = <a
  2757           href="#feComponentTransferAmplitudeAttribute"><span
  2758           class="attr-name">amplitude</span></a> * pow(C, <a
  2759           href="#feComponentTransferExponentAttribute"><span
  2760           class="attr-name">exponent</span></a>) + <a
  2761           href="#feComponentTransferOffsetAttribute"><span
  2762           class="attr-name">offset</span></a></p>
  2763         </li>
  2764       </ul>
  2765       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span> </dd>
  2766   <dt id="feComponentTransferTableValuesAttribute"><span
  2767   class="adef">tableValues</span> = "<em>(list of <a>&lt;number&gt;</a>s)</em>"</dt>
  2768     <dd>When <span class="attr-value">type="table"</span>, the list of
  2769       <a>&lt;number&gt;</a>
  2770       s <em>v0,v1,</em>, separated by white space and/or a comma, which
  2771       define the lookup table. An empty list results in an identity transfer
  2772       function. If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if
  2773       an empty list were provided.<br />
  2774       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2775   <dt id="feComponentTransferSlopeAttribute"><span
  2776   class="adef">slope</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2777     <dd>When <span class="attr-value">type="linear"</span>, the slope of the
  2778       linear function.<br />
  2779       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'slope'</a> is <span class="attr-value">1</span>.<br />
  2780       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2781   <dt id="feComponentTransferInterceptAttribute"><span
  2782   class="adef">intercept</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2783     <dd>When <span class="attr-value">type="linear"</span>, the intercept of
  2784       the linear function.<br />
  2785       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'intercept'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2786       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2787   <dt id="feComponentTransferAmplitudeAttribute"><span
  2788   class="adef">amplitude</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2789     <dd>When <span class="attr-value">type="gamma"</span>, the amplitude of
  2790       the gamma function.<br />
  2791       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'amplitude'</a> is <span class="attr-value">1</span>.<br />
  2792       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2793   <dt id="feComponentTransferExponentAttribute"><span
  2794   class="adef">exponent</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2795     <dd>When <span class="attr-value">type="gamma"</span>, the exponent of
  2796       the gamma function.<br />
  2797       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'exponent'</a> is <span class="attr-value">1</span>.<br />
  2798       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2799   <dt id="feComponentTransferOffsetAttribute"><span
  2800   class="adef">offset</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2801     <dd>When <span class="attr-value">type="gamma"</span>, the offset of the
  2802       gamma function.<br />
  2803       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'offset'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  2804       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2805 </dl>
  2806 </div>
  2807 </edit:with>
  2809 <edit:example href="examples/feComponentTransfer.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  2811 <h2 id="feCompositeElement">Filter primitive <span class="element-name">'feComposite'</span></h2>
  2813 <edit:elementsummary name='feComposite'/>
  2814 <edit:with element='feComposite'>
  2816 <p>
  2817   This filter performs the combination of the two input images pixel-wise in
  2818 image space using one of the Porter-Duff [<a
  2819 href="#ref-PORTERDUFF">PORTERDUFF</a>] compositing operations: <em>over, in,
  2820 atop, out, xor</em> [<a href="#ref-SVG-COMPOSITING">SVG-COMPOSITING</a>]. Additionally, a component-wise <em>arithmetic</em>
  2821 operation (with the result clamped between [0..1]) can be applied.</p>
  2823 <p>
  2824   The <em>arithmetic</em> operation is useful for combining the output from
  2825 the <a>'feDiffuseLighting'</a> and <a>'feSpecularLighting'</a> filters with texture
  2826 data. It is also useful for implementing <em>dissolve</em>. If the
  2827 <em>arithmetic</em> operation is chosen, each result pixel is computed using
  2828 the following formula:</p>
  2829 <pre>result = k1*i1*i2 + k2*i1 + k3*i2 + k4</pre>
  2830 where:
  2831 <ul>
  2832  <li>
  2833  <code>i1</code> and <code>i2</code> indicate the corresponding pixel channel values of the input image, which map to <a>'in'</a> and <a>'in2'</a> respectively
  2834  </li>
  2835  <li>
  2836  <code>k1, k2, k3</code> and <code>k4</code> indicate the values of the attributes with the same name
  2837  </li>
  2838 </ul>
  2840 <p>
  2841   For this filter primitive, the extent of the resulting image might grow as
  2842 described in the section that describes the <a>filter primitive subregion</a>.</p>
  2844 <div class="adef-list">
  2845 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  2846 <dl>
  2847   <dt id="feCompositeOperatorAttribute"><span class="adef">operator</span>
  2848   = "<em>over | in | out | atop | xor | arithmetic</em>"</dt>
  2849     <dd>The compositing operation that is to be performed. All of the <span
  2850       class="attr-name">operator</span> types except <span
  2851       class="attr-value">arithmetic</span> match the corresponding operation as
  2852       described in [<a href="#ref-PORTERDUFF">PORTERDUFF</a>]. The <span
  2853       class="attr-value">arithmetic</span> operator is described above.
  2854       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'operator'</a> is <span class="attr-value">over</span>.
  2855       <br />
  2856       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2857   <dt id="feCompositeK1Attribute"><span
  2858   class="adef">k1</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2859     <dd>Only applicable if <span
  2860       class="attr-value">operator="arithmetic"</span>.<br />
  2861       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'k1'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>. <br />
  2862       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2863   <dt id="feCompositeK2Attribute"><span
  2864   class="adef">k2</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2865     <dd>Only applicable if <span
  2866       class="attr-value">operator="arithmetic"</span>.<br />
  2867       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'k2'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>. <br />
  2868       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2869   <dt id="feCompositeK3Attribute"><span
  2870   class="adef">k3</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2871     <dd>Only applicable if <span
  2872       class="attr-value">operator="arithmetic"</span>.<br />
  2873       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'k3'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>. <br />
  2874       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2875   <dt id="feCompositeK4Attribute"><span
  2876   class="adef">k4</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  2877     <dd>Only applicable if <span
  2878       class="attr-value">operator="arithmetic"</span>.<br />
  2879       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'k4'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>. <br />
  2880       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2881   <dt id="feCompositeIn2Attribute">
  2882   <span class="adef">in2</span> = "<em>(see <a
  2883   href="#FilterPrimitiveInAttribute"><span class="attr-name">in</span></a>
  2884   attribute)</em>"</dt>
  2885     <dd>The second input image to the compositing operation. This attribute
  2886       can take on the same values as the <a
  2887       href="#FilterPrimitiveInAttribute"><span
  2888       class="attr-name">in</span></a> attribute.<br />
  2889       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  2890 </dl>
  2891 </div>
  2892 </edit:with>
  2894 <edit:example href="examples/feComposite.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  2896 <h2 id="feConvolveMatrixElement">Filter primitive <span class="element-name">'feConvolveMatrix'</span></h2>
  2898 <edit:elementsummary name='feConvolveMatrix'/>
  2899 <edit:with element='feConvolveMatrix'>
  2901 <p>
  2902   feConvolveMatrix applies a matrix convolution filter effect. A convolution
  2903 combines pixels in the input image with neighboring pixels to produce a
  2904 resulting image. A wide variety of imaging operations can be achieved through
  2905 convolutions, including blurring, edge detection, sharpening, embossing and
  2906 beveling.</p>
  2908 <p>
  2909   A matrix convolution is based on an n-by-m matrix (the convolution kernel)
  2910 which describes how a given pixel value in the input image is combined with
  2911 its neighboring pixel values to produce a resulting pixel value. Each result
  2912 pixel is determined by applying the kernel matrix to the corresponding source
  2913 pixel and its neighboring pixels. The basic convolution formula which is
  2914 applied to each color value for a given pixel is:</p>
  2916 <p class="filterformula" id="feConvolveMatrixElementFormula">COLOR<sub>X,Y</sub> = ( <br />
  2917               SUM <sub>I=0 to [<a
  2918 href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderY'</a>-1]</sub> { <br />
  2919                 SUM <sub>J=0 to [<a
  2920 href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderX'</a>-1]</sub> { <br />
  2921                   SOURCE <sub>X-<a>'targetX'</a>+J, Y-<a>'targetY'</a>+I</sub> *  <a>'kernelMatrix'</a><sub><a
  2922 href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderX'</a>-J-1,  <a 
  2923 href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderY'</a>-I-1</sub> <br />
  2924                 } <br />
  2925               } <br />
  2926             ) /  <a>'divisor'</a> +  <a>'bias'</a>&nbsp;*&nbsp;ALPHA<sub>X,Y</sub><br />
  2927 </p>
  2929 <div class="note-editor">
  2930 ED: Consider making this into mathml</div>
  2932 <p>
  2933   where "orderX" and "orderY" represent the X and Y values for the <a>'order'</a> attribute, "targetX" represents the value
  2934 of the <a>'targetX'</a> attribute, "targetY" represents the
  2935 value of the <a>'targetY'</a> attribute, "kernelMatrix" represents the
  2936 value of the <a>'kernelMatrix'</a> attribute, "divisor" represents the
  2937 value of the <a>'divisor'</a> attribute, and "bias" represents the
  2938 value of the <a>'bias'</a> attribute.</p>
  2940 <p>
  2941   Note in the above formulas that the values in the kernel matrix are
  2942 applied such that the kernel matrix is rotated 180 degrees relative to the
  2943 source and destination images in order to match convolution theory as
  2944 described in many computer graphics textbooks.</p>
  2946 <p>
  2947   To illustrate, suppose you have a input image which is 5 pixels by 5
  2948 pixels, whose color values for one of the color channels are as follows:</p>
  2949 <pre>    0  20  40 235 235
  2950   100 120 140 235 235
  2951   200 220 240 235 235
  2952   225 225 255 255 255
  2953   225 225 255 255 255</pre>
  2955 <div class="note-editor">
  2956 ED: Consider making this into mathml</div>
  2958 <p>
  2959   and you define a 3-by-3 convolution kernel as follows:</p>
  2960 <pre>  1 2 3
  2961   4 5 6
  2962   7 8 9</pre>
  2964 <div class="note-editor">
  2965 ED: Consider making this into mathml</div>
  2967 <p>
  2968   Let's focus on the color value at the second row and second column of the
  2969 image (source pixel value is 120). Assuming the simplest case (where the
  2970 input image's pixel grid aligns perfectly with the kernel's pixel grid) and
  2971 assuming default values for attributes <a>'divisor'</a>, <a>'targetX'</a> and
  2972 <a>'targetY'</a>, then resulting color value will
  2973 be:</p>
  2974 <pre>(9*  0 + 8* 20 + 7* 40 +
  2975 6*100 + 5*120 + 4*140 +
  2976 3*200 + 2*220 + 1*240) / (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)</pre>
  2978 <div class="note-editor">
  2979 ED: Consider making this into mathml</div>
  2981 <p>
  2982   Because they operate on pixels, matrix convolutions are inherently
  2983 resolution-dependent. To make <a>'feConvolveMatrix'</a> produce resolution-independent
  2984 results, an explicit value should be provided for either the <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> attribute on the <a>'filter element'</a> element
  2985 and/or attribute <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a>.</p>
  2987 <p><a>'kernelUnitLength'</a>, in combination with the other
  2988 attributes, defines an implicit pixel grid in the filter effects coordinate
  2989 system (i.e., the coordinate system established by the <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> attribute). If the pixel grid
  2990 established by <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a> is not scaled to match the
  2991 pixel grid established by attribute <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> (implicitly or explicitly), then the
  2992 input image will be temporarily rescaled to match its pixels with <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a>. The convolution happens on the
  2993 resampled image. After applying the convolution, the image is resampled back
  2994 to the original resolution.</p>
  2996 <p>
  2997   When the image must be resampled to match the coordinate system defined by
  2998 <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a> prior to convolution, or
  2999 resampled to match the device coordinate system after convolution, it is
  3000 recommended that high quality viewers make use of appropriate interpolation
  3001 techniques, for example bilinear or bicubic. Depending on the speed of the
  3002 available interpolents, this choice may be affected by the <a>'image-rendering'</a> property setting. Note that
  3003 implementations might choose approaches that minimize or eliminate resampling
  3004 when not necessary to produce proper results, such as when the document is
  3005 zoomed out such that <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a> is
  3006 considerably smaller than a device pixel.</p>
  3008 <div class="adef-list">
  3009 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  3010 <dl>
  3011   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute"><span
  3012   class="adef">order</span> = "<span
  3013   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  3014     <dd>Indicates the number of cells in each dimension for <a>'kernelMatrix'</a>. The values provided must be
  3015       <a>&lt;integer&gt;</a>
  3016       s greater than zero. The first number, &lt;orderX&gt;, indicates the
  3017       number of columns in the matrix. The second number, &lt;orderY&gt;,
  3018       indicates the number of rows in the matrix. If &lt;orderY&gt; is not
  3019       provided, it defaults to &lt;orderX&gt;.<br />
  3020       A typical value is order="3". It is recommended that only small values
  3021       (e.g., 3) be used; higher values may result in very high CPU overhead
  3022       and usually do not produce results that justify the impact on
  3023       performance.<br />
  3024       If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if a value of "3"
  3025       were specified.<br />
  3026       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3027   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementKernelMatrixAttribute"><span
  3028   class="adef">kernelMatrix</span> = "<span class="attr-value">&lt;list of
  3029   numbers&gt;</span>"</dt>
  3030     <dd>The list of <a>&lt;number&gt;</a>
  3031       s that make up the kernel matrix for the convolution. Values are
  3032       separated by space characters and/or a comma. The number of entries in
  3033       the list must equal &lt;orderX&gt; times &lt;orderY&gt;.<br />
  3034       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3035   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementDivisorAttribute"><span
  3036   class="adef">divisor</span> = "<span
  3037   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  3038     <dd>After applying the <span class="attr-name">kernelMatrix</span> to the
  3039       input image to yield a number, that number is divided by <a>'divisor'</a> to yield the final destination color
  3040       value. A divisor that is the sum of all the matrix values tends to have
  3041       an evening effect on the overall color intensity of the result. If the
  3042       specified divisor is zero then the default value will be used instead.
  3043       The default value is the sum of all values in kernelMatrix, with the
  3044       exception that if the sum is zero, then the divisor is set to 1.<br />
  3045       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3046   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementBiasAttribute"><span
  3047   class="adef">bias</span> = "<span
  3048   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  3049     <dd>After applying the <span class="attr-name">kernelMatrix</span> to the
  3050       input image to yield a number and applying the <a>'divisor'</a>, the <a>'bias'</a> attribute is added to each component. One
  3051       application of <a>'bias'</a> is when it is
  3052       desirable to have <span class="attr-value">.5</span> gray value be the zero response of the filter. 
  3053       The bias property shifts the range of the filter. This allows representation of values that would
  3054       otherwise be clamped to 0 or 1.<br />
  3055       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'bias'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  3056       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3057   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementTargetXAttribute"><span
  3058   class="adef">targetX</span> = "<span
  3059   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;integer&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  3060     <dd>Determines the positioning in X of the convolution matrix relative to
  3061       a given target pixel in the input image. The leftmost column of the
  3062       matrix is column number zero. The value must be such that: 0 &lt;=
  3063       targetX &lt; orderX. By default, the convolution matrix is centered in
  3064       X over each pixel of the input image (i.e., targetX = floor ( orderX /
  3065       2 )).<br />
  3066       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3067   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementTargetYAttribute"><span
  3068   class="adef">targetY</span> = "<span
  3069   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;integer&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  3070     <dd>Determines the positioning in Y of the convolution matrix relative to
  3071       a given target pixel in the input image. The topmost row of the matrix
  3072       is row number zero. The value must be such that: 0 &lt;= targetY &lt;
  3073       orderY. By default, the convolution matrix is centered in Y over each
  3074       pixel of the input image (i.e., targetY = floor ( orderY / 2 )).<br />
  3075       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3076   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementEdgeModeAttribute"><span
  3077   class="adef">edgeMode</span> = "<span class="attr-value">duplicate | wrap |
  3078   none</span>"</dt>
  3079     <dd><p>
  3080   Determines how to extend the input image as necessary with color
  3081       values so that the matrix operations can be applied when the kernel is
  3082       positioned at or near the edge of the input image.</p>
  3083       <p>"duplicate" indicates that the input image is extended along each of
  3084       its borders as necessary by duplicating the color values at the given
  3085       edge of the input image.</p>
  3086       <pre>Original N-by-M image, where m=M-1 and n=N-1:
  3087           11 12 ... 1m 1M
  3088           21 22 ... 2m 2M
  3089           .. .. ... .. ..
  3090           n1 n2 ... nm nM
  3091           N1 N2 ... Nm NM
  3092 Extended by two pixels using "duplicate":
  3093   11 11   11 12 ... 1m 1M   1M 1M
  3094   11 11   11 12 ... 1m 1M   1M 1M
  3095   11 11   11 12 ... 1m 1M   1M 1M
  3096   21 21   21 22 ... 2m 2M   2M 2M
  3097   .. ..   .. .. ... .. ..   .. ..
  3098   n1 n1   n1 n2 ... nm nM   nM nM
  3099   N1 N1   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   NM NM
  3100   N1 N1   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   NM NM
  3101   N1 N1   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   NM NM</pre>
  3103       <div class="note-editor">
  3104       ED: Consider making this into mathml</div>
  3105       <p>"wrap" indicates that the input image is extended by taking the
  3106       color values from the opposite edge of the image.</p>
  3107       <pre>Extended by two pixels using "wrap":
  3108   nm nM   n1 n2 ... nm nM   n1 n2
  3109   Nm NM   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   N1 N2
  3110   1m 1M   11 12 ... 1m 1M   11 12
  3111   2m 2M   21 22 ... 2m 2M   21 22
  3112   .. ..   .. .. ... .. ..   .. ..
  3113   nm nM   n1 n2 ... nm nM   n1 n2
  3114   Nm NM   N1 N2 ... Nm NM   N1 N2
  3115   1m 1M   11 12 ... 1m 1M   11 12
  3116   2m 2M   21 22 ... 2m 2M   21 22</pre>
  3118       <div class="note-editor">
  3119       ED: Consider making this into mathml</div>
  3120       <p>
  3121   The value <span class="attr-value">none</span> indicates that the input image is extended with pixel values
  3122       of zero for R, G, B and A.</p>
  3123       <p>
  3124   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'edgeMode'</a> is <span class="attr-value">duplicate</span>.</p>
  3125       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  3126     </dd>
  3127   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementKernelUnitLengthAttribute"><span
  3128   class="adef">kernelUnitLength</span> = "<span
  3129   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  3130     <dd>The first number is the &lt;dx&gt; value. The second number is the
  3131       &lt;dy&gt; value. If the &lt;dy&gt; value is not specified, it defaults
  3132       to the same value as &lt;dx&gt;. Indicates the intended distance in
  3133       current filter units (i.e., units as determined by the value of
  3134       attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a>) between successive columns
  3135       and rows, respectively, in the <a>'kernelMatrix'</a>. By specifying value(s) for 
  3136       <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a>, the kernel becomes defined
  3137       in a scalable, abstract coordinate system. If <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a> is not specified, the default
  3138       value is one pixel in the offscreen bitmap, which is a pixel-based
  3139       coordinate system, and thus potentially not scalable. For some level of
  3140       consistency across display media and user agents, it is necessary that
  3141       a value be provided for at least one of <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> and <a>'kernelUnitLength'</a>. 
  3142       In some implementations, the most consistent results and the fastest performance will be achieved if
  3143       the pixel grid of the temporary offscreen images aligns with the pixel
  3144       grid of the kernel.<br />
  3145       If a negative or zero value is specified the default value will be used
  3146       instead. <br />
  3147       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3148   <dt id="feConvolveMatrixElementPreserveAlphaAttribute"><span
  3149   class="adef">preserveAlpha</span> = "<span class="attr-value">false |
  3150   true</span>"</dt>
  3151     <dd>A value of <span class="attr-value">false</span> indicates that the
  3152       convolution will apply to all channels, including the alpha channel.
  3153       In this case the <code>ALPHA<sub>X,Y</sub></code> of the
  3154       <a href="#feConvolveMatrixElementFormula">convolution formula</a> for a given pixel is:
  3155       <p class="filterformula">
  3156        ALPHA<sub>X,Y</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;(&nbsp;<br />
  3157         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SUM
  3158        <sub>I=0&nbsp;to&nbsp;[<a href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderY'</a>-1]</sub>&nbsp;{&nbsp;<br />
  3159         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SUM
  3160        <sub>J=0&nbsp;to&nbsp;[<a href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderX'</a>-1]</sub>&nbsp;{&nbsp;<br />
  3161         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;SOURCE
  3162        <sub>X-<a>'targetX'</a>+J,&nbsp;Y-<a>'targetY'</a>+I</sub>&nbsp;*&nbsp;
  3163        <a>'kernelMatrix'</a><sub><a href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderX'</a>-J-1,&nbsp;
  3164        <a href="#feConvolveMatrixElementOrderAttribute">'orderY'</a>-I-1</sub>&nbsp;<br />
  3165         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}&nbsp;<br />
  3166         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;}&nbsp;<br />
  3167         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;)&nbsp;/&nbsp;
  3168        <a>'divisor'</a>&nbsp;+&nbsp;
  3169        <a>'bias'</a>&nbsp;
  3170        <br />
  3171        </p>
  3172       <br />
  3173       A value of <span class="attr-value">true</span> indicates that the
  3174       convolution will only apply to the color channels. In this case, the
  3175       filter will temporarily unpremultiply the color component values, apply
  3176       the kernel, and then re-premultiply at the end.
  3177       In this case the <code>ALPHA<sub>X,Y</sub></code>
  3178       of the <a href="#feConvolveMatrixElementFormula">convolution formula</a> for a given pixel is:
  3179       <p class="filterformula">
  3180         ALPHA<sub>X,Y</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;SOURCE<sub>X,Y</sub>
  3181       </p>
  3182       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'preserveAlpha'</a> is <span class="attr-value">false</span>.<br />
  3183       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3184 </dl>
  3185 </div>
  3187 </edit:with>
  3189 <h2 id="feDiffuseLightingElement">Filter primitive <span
  3190 class="element-name">'feDiffuseLighting'</span></h2>
  3192 <edit:elementsummary name='feDiffuseLighting'/>
  3194 <p>
  3195   This filter primitive lights an image using the alpha channel as a bump
  3196 map. The resulting image is an RGBA opaque image based on the light color
  3197 with alpha = 1.0 everywhere. The lighting calculation follows the standard
  3198 diffuse component of the Phong lighting model. The resulting image depends on
  3199 the light color, light position and surface geometry of the input bump
  3200 map.</p>
  3202 <p>
  3203   The light map produced by this filter primitive can be combined with a
  3204 texture image using the multiply term of the <em>arithmetic</em> <a>'feComposite'</a> compositing method. Multiple
  3205 light sources can be simulated by adding several of these light maps together
  3206 before applying it to the texture image.</p>
  3208 <p>
  3209   The formulas below make use of 3x3 filters. Because they operate on
  3210 pixels, such filters are inherently resolution-dependent. To make <a>'feDiffuseLighting'</a> produce
  3211 resolution-independent results, an explicit value should be provided for
  3212 either the <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> attribute on the <a>'filter element'</a> element
  3213 and/or attribute <a>'feDiffuseLighting/kernelUnitLength'</a>.</p>
  3215 <p><a>'feDiffuseLighting/kernelUnitLength'</a>, in combination with the other
  3216 attributes, defines an implicit pixel grid in the filter effects coordinate
  3217 system (i.e., the coordinate system established by the <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> attribute). If the pixel grid
  3218 established by <a>'feDiffuseLighting/kernelUnitLength'</a> is not scaled to match the
  3219 pixel grid established by attribute <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> (implicitly or explicitly), then the
  3220 input image will be temporarily rescaled to match its pixels with <a>'feDiffuseLighting/kernelUnitLength'</a>. The 3x3 filters are applied to the resampled image. After applying the filter, the image is resampled back
  3221 to its original resolution.</p>
  3223 <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_diffuseLightingImageResampling">When the image must be resampled, it is recommended that high quality viewers make use of appropriate interpolation techniques, for example
  3224 bilinear or bicubic.</span> Depending on the speed of the available interpolents,
  3225 this choice may be affected by the <a>'image-rendering'</a> property setting. Note that
  3226 implementations might choose approaches that minimize or eliminate resampling
  3227 when not necessary to produce proper results, such as when the document is
  3228 zoomed out such that <a>'feDiffuseLighting/kernelUnitLength'</a> is
  3229 considerably smaller than a device pixel.</p>
  3231 <p>
  3232   For the formulas that follow, the
  3233 <code>Norm(A<sub>x</sub>,A<sub>y</sub>,A<sub>z</sub>)</code> function is
  3234 defined as:</p>
  3236 <div class="note-editor">
  3237 ED: Consider making the following in mathml</div>
  3239 <p class="filterformula">Norm(A<sub>x</sub>,A<sub>y</sub>,A<sub>z</sub>) =
  3240 sqrt(A<sub>x</sub>^2+A<sub>y</sub>^2+A<sub>z</sub>^2)</p>
  3242 <p>
  3243   The resulting RGBA image is computed as follows:</p>
  3245 <p class="filterformula">D<sub>r</sub> = k<sub>d</sub> * N.L *
  3246 L<sub>r</sub><br />
  3247 D<sub>g</sub> = k<sub>d</sub> * N.L * L<sub>g</sub><br />
  3248 D<sub>b</sub> = k<sub>d</sub> * N.L * L<sub>b</sub><br />
  3249 D<sub>a</sub> = 1.0</p>
  3251 <p>
  3252   where</p>
  3253 <dl>
  3254     <dd>k<sub>d</sub> = diffuse lighting constant<br />
  3255       N = surface normal unit vector, a function of x and y<br />
  3256       L = unit vector pointing from surface to light, a function of x and y
  3257       in the point and spot light cases<br />
  3258       L<sub>r</sub>,L<sub>g</sub>,L<sub>b</sub> = RGB components of light, a
  3259       function of x and y in the spot light case</dd>
  3260 </dl>
  3262 <p>
  3263   N is a function of x and y and depends on the surface gradient as
  3264 follows:</p>
  3266 <p>
  3267   The surface described by the input alpha image I(x,y) is:</p>
  3269 <p class="filterformula">Z (x,y) = surfaceScale *  I(x,y)</p>
  3271 <p id="SurfaceNormalCalculations">Surface normal is calculated using the Sobel gradient 3x3 filter.
  3272 Different filter kernels are used depending on whether the given pixel is on
  3273 the interior or an edge. For each case, the formula is:</p>
  3274 <p class="filterformula">N<sub>x</sub> (x,y) = - surfaceScale *
  3275 FACTOR<sub>x</sub> *<br />
  3276  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(K<sub>x</sub>(0,0)*I(x-dx,y-dy)&nbsp;+
  3277 K<sub>x</sub>(1,0)*I(x,y-dy)&nbsp;+
  3278 K<sub>x</sub>(2,0)*I(x+dx,y-dy)&nbsp;+<br />
  3279  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;K<sub>x</sub>(0,1)*I(x-dx,y)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+
  3280 K<sub>x</sub>(1,1)*I(x,y)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+
  3281 K<sub>x</sub>(2,1)*I(x+dx,y)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+<br />
  3282  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;K<sub>x</sub>(0,2)*I(x-dx,y+dy)&nbsp;+
  3283 K<sub>x</sub>(1,2)*I(x,y+dy)&nbsp;+
  3284 K<sub>x</sub>(2,2)*I(x+dx,y+dy))<br />
  3285  N<sub>y</sub> (x,y) = - surfaceScale * FACTOR<sub>y</sub>
  3286 *<br />
  3287  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(K<sub>y</sub>(0,0)*I(x-dx,y-dy)&nbsp;+
  3288 K<sub>y</sub>(1,0)*I(x,y-dy)&nbsp;+
  3289 K<sub>y</sub>(2,0)*I(x+dx,y-dy)&nbsp;+<br />
  3290  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;K<sub>y</sub>(0,1)*I(x-dx,y)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+
  3291 K<sub>y</sub>(1,1)*I(x,y)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+
  3292 K<sub>y</sub>(2,1)*I(x+dx,y)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+<br />
  3293  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;K<sub>y</sub>(0,2)*I(x-dx,y+dy)&nbsp;+
  3294 K<sub>y</sub>(1,2)*I(x,y+dy)&nbsp;+
  3295 K<sub>y</sub>(2,2)*I(x+dx,y+dy))<br />
  3296  N<sub>z</sub> (x,y) = 1.0<br />
  3297 <br />
  3298  N = (N<sub>x</sub>, N<sub>y</sub>, N<sub>z</sub>) /
  3299 Norm((N<sub>x</sub>,N<sub>y</sub>,N<sub>z</sub>))</p>
  3301 <p>
  3302   In these formulas, the <code>dx</code> and <code>dy</code> values (e.g.,
  3303 <code>I(x-dx,y-dy)</code>), represent deltas relative to a given
  3304 <code>(x,y)</code> position for the purpose of estimating the slope of the
  3305 surface at that point. These deltas are determined by the value (explicit or
  3306 implicit) of attribute <a>'feDiffuseLighting/kernelUnitLength'</a>.</p>
  3308 <table summary="feDiffuseLighting formulas" border="1">
  3309   <colgroup><col width="33.3%" /><col width="33.3%" /><col width="*"
  3310   /></colgroup>
  3311   <tbody>
  3312     <tr>
  3313       <td><p>
  3314   Top/left corner:</p>
  3316         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=2/(3*dx)<br />
  3317         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3318             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3319             |  0 -2  2 |<br />
  3320             |  0 -1  1 |<br />
  3321         <br />
  3322         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=2/(3*dy)<br />
  3323         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3324             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3325             |  0 -2 -1 |<br />
  3326             |  0  2  1 |</p>
  3327       </td>
  3328       <td><p>
  3329   Top row:</p>
  3331         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=1/(3*dx)<br />
  3332         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3333             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3334             | -2  0  2 |<br />
  3335             | -1  0  1 |<br />
  3336         <br />
  3337         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=1/(2*dy)<br />
  3338         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3339             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3340             | -1 -2 -1 |<br />
  3341             |  1  2  1 |</p>
  3342       </td>
  3343       <td><p>
  3344   Top/right corner:</p>
  3346         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=2/(3*dx)<br />
  3347         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3348             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3349             | -2  2  0 |<br />
  3350             | -1  1  0 |<br />
  3351         <br />
  3352         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=2/(3*dy)<br />
  3353         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3354             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3355             | -1 -2  0 |<br />
  3356             |  1  2  0 |</p>
  3357       </td>
  3358     </tr>
  3359     <tr>
  3360       <td><p>
  3361   Left column:</p>
  3363         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=1/(2*dx)<br />
  3364         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3365             | 0 -1  1 |<br />
  3366             | 0 -2  2 |<br />
  3367             | 0 -1  1 |<br />
  3368         <br />
  3369         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=1/(3*dy)<br />
  3370         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3371             |  0 -2 -1 |<br />
  3372             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3373             |  0  2  1 |</p>
  3374       </td>
  3375       <td><p>
  3376   Interior pixels:</p>
  3378         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=1/(4*dx)<br />
  3379         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3380             | -1  0  1 |<br />
  3381             | -2  0  2 |<br />
  3382             | -1  0  1 |<br />
  3383         <br />
  3384         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=1/(4*dy)<br />
  3385         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3386             | -1 -2 -1 |<br />
  3387             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3388             |  1  2  1 |</p>
  3389       </td>
  3390       <td><p>
  3391   Right column:</p>
  3393         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=1/(2*dx)<br />
  3394         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3395             | -1  1  0|<br />
  3396             | -2  2  0|<br />
  3397             | -1  1  0|<br />
  3398         <br />
  3399         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=1/(3*dy)<br />
  3400         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3401             | -1 -2  0 |<br />
  3402             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3403             |  1  2  0 |</p>
  3404       </td>
  3405     </tr>
  3406     <tr>
  3407       <td><p>
  3408   Bottom/left corner:</p>
  3410         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=2/(3*dx)<br />
  3411         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3412             | 0 -1  1 |<br />
  3413             | 0 -2  2 |<br />
  3414             | 0  0  0 |<br />
  3415         <br />
  3416         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=2/(3*dy)<br />
  3417         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3418             |  0 -2 -1 |<br />
  3419             |  0  2  1 |<br />
  3420             |  0  0  0 |</p>
  3421       </td>
  3422       <td><p>
  3423   Bottom row:</p>
  3425         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=1/(3*dx)<br />
  3426         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3427             | -1  0  1 |<br />
  3428             | -2  0  2 |<br />
  3429             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3430         <br />
  3431         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=1/(2*dy)<br />
  3432         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3433             | -1 -2 -1 |<br />
  3434             |  1  2  1 |<br />
  3435             |  0  0  0 |</p>
  3436       </td>
  3437       <td><p>
  3438   Bottom/right corner:</p>
  3440         <p class="filterformula">FACTOR<sub>x</sub>=2/(3*dx)<br />
  3441         K<sub>x</sub> =<br />
  3442             | -1  1  0 |<br />
  3443             | -2  2  0 |<br />
  3444             |  0  0  0 |<br />
  3445         <br />
  3446         FACTOR<sub>y</sub>=2/(3*dy)<br />
  3447         K<sub>y</sub> =  <br />
  3448             | -1 -2  0 |<br />
  3449             |  1  2  0 |<br />
  3450             |  0  0  0 |</p>
  3451       </td>
  3452     </tr>
  3453   </tbody>
  3454 </table>
  3456 <p>
  3457   L, the unit vector from the image sample to the light, is calculated as
  3458 follows:</p>
  3460 <p>
  3461   For Infinite light sources it is constant:</p>
  3463 <p class="filterformula">L<sub>x</sub> = cos(azimuth)*cos(elevation)<br />
  3464 L<sub>y</sub> = sin(azimuth)*cos(elevation)<br />
  3465 L<sub>z</sub> = sin(elevation)</p>
  3467 <p>
  3468   For Point and spot lights it is a function of position:</p>
  3470 <p class="filterformula">L<sub>x</sub> = Light<sub>x</sub> - x<br />
  3471 L<sub>y</sub> = Light<sub>y</sub> - y<br />
  3472 L<sub>z</sub> = Light<sub>z</sub> - Z(x,y)<br />
  3473 <br />
  3474 L = (L<sub>x</sub>, L<sub>y</sub>, L<sub>z</sub>) / Norm(L<sub>x</sub>,
  3475 L<sub>y</sub>, L<sub>z</sub>)</p>
  3477 <p>
  3478   where Light<sub>x</sub>, Light<sub>y</sub>, and Light<sub>z</sub> are the
  3479 input light position.</p>
  3481 <p>
  3482   L<sub>r</sub>,L<sub>g</sub>,L<sub>b</sub>, the light color vector, is a
  3483 function of position in the spot light case only:</p>
  3485 <p class="filterformula">L<sub>r</sub> =
  3486 Light<sub>r</sub>*pow((-L.S),specularExponent)<br />
  3487 L<sub>g</sub> = Light<sub>g</sub>*pow((-L.S),specularExponent)<br />
  3488 L<sub>b</sub> = Light<sub>b</sub>*pow((-L.S),specularExponent)</p>
  3490 <p>
  3491   where S is the unit vector pointing from the light to the point
  3492 (pointsAtX, pointsAtY, pointsAtZ) in the x-y plane:</p>
  3494 <p class="filterformula">S<sub>x</sub> = pointsAtX - Light<sub>x</sub><br />
  3495 S<sub>y</sub> = pointsAtY - Light<sub>y</sub><br />
  3496 S<sub>z</sub> = pointsAtZ - Light<sub>z</sub><br />
  3497 <br />
  3498 S = (S<sub>x</sub>, S<sub>y</sub>, S<sub>z</sub>) / Norm(S<sub>x</sub>,
  3499 S<sub>y</sub>, S<sub>z</sub>)</p>
  3501 <p>
  3502   If L.S is positive, no light is present. (L<sub>r</sub> = L<sub>g</sub> =
  3503 L<sub>b</sub> = 0). If <a>'feSpotLight/limitingConeAngle'</a> is specified, -L.S &lt; cos(limitingConeAngle) also indicates that no light is present.</p>
  3505 <div class="adef-list">
  3506 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  3507 <dl>
  3508   <dt id="feDiffuseLightingSurfaceScaleAttribute"><span
  3509   class="adef">surfaceScale</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  3510     <dd>height of surface when A<sub>in</sub> = 1.<br />
  3511       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  3512       <span class="attr-value">1</span> were specified.<br />
  3513       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3514   <dt id="feDiffuseLightingDiffuseConstantAttribute"><span
  3515   class="adef">diffuseConstant</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  3516     <dd>kd in Phong lighting model. In SVG, this can be any non-negative
  3517       number.<br />
  3518       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  3519       <span class="attr-value">1</span> were specified.<br />
  3520       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3521   <dt id="feDiffuseLightingKernelUnitLengthAttribute"><span
  3522   class="adef">kernelUnitLength</span> = "<span
  3523   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  3524     <dd>The first number is the &lt;dx&gt; value. The second number is the
  3525       &lt;dy&gt; value. If the &lt;dy&gt; value is not specified, it defaults
  3526       to the same value as &lt;dx&gt;. Indicates the intended distance in
  3527       current filter units (i.e., units as determined by the value of
  3528       attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a>) for <code>dx</code> and
  3529       <code>dy</code>, respectively, in the <a
  3530       href="#SurfaceNormalCalculations">surface normal calculation
  3531       formulas</a>. By specifying value(s) for <span
  3532       class="attr-name">kernelUnitLength</span>, the kernel becomes defined
  3533       in a scalable, abstract coordinate system. If <span
  3534       class="attr-name">kernelUnitLength</span> is not specified, the
  3535       <code>dx</code> and <code>dy</code> values should represent very small
  3536       deltas relative to a given <code>(x,y)</code> position, which might be
  3537       implemented in some cases as one pixel in the intermediate image
  3538       offscreen bitmap, which is a pixel-based coordinate system, and thus
  3539       potentially not scalable. For some level of consistency across display
  3540       media and user agents, it is necessary that a value be provided for at
  3541       least one of <a>'filter/filterRes'</a> and <span
  3542       class="attr-name">kernelUnitLength</span>. Discussion of intermediate
  3543       images are in the <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a> and in the
  3544       description of attribute <a>'filter/filterRes'</a>.<br />
  3545       If a negative or zero value is specified the default value will be used
  3546       instead. <br />
  3547       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3548 </dl>
  3549 </div>
  3551 <p>
  3552   The light source is defined by one of the child elements <a>'feDistantLight'</a>, 
  3553 <a>'fePointLight'</a> or <a>'feSpotLight'</a>. The light color is specified
  3554 by property <a>'lighting-color'</a>.</p>
  3556 <h2 id="feDisplacementMapElement">Filter primitive <span class="element-name">'feDisplacementMap'</span></h2>
  3558 <edit:elementsummary name='feDisplacementMap'/>
  3560 <p>
  3561   This filter primitive uses the pixels values from the image from <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a>
  3562 to spatially displace the image from <a>'in'</a>.
  3563 This is the transformation to be performed:</p>
  3565 <pre> P'(x,y) ← P( x + scale * (XC(x,y) - .5), y + scale * (YC(x,y) - .5))
  3566   </pre>
  3568 <p>
  3569   where P(x,y) is the input image, <a>'in'</a>, and
  3570 P'(x,y) is the destination. XC(x,y) and YC(x,y) are the component values of
  3571 the channel designated by the <a>'feDisplacementMap/xChannelSelector'</a> and
  3572 <a>'feDisplacementMap/yChannelSelector'</a>. For example, to use the R component of <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a>
  3573 to control displacement in x and the G component of Image2 to control
  3574 displacement in y, set <a>'feDisplacementMap/xChannelSelector'</a> to <span class="attr-value">"R"</span> and
  3575 <a>'feDisplacementMap/yChannelSelector'</a> to <span class="attr-value">"G"</span>.</p>
  3577 <p>
  3578   The displacement map, <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a>, defines the inverse of the mapping
  3579 performed.</p>
  3581 <p>
  3582   The input image in is to remain premultiplied for this filter primitive. The calculations using the pixel values from <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a> are performed using non-premultiplied color values. If the image from <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a> consists of premultiplied color values, those values are automatically converted into non-premultiplied color values before performing this operation.</p>
  3584 <p>
  3585   This filter can have arbitrary non-localized effect on the input which
  3586 might require substantial buffering in the processing pipeline. However with
  3587 this formulation, any intermediate buffering needs can be determined by
  3588 <a>'feDisplacementMap/scale'</a> which represents the maximum range of displacement in either x
  3589 or y.</p>
  3591 <p>
  3592   When applying this filter, the source pixel location will often lie
  3593 between several source pixels. In this case it is recommended that high
  3594 quality viewers apply an interpolent on the surrounding pixels, for example
  3595 bilinear or bicubic, rather than simply selecting the nearest source pixel.
  3596 Depending on the speed of the available interpolents, this choice may be
  3597 affected by the <a>'image-rendering'</a> property
  3598 setting.</p>
  3600 <p>
  3601   The <a>'color-interpolation-filters'</a> property only applies to the 
  3602   <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a> source image and does not apply to the <a>'in'</a> source image.
  3603   The <a>'in'</a> source image must remain in its current color space.
  3604 </p>
  3606 <div class="adef-list">
  3607 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  3608 <dl>
  3609   <dt id="feDisplacementMapScaleAttribute"><span class="adef">scale</span>
  3610   = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  3611     <dd>Displacement scale factor. The amount is expressed in the coordinate
  3612       system established by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  3613       element.<br />
  3614       When the value of this attribute is <span class="attr-value">0</span>,
  3615       this operation has no effect on the source image.<br />
  3616       <p>
  3617   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feDisplacementMap/scale'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.</p>
  3618       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3619   <dt id="feDisplacementMapXChannelSelectorAttribute"><span
  3620   class="adef">xChannelSelector</span> = "<em>R | G | B | A</em>"</dt>
  3621     <dd>Indicates which channel from <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a> to use to displace the pixels in <a>'in'</a> along the x-axis.
  3622     The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feDisplacementMap/xChannelSelector'</a> is <span class="attr-value">A</span>.
  3623     <br />
  3624       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3625   <dt id="feDisplacementMapYChannelSelectorAttribute"><span
  3626   class="adef">yChannelSelector</span> = "<em>R | G | B | A</em>"</dt>
  3627     <dd>Indicates which channel from <a>'feDisplacementMap/in2'</a> to use to displace the pixels in <a>'in'</a> along the y-axis.
  3628     The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feDisplacementMap/yChannelSelector'</a> is <span class="attr-value">A</span>.
  3629     <br />
  3630       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3631   <dt id="feDisplacementMapIn2Attribute"><span class="adef">in2</span> =
  3632   "<em>(see <a>'in'</a> attribute)</em>"</dt>
  3633     <dd>The second input image, which is used to displace the pixels in the
  3634       image from attribute <a>'in'</a>. This attribute can take on the same
  3635       values as the <a>'in'</a> attribute.<br />
  3636       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3637 </dl>
  3638 </div>
  3640 <h2 id="feFloodElement">Filter primitive <span
  3641 class="element-name">'feFlood'</span></h2>
  3643 <edit:elementsummary name='feFlood'/>
  3645 <p>
  3646   This filter primitive creates a rectangle filled with the color and
  3647 opacity values from properties <span class="prop-name">'flood-color'</span>
  3648 and <span class="prop-name">'flood-opacity'</span>. The rectangle is as large
  3649 as the <a href="#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">filter primitive subregion</a>
  3650 established by the <span class="element-name">'feFlood'</span> element.</p>
  3652 <div class="adef-list">
  3653   </div>
  3655 <p>
  3656   The <span class="prop-name">'flood-color'</span> property indicates what
  3657 color to use to flood the current <a href="#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">filter
  3658 primitive subregion</a>. The keyword <span
  3659 class="attr-value">currentColor</span> and ICC colors can be specified in the
  3660 same manner as within a &lt;paint&gt; specification for the <span
  3661 class="prop-name">'fill'</span> and <span class="prop-name">'stroke'</span>
  3662 properties.</p>
  3664 <div class="propdef">
  3665 <dl>
  3666   <dt id="FloodColorProperty"><span class="propdef-title prop-name">'flood-color'</span></dt>
  3667     <dd>
  3668       <table summary="flood-color property" class="propinfo" cellspacing="0"
  3669       cellpadding="0">
  3670         <tbody>
  3671           <tr valign="baseline">
  3672             <td><em>Value:</em>  </td>
  3673             <td>currentColor |<br />
  3674               <a>&lt;color&gt;</a>
  3675               [<a>&lt;icccolor&gt;</a>] |<br />
  3676               <a class="noxref"
  3677               href=""><span
  3678               class="value-inst-inherit noxref">inherit</span></a></td>
  3679           </tr>
  3680           <tr valign="baseline">
  3681             <td><em>Initial:</em>  </td>
  3682             <td>black</td>
  3683           </tr>
  3684           <tr valign="baseline">
  3685             <td><em>Applies to:</em>  </td>
  3686             <td><a href="#feFloodElement"><span
  3687               class="element-name">'feFlood'</span></a> and <a
  3688               href="#feDropShadowElement"><span
  3689               class="element-name">'feDropShadow'</span></a> elements</td>
  3690           </tr>
  3691           <tr valign="baseline">
  3692             <td><em>Inherited:</em>  </td>
  3693             <td>no</td>
  3694           </tr>
  3695           <tr valign="baseline">
  3696             <td><em>Percentages:</em>  </td>
  3697             <td>N/A</td>
  3698           </tr>
  3699           <tr valign="baseline">
  3700             <td><em>Media:</em>  </td>
  3701             <td>visual</td>
  3702           </tr>
  3703           <tr valign="baseline">
  3704             <td><em>Animatable:</em>  </td>
  3705             <td>yes</td>
  3706           </tr>
  3707         </tbody>
  3708       </table>
  3709     </dd>
  3710 </dl>
  3711 </div>
  3713 <p>
  3714   The <span class="prop-name">'flood-opacity'</span> property defines the
  3715 opacity value to use across the entire <a
  3716 href="#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">filter primitive subregion</a>.</p>
  3718 <div class="propdef">
  3719 <dl>
  3720   <dt id="OpacityFloodOpacityProperty"><span class="propdef-title prop-name">'flood-opacity'</span></dt>
  3721     <dd>
  3722       <table summary="flood-opacity property" class="propinfo"
  3723       cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  3724         <tbody>
  3725           <tr valign="baseline">
  3726             <td><em>Value:</em>  </td>
  3727             <td>&lt;opacity-value&gt; | <a class="noxref"
  3728               href=""><span
  3729               class="value-inst-inherit noxref">inherit</span></a></td>
  3730           </tr>
  3731           <tr valign="baseline">
  3732             <td><em>Initial:</em>  </td>
  3733             <td>1</td>
  3734           </tr>
  3735           <tr valign="baseline">
  3736             <td><em>Applies to:</em>  </td>
  3737             <td><a href="#feFloodElement"><span
  3738               class="element-name">'feFlood'</span></a> and <a
  3739               href="#feDropShadowElement"><span
  3740               class="element-name">'feDropShadow'</span></a> elements</td>
  3741           </tr>
  3742           <tr valign="baseline">
  3743             <td><em>Inherited:</em>  </td>
  3744             <td>no</td>
  3745           </tr>
  3746           <tr valign="baseline">
  3747             <td><em>Percentages:</em>  </td>
  3748             <td>N/A</td>
  3749           </tr>
  3750           <tr valign="baseline">
  3751             <td><em>Media:</em>  </td>
  3752             <td>visual</td>
  3753           </tr>
  3754           <tr valign="baseline">
  3755             <td><em>Animatable:</em>  </td>
  3756             <td>yes</td>
  3757           </tr>
  3758         </tbody>
  3759       </table>
  3760     </dd>
  3761 </dl>
  3762 </div>
  3764 <h2 id="feGaussianBlurElement">Filter primitive <span
  3765 class="element-name">'feGaussianBlur'</span></h2>
  3767 <edit:elementsummary name='feGaussianBlur'/>
  3768 <edit:with element='feGaussianBlur'>
  3770 <p>
  3771   This filter primitive performs a Gaussian blur on the input image.</p>
  3773 <p>
  3774   The Gaussian blur kernel is an approximation of the normalized
  3775 convolution:</p>
  3777 <p class="filterformula">G(x,y) = H(x)I(y)</p>
  3778 <p>
  3779   where</p>
  3780 <p class="filterformula">H(x) = exp(-x<sup>2</sup>/ (2s<sup>2</sup>)) / sqrt(2* pi*s<sup>2</sup>)</p>
  3781 <p>
  3782   and</p> 
  3783 <p class="filterformula">I(x) = exp(-y<sup>2</sup>/ (2t<sup>2</sup>)) / sqrt(2* pi*t<sup>2</sup>)</p>
  3784 <p>
  3785   with 's' being the standard deviation in the x direction
  3786 and 't' being the standard deviation in the y direction, as specified by <a>'stdDeviation'</a>.</p>
  3788 <p>
  3789   The value of <a>'stdDeviation'</a> can be either one or two numbers.
  3790 If two numbers are provided, the first number represents a standard deviation
  3791 value along the x-axis of the current coordinate system and the second value
  3792 represents a standard deviation in Y. If one number is provided, then that
  3793 value is used for both X and Y.</p>
  3795 <p>
  3796   Even if only one value is provided for <a>'stdDeviation'</a>, this can be implemented as a
  3797 separable convolution.</p>
  3799 <p>
  3800   For larger values of 's' (s &gt;= 2.0), an approximation can be used:
  3801 Three successive box-blurs build a piece-wise quadratic convolution kernel,
  3802 which approximates the Gaussian kernel to within roughly 3%.</p>
  3804 <p class="filterformula">let d = floor(s * 3*sqrt(2*pi)/4 + 0.5)</p>
  3806 <p>... if d is odd, use three box-blurs of size 'd', centered on the output
  3807 pixel.</p>
  3809 <p>... if d is even, two box-blurs of size 'd' (the first one centered on the
  3810 pixel boundary between the output pixel and the one to the left, the second
  3811 one centered on the pixel boundary between the output pixel and the one to
  3812 the right) and one box blur of size 'd+1' centered on the output pixel.</p>
  3814 <p>
  3815   The approximation formula also applies correspondingly to 't'.</p>
  3817 <p>
  3818   Frequently this operation will take place on alpha-only images, such as
  3819 that produced by the built-in input, <a href="#SourceAlpha"><span
  3820 class="attr-value">SourceAlpha</span></a>. The implementation may notice this
  3821 and optimize the single channel case. If the input has infinite extent and is
  3822 constant (e.g <span class="attr-value"><a href="#FillPaint">FillPaint</a></span>,
  3823 this operation has no effect. If the input has infinite extent and the filter result
  3824 is the input to an <a>'feTile'</a>, the filter is evaluated with periodic boundary conditions.</p>
  3826 <div class="adef-list">
  3827 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  3828 <dl>
  3829   <dt id="feGaussianBlurStdDeviationAttribute"><span
  3830   class="adef">stdDeviation</span> =
  3831   "<em><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  3832     <dd>The standard deviation for the blur operation. If two <a>&lt;number&gt;</a>
  3833       s are provided, the first number represents a standard deviation value
  3834       along the x-axis of the coordinate system established by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a
  3835       href="#FilterElement"><span class="element-name">'filter'</span></a>
  3836       element. The second value represents a standard deviation in Y. If one
  3837       number is provided, then that value is used for both X and Y.<br />
  3838       A value of zero disables the effect of the given filter primitive (i.e., the result is the filter input image).<br />
  3839       If <a>'stdDeviation'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span> in only one of X or Y, 
  3840       then the effect is that the blur is only applied in the direction that has a non-zero value.
  3841       <br />
  3842       The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'stdDeviation'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.<br />
  3843       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3844 </dl>
  3845 </div>
  3847 <p><a href="#AnExample">The example</a> at the start of this chapter makes
  3848 use of the <a>'feGaussianBlur'</a> filter primitive
  3849 to create a drop shadow effect.</p>
  3850 </edit:with>
  3852 <h2 id="feUnsharpMaskElement">Filter primitive <span
  3853 class="element-name">'feUnsharpMask'</span></h2>
  3855 <edit:elementsummary name='feUnsharpMask'/>
  3857 <p>
  3858   This filter primitive performs an image sharpening operation on the input image. This is traditionally known as an unsharp mask operation.</p>
  3860 <p>
  3861   The filter first does a <a>'feGaussianBlur'</a> operation on the input image and then subtracts the difference between the input image and the blurred image.</p>
  3863 <p>
  3864 For controlling the result there are three attributes that can be used:
  3865 </p>
  3866 <ul>
  3867   <li>the <a>'feUnsharpMask/stdDeviation'</a> attribute controls how much to blur the input image</li>
  3868   <li>the <a>'feUnsharpMask/threshold'</a> attribute can be used for controlling when the difference should not be subtracted</li>
  3869   <li>the <a>'feUnsharpMask/amount'</a> attribute specifies an optional multiplier for the difference to subtract</li>
  3870 </ul> 
  3872 <h2 id="feImageElement">Filter primitive <span
  3873 class="element-name">'feImage'</span></h2>
  3875 <edit:elementsummary name='feImage'/>
  3876 <edit:with element='feImage'>
  3878 <p>
  3879   This filter primitive refers to a graphic external to this filter element,
  3880 which is loaded or rendered into an RGBA raster and becomes the result of the
  3881 filter primitive.</p>
  3883 <p>
  3884   This filter primitive can refer to an external image or can be a reference
  3885 to another piece of SVG. It produces an image similar to the built-in image
  3886 source <a href="#SourceGraphic"><span
  3887 class="attr-value">SourceGraphic</span></a> except that the graphic comes
  3888 from an external source.</p>
  3890 <p>
  3891   If the <span class="attr-name">xlink:href</span> references a stand-alone
  3892 image resource such as a JPEG, PNG or SVG file, then the image resource is
  3893 rendered according to the behavior of the <span
  3894 class="element-name">'image'</span> element; otherwise, the referenced
  3895 resource is rendered according to the behavior of the <span
  3896 class="element-name">'use'</span> element. In either case, the current user
  3897 coordinate system depends on the value of attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a
  3898 href="#FilterElement"><span class="element-name">'filter'</span></a> element.
  3899 The processing of the <span class="attr-name">preserveAspectRatio</span>
  3900 attribute on the <span class="element-name">'feImage'</span> element is
  3901 identical to that of the <a>'image'</a> element.</p>
  3903 <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_hqImageResampling">When the referenced image must be resampled to match the device coordinate
  3904 system, it is recommended that high quality viewers make use of appropriate
  3905 interpolation techniques, for example bilinear or bicubic.</span> Depending on the
  3906 speed of the available interpolents, this choice may be affected by the <span
  3907 class="prop-name">'image-rendering'</span> property setting.</p>
  3909 <div class="adef-list">
  3910 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  3911 <dl>
  3912   <dt id="feImageHrefAttribute"><span
  3913   class="adef">xlink:href</span> =
  3914   "<span class="attr-value">&lt;IRI&gt;</span>"</dt>
  3915     <dd>An <a>IRI reference</a>
  3916       to an image resource or to an element.
  3917       <br />
  3918       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  3919   <dt id="feImageElementPreserveAspectRatioAttribute">
  3920     <span class="adef">preserveAspectRatio</span> = "<span class='attr-value'>[defer] &lt;align&gt; [&lt;meetOrSlice&gt;]</span>"
  3921      </dt>
  3922      <dd>
  3923        <p>
  3924          See <a>'preserveAspectRatio'</a>.
  3925        </p>
  3926        <p>
  3927          The lacuna value for <a>'preserveAspectRatio'</a> is <span class="attr-value">xMidYMid meet</span>.
  3928        </p>
  3929        <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  3930      </dd>
  3931    </dl>
  3932 </div>
  3934 <p><span class="example-ref">Example feImage</span> illustrates how images are placed relative
  3935 to an object. From left to right:</p>
  3936 <ul>
  3937  <li>
  3938    The default placement of an image. Note that the image is
  3939    centered in the <a>filter region</a> and has the maximum size that will
  3940    fit in the region consistent with preserving the aspect ratio.
  3941  </li>
  3942  <li>
  3943    The image stretched to fit the bounding box of an object.
  3944  </li>
  3945  <li>
  3946    The image placed using user coordinates. Note that the image is
  3947    first centered in a box the size of the <a>filter region</a> and has the
  3948    maximum size that will fit in the box consistent with preserving
  3949    the aspect ratio. This box is then shifted by the given <a>'x'</a> and
  3950    <a>'y'</a> values relative to the viewport the object is in.
  3951  </li>
  3952 </ul>
  3954 <edit:example href='examples/feImage-01.svg' name='feImage' description='Examples of feImage use' image='yes' link='yes'/>
  3955 </edit:with>
  3957 <h2 id="feMergeElement">Filter primitive <span
  3958 class="element-name">'feMerge'</span></h2>
  3960 <edit:elementsummary name='feMerge'/>
  3961 <edit:elementsummary name='feMergeNode'/>
  3963 <p>
  3964   This filter primitive composites input image layers on top of each other
  3965 using the <em>over</em> operator with <em>Input1</em> (corresponding to the
  3966 first <a href="#feMergeNodeElement"><span
  3967 class="element-name">'feMergeNode'</span></a> child element) on the bottom
  3968 and the last specified input, <em>InputN</em> (corresponding to the last <a
  3969 href="#feMergeNodeElement"><span
  3970 class="element-name">'feMergeNode'</span></a> child element), on top.</p>
  3972 <p>
  3973   Many effects produce a number of intermediate layers in order to create
  3974 the final output image. This filter allows us to collapse those into a single
  3975 image. Although this could be done by using n-1 Composite-filters, it is more
  3976 convenient to have this common operation available in this form, and offers
  3977 the implementation some additional flexibility.</p>
  3979 <p>
  3980   Each 'feMerge' element can have any number of 'feMergeNode' subelements,
  3981 each of which has an <a href="#CommonAttributes"><span
  3982 class="attr-name">in</span></a> attribute.</p>
  3984 <p>
  3985   The canonical implementation of feMerge is to render the entire effect
  3986 into one RGBA layer, and then render the resulting layer on the output
  3987 device. In certain cases (in particular if the output device itself is a
  3988 continuous tone device), and since merging is associative, it might be a
  3989 sufficient approximation to evaluate the effect one layer at a time and
  3990 render each layer individually onto the output device bottom to top.</p>
  3992 <p>
  3993   If the topmost image input is <a href="#SourceGraphic"><span
  3994 class="attr-value">SourceGraphic</span></a> and this <span
  3995 class="element-name">'feMerge'</span> is the last filter primitive in the
  3996 filter, the implementation is encouraged to render the layers up to that
  3997 point, and then render the <a href="#SourceGraphic"><span
  3998 class="attr-value">SourceGraphic</span></a> directly from its vector
  3999 description on top.</p>
  4001 <p id="feMergeNode"><a href="#AnExample">The example</a> at the start of this chapter makes
  4002 use of the <span class="element-name">feMerge</span> filter primitive to
  4003 composite two intermediate filter results together.</p>
  4005 <h2 id="feMorphologyElement">Filter primitive <span
  4006 class="element-name">'feMorphology'</span></h2>
  4008 <edit:elementsummary name='feMorphology'/>
  4009 <edit:with element='feMorphology'>
  4011 <p>
  4012   This filter primitive performs "fattening" or "thinning" of artwork. It is
  4013 particularly useful for fattening or thinning an alpha channel.</p>
  4015 <p>
  4016   The dilation (or erosion) kernel is a rectangle with a width of
  4017 2*<em>x-radius</em> and a height of 2*<em>y-radius</em>. In dilation, the
  4018 output pixel is the individual component-wise maximum of the corresponding
  4019 R,G,B,A values in the input image's kernel rectangle. In erosion, the output
  4020 pixel is the individual component-wise minimum of the corresponding R,G,B,A
  4021 values in the input image's kernel rectangle.</p>
  4023 <p>
  4024   Frequently this operation will take place on alpha-only images, such as
  4025 that produced by the built-in input, <a href="#SourceAlpha"><span
  4026 class="attr-value">SourceAlpha</span></a>. In that case, the implementation
  4027 might want to optimize the single channel case.</p>
  4029 <p>
  4030   If the input has infinite extent and is constant (e.g <span class="attr-value"><a href="#FillPaint">FillPaint</a></span>
  4031 where the fill is a solid color), this operation has no effect.
  4032 If the input has infinite extent and the filter result
  4033 is the input to an <a>'feTile'</a>, the filter is evaluated with
  4034 periodic boundary conditions.</p>
  4036 <p>
  4037   Because <span class="element-name">'feMorphology'</span> operates on
  4038 premultipied color values, it will always result in color values less than or
  4039 equal to the alpha channel.</p>
  4041 <div class="adef-list">
  4042 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  4043 <dl>
  4044   <dt id="feMorphologyOperatorAttribute"><span
  4045   class="adef">operator</span> = "<em>erode | dilate</em>"</dt>
  4046     <dd>A keyword indicating whether to erode (i.e., thin) or dilate (fatten)
  4047       the source graphic.
  4048       The lacuna value for <a>'operator'</a> is <span class="attr-value">erode</span>.
  4049       <br />
  4050       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4051   <dt id="feMorphologyRadiusAttribute"><span class="adef">radius</span> =
  4052   "<em><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4053     <dd>The radius (or radii) for the operation. If two <a>&lt;number&gt;</a>
  4054       s are provided, the first number represents a x-radius and the second
  4055       value represents a y-radius. If one number is provided, then that value
  4056       is used for both X and Y. The values are in the coordinate system
  4057       established by attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a
  4058       href="#FilterElement"><span class="element-name">'filter'</span></a>
  4059       element.<br />
  4060       A negative or zero value disables the effect of the given filter
  4061       primitive (i.e., the result is a transparent black image).<br />
  4062       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  4063       <span class="attr-value">0</span> were specified.<br />
  4064       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4065 </dl>
  4066 </div>
  4067 </edit:with>
  4069 <edit:example href="examples/feMorphology.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  4071 <h2 id="feOffsetElement">Filter primitive <span
  4072 class="element-name">'feOffset'</span></h2>
  4074 <edit:elementsummary name='feOffset'/>
  4076 <p>
  4077   This filter primitive offsets the input image relative to its current
  4078 position in the image space by the specified vector.</p>
  4080 <p>
  4081   This is important for effects like drop shadows.</p>
  4083 <p>
  4084   When applying this filter, the destination location may be offset by a
  4085 fraction of a pixel in device space. <span class="requirement" id="assert_hqFeOffsetInterpolation">In this case a high quality viewer
  4086 should make use of appropriate interpolation techniques, for example bilinear
  4087 or bicubic.</span> This is especially recommended for dynamic viewers where this
  4088 interpolation provides visually smoother movement of images. For static
  4089 viewers this is less of a concern. Close attention should be made to the
  4090 <span class="prop-name">'image-rendering'</span> property setting to
  4091 determine the authors intent.</p>
  4093 <div class="adef-list">
  4094 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  4095 <dl>
  4096   <dt id="feOffsetDxAttribute"><span
  4097   class="adef">dx</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4098     <dd>The amount to offset the input graphic along the x-axis. The offset
  4099       amount is expressed in the coordinate system established by attribute
  4100       <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a>'filter element'</a>
  4101       element.<br />
  4102       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  4103       <span class="attr-value">0</span> were specified.<br />
  4104       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4105   <dt id="feOffsetDyAttribute"><span
  4106   class="adef">dy</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4107     <dd>The amount to offset the input graphic along the y-axis. The offset
  4108       amount is expressed in the coordinate system established by attribute
  4109       <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a> on the <a
  4110       href="#FilterElement"><span class="element-name">'filter'</span></a>
  4111       element.<br />
  4112       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  4113       <span class="attr-value">0</span> were specified.<br />
  4114       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4115 </dl>
  4116 </div>
  4118 <p><a href="#AnExample">The example</a> at the start of this chapter makes
  4119 use of the <span class="element-name">feOffset</span> filter primitive to
  4120 offset the drop shadow from the original source graphic.</p>
  4122 <h2 id="feSpecularLightingElement">Filter primitive <span
  4123 class="element-name">'feSpecularLighting'</span></h2>
  4125 <edit:elementsummary name='feSpecularLighting'/>
  4127 <p>
  4128   This filter primitive lights a source graphic using the alpha channel as a
  4129 bump map. The resulting image is an RGBA image based on the light color. The
  4130 lighting calculation follows the standard specular component of the Phong
  4131 lighting model. The resulting image depends on the light color, light
  4132 position and surface geometry of the input bump map. The result of the
  4133 lighting calculation is added. The filter primitive assumes that the viewer
  4134 is at infinity in the z direction (i.e., the unit vector in the eye direction
  4135 is (0,0,1) everywhere).</p>
  4137 <p>
  4138   This filter primitive produces an image which contains the specular
  4139 reflection part of the lighting calculation. Such a map is intended to be
  4140 combined with a texture using the <em>add</em> term of the
  4141 <em>arithmetic</em> <a href="#feCompositeElement"><span
  4142 class="element-name">'feComposite'</span></a> method. Multiple light sources
  4143 can be simulated by adding several of these light maps before applying it to
  4144 the texture image.</p>
  4146 <p>
  4147   The resulting RGBA image is computed as follows:</p>
  4149 <p class="filterformula">S<sub>r</sub> = k<sub>s</sub> * pow(N.H,
  4150 specularExponent) * L<sub>r<br />
  4151 </sub> S<sub>g</sub> = k<sub>s</sub> * pow(N.H, specularExponent) *
  4152 L<sub>g<br />
  4153 </sub> S<sub>b</sub> = k<sub>s</sub> * pow(N.H, specularExponent) *
  4154 L<sub>b<br />
  4155 </sub> S<sub>a</sub> = max(S<sub>r,</sub> S<sub>g,</sub> S<sub>b</sub>)</p>
  4157 <p>
  4158   where</p>
  4159 <dl>
  4160     <dd>k<sub>s</sub> = specular lighting constant<br />
  4161       N = surface normal unit vector, a function of x and y<br />
  4162       H = "halfway" unit vector between eye unit vector and light unit
  4163       vector<br />
  4164       <br />
  4165       L<sub>r</sub>,L<sub>g</sub>,L<sub>b</sub> = RGB components of light</dd>
  4166 </dl>
  4168 <p>
  4169   See <a href="#feDiffuseLighting"><span
  4170 class="element-name">'feDiffuseLighting'</span></a> for definition of N and
  4171 (L<sub>r</sub>, L<sub>g</sub>, L<sub>b</sub>).</p>
  4173 <p>
  4174   The definition of H reflects our assumption of the constant eye vector E =
  4175 (0,0,1):</p>
  4177 <p class="filterformula">H = (L + E) / Norm(L+E)</p>
  4179 <p>
  4180   where L is the light unit vector.</p>
  4182 <p>
  4183   Unlike the <a href="#feDiffuseLighting"><span
  4184 class="element-name">'feDiffuseLighting'</span></a>, the <span
  4185 class="element-name">'feSpecularLighting'</span> filter produces a non-opaque
  4186 image. This is due to the fact that the specular result
  4187 (S<sub>r</sub>,S<sub>g</sub>,S<sub>b</sub>,S<sub>a</sub>) is meant to be
  4188 added to the textured image. The alpha channel of the result is the max of
  4189 the color components, so that where the specular light is zero, no additional
  4190 coverage is added to the image and a fully white highlight will add
  4191 opacity.</p>
  4193 <p>
  4194   The <a href="#feDiffuseLighting"><span
  4195 class="element-name">'feDiffuseLighting'</span></a> and <span
  4196 class="element-name">'feSpecularLighting'</span> filters will often be
  4197 applied together. An implementation may detect this and calculate both maps
  4198 in one pass, instead of two.</p>
  4200 <div class="adef-list">
  4201 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  4202 <dl>
  4203   <dt id="feSpecularLightingSurfaceScaleAttribute"><span
  4204   class="adef">surfaceScale</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4205     <dd>height of surface when A<sub>in</sub> = 1.<br />
  4206       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  4207       <span class="attr-value">1</span> were specified.<br />
  4208       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4209   <dt id="feSpecularLightingSpecularConstantAttribute"><span
  4210   class="adef">specularConstant</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4211     <dd>ks in Phong lighting model. In SVG, this can be any non-negative
  4212       number.<br />
  4213       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  4214       <span class="attr-value">1</span> were specified.<br />
  4215       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4216   <dt id="feSpecularLightingSpecularExponentAttribute"><span
  4217   class="adef">specularExponent</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4218     <dd>Exponent for specular term, larger is more "shiny". Range 1.0 to
  4219       128.0.<br />
  4220       If the attribute is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of
  4221       <span class="attr-value">1</span> were specified.<br />
  4222       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4223   <dt id="feSpecularLightingKernelUnitLengthAttribute"><span
  4224   class="adef">kernelUnitLength</span> = "<span
  4225   class="attr-value"><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></span>"</dt>
  4226     <dd>The first number is the &lt;dx&gt; value. The second number is the
  4227       &lt;dy&gt; value. If the &lt;dy&gt; value is not specified, it defaults
  4228       to the same value as &lt;dx&gt;. Indicates the intended distance in
  4229       current filter units (i.e., units as determined by the value of
  4230       attribute <a>'filter/primitiveUnits'</a>) for <code>dx</code> and
  4231       <code>dy</code>, respectively, in the <a
  4232       href="#SurfaceNormalCalculations">surface normal calculation
  4233       formulas</a>. By specifying value(s) for <span
  4234       class="attr-name">kernelUnitLength</span>, the kernel becomes defined
  4235       in a scalable, abstract coordinate system. If <span
  4236       class="attr-name">kernelUnitLength</span> is not specified, the
  4237       <code>dx</code> and <code>dy</code> values should represent very small
  4238       deltas relative to a given <code>(x,y)</code> position, which might be
  4239       implemented in some cases as one pixel in the intermediate image
  4240       offscreen bitmap, which is a pixel-based coordinate system, and thus
  4241       potentially not scalable. For some level of consistency across display
  4242       media and user agents, it is necessary that a value be provided for at
  4243       least one of <span class="attr-name">filterRes</span> and <span
  4244       class="attr-name">kernelUnitLength</span>. Discussion of intermediate
  4245       images are in the <a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a> and in the
  4246       description of attribute <a>'filter/filterRes'</a>.<br />
  4247       If a negative or zero value is specified the default value will be used
  4248       instead. <br />
  4249       <span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></dd>
  4250 </dl>
  4251 </div>
  4253 <p>
  4254   The light source is defined by one of the child elements <a>'feDistantLight'</a>, 
  4255 <a>'fePointLight'</a> or <a>'feDistantLight'</a>. The light color is
  4256 specified by property <a>'lighting-color'</a>.</p>
  4258 <p><a href="#AnExample">The example</a> at the start of this chapter makes
  4259 use of the <span class="element-name">feSpecularLighting</span> filter
  4260 primitive to achieve a highly reflective, 3D glowing effect.</p>
  4262 <h2 id="feTileElement">Filter primitive <span
  4263 class="element-name">'feTile'</span></h2>
  4265 <edit:elementsummary name='feTile'/>
  4267 <p>
  4268   This filter primitive fills a target rectangle with a repeated, tiled
  4269 pattern of an input image. 
  4270 The target rectangle is as large as the <a>filter primitive subregion</a> established
  4271 by the <span class="element-name">'feTile'</span> element.
  4272 </p>
  4274 <p>
  4275   Typically, the input image has been defined with its own <a>filter primitive subregion</a> in order to
  4276 define a reference tile. <span class="element-name">'feTile'</span>
  4277 replicates the reference tile in both X and Y to completely fill the target
  4278 rectangle. The top/left corner of each given tile is at location
  4279 <code>(x+i*width,y+j*height)</code>, where <code>(x,y)</code> represents the
  4280 top/left of the input image's <a>filter primitive subregion</a>, <code>width</code>
  4281 and <code>height</code> represent the width and height of the input image's
  4282 <a>filter primitive subregion</a>, and <code>i</code> and <code>j</code> can be any
  4283 integer value. In most cases, the input image will have a smaller <a>filter
  4284 primitive subregion</a> than the <span class="element-name">'feTile'</span> in
  4285 order to achieve a repeated pattern effect.</p>
  4287 <p class="requirement" id="assertTileArtifacts">Implementers must take appropriate measures in constructing the tiled
  4288 image to avoid artifacts between tiles, particularly in situations where the
  4289 user to device transform includes shear and/or rotation. Unless care is
  4290 taken, interpolation can lead to edge pixels in the tile having opacity
  4291 values lower or higher than expected due to the interaction of painting
  4292 adjacent tiles which each have partial overlap with particular pixels.</p>
  4294 <div class="adef-list">
  4295   </div>
  4297 <h2 id="feTurbulenceElement">Filter primitive <span
  4298 class="element-name">'feTurbulence'</span></h2>
  4300 <edit:with element="feTurbulence">
  4302 <p class="specissue">ISSUE: Consider phasing out this C algorithm in favor of Simplex noise, which is more HW friendly.</p>
  4304 <p>
  4305   This filter primitive creates an image using the Perlin turbulence
  4306 function. It allows the synthesis of artificial textures like clouds or
  4307 marble. For a detailed description the of the Perlin turbulence function, see
  4308 "Texturing and Modeling", Ebert et al, AP Professional, 1994. The resulting
  4309 image will fill the entire <a>filter primitive subregion</a> for this filter primitive.</p>
  4311 <p>
  4312   It is possible to create bandwidth-limited noise by synthesizing only one
  4313 octave.</p>
  4315 <p>
  4316   The C code below shows the exact algorithm used for this filter effect. 
  4317 The <a>filter primitive subregion</a> is to be passed as the arguments fTileX, 
  4318 fTileY, fTileWidth and fTileHeight.</p>
  4320 <p>
  4321   For fractalSum, you get a turbFunctionResult that is aimed at a range of
  4322 -1 to 1 (the actual result might exceed this range in some cases). To convert
  4323 to a color value, use the formula <code>colorValue = ((turbFunctionResult *
  4324 255) + 255) / 2</code>, then clamp to the range 0 to 255.</p>
  4326 <p>
  4327   For turbulence, you get a turbFunctionResult that is aimed at a range of 0
  4328 to 1 (the actual result might exceed this range in some cases). To convert to
  4329 a color value, use the formula <code>colorValue = (turbFunctionResult *
  4330 255)</code>, then clamp to the range 0 to 255.</p>
  4332 <p>
  4333   The following order is used for applying the pseudo random numbers. An
  4334 initial seed value is computed based on the <a>'seed'</a> attribute. 
  4335 Then the implementation computes the lattice
  4336 points for R, then continues getting additional pseudo random numbers
  4337 relative to the last generated pseudo random number and computes the lattice
  4338 points for G, and so on for B and A.</p>
  4340 <p>
  4341   The generated color and alpha values are in the color space determined by
  4342 the <a>'color-interpolation-filters'</a> property:</p>
  4343 <pre class="svgsamplecompressed">/* Produces results in the range [1, 2**31 - 2].
  4344 Algorithm is: r = (a * r) mod m
  4345 where a = 16807 and m = 2**31 - 1 = 2147483647
  4346 See [Park &amp; Miller], CACM vol. 31 no. 10 p. 1195, Oct. 1988
  4347 To test: the algorithm should produce the result 1043618065
  4348 as the 10,000th generated number if the original seed is 1.
  4349 */
  4350 #define RAND_m 2147483647 /* 2**31 - 1 */
  4351 #define RAND_a 16807 /* 7**5; primitive root of m */
  4352 #define RAND_q 127773 /* m / a */
  4353 #define RAND_r 2836 /* m % a */
  4354 long setup_seed(long lSeed)
  4356   if (lSeed &lt;= 0) lSeed = -(lSeed % (RAND_m - 1)) + 1;
  4357   if (lSeed &gt; RAND_m - 1) lSeed = RAND_m - 1;
  4358   return lSeed;
  4360 long random(long lSeed)
  4362   long result;
  4363   result = RAND_a * (lSeed % RAND_q) - RAND_r * (lSeed / RAND_q);
  4364   if (result &lt;= 0) result += RAND_m;
  4365   return result;
  4367 #define BSize 0x100
  4368 #define BM 0xff
  4369 #define PerlinN 0x1000
  4370 #define NP 12 /* 2^PerlinN */
  4371 #define NM 0xfff
  4372 static uLatticeSelector[BSize + BSize + 2];
  4373 static double fGradient[4][BSize + BSize + 2][2];
  4374 struct StitchInfo
  4376   int nWidth; // How much to subtract to wrap for stitching.
  4377   int nHeight;
  4378   int nWrapX; // Minimum value to wrap.
  4379   int nWrapY;
  4380 };
  4381 static void init(long lSeed)
  4383   double s;
  4384   int i, j, k;
  4385   lSeed = setup_seed(lSeed);
  4386   for(k = 0; k &lt; 4; k++)
  4388     for(i = 0; i &lt; BSize; i++)
  4390       uLatticeSelector[i] = i;
  4391       for (j = 0; j &lt; 2; j++)
  4392         fGradient[k][i][j] = (double)(((lSeed = random(lSeed)) % (BSize + BSize)) - BSize) / BSize;
  4393       s = double(sqrt(fGradient[k][i][0] * fGradient[k][i][0] + fGradient[k][i][1] * fGradient[k][i][1]));
  4394       fGradient[k][i][0] /= s;
  4395       fGradient[k][i][1] /= s;
  4398   while(--i)
  4400     k = uLatticeSelector[i];
  4401     uLatticeSelector[i] = uLatticeSelector[j = (lSeed = random(lSeed)) % BSize];
  4402     uLatticeSelector[j] = k;
  4404   for(i = 0; i &lt; BSize + 2; i++)
  4406     uLatticeSelector[BSize + i] = uLatticeSelector[i];
  4407     for(k = 0; k &lt; 4; k++)
  4408       for(j = 0; j &lt; 2; j++)
  4409         fGradient[k][BSize + i][j] = fGradient[k][i][j];
  4412 #define s_curve(t) ( t * t * (3. - 2. * t) )
  4413 #define lerp(t, a, b) ( a + t * (b - a) )
  4414 double noise2(int nColorChannel, double vec[2], StitchInfo *pStitchInfo)
  4416   int bx0, bx1, by0, by1, b00, b10, b01, b11;
  4417   double rx0, rx1, ry0, ry1, *q, sx, sy, a, b, t, u, v;
  4418   register i, j;
  4419   t = vec[0] + PerlinN;
  4420   bx0 = (int)t;
  4421   bx1 = bx0+1;
  4422   rx0 = t - (int)t;
  4423   rx1 = rx0 - 1.0f;
  4424   t = vec[1] + PerlinN;
  4425   by0 = (int)t;
  4426   by1 = by0+1;
  4427   ry0 = t - (int)t;
  4428   ry1 = ry0 - 1.0f;
  4429   // If stitching, adjust lattice points accordingly.
  4430   if(pStitchInfo != NULL)
  4432     if(bx0 &gt;= pStitchInfo-&gt;nWrapX)
  4433       bx0 -= pStitchInfo-&gt;nWidth;
  4434     if(bx1 &gt;= pStitchInfo-&gt;nWrapX)
  4435       bx1 -= pStitchInfo-&gt;nWidth;
  4436     if(by0 &gt;= pStitchInfo-&gt;nWrapY)
  4437       by0 -= pStitchInfo-&gt;nHeight;
  4438     if(by1 &gt;= pStitchInfo-&gt;nWrapY)
  4439       by1 -= pStitchInfo-&gt;nHeight;
  4441   bx0 &amp;= BM;
  4442   bx1 &amp;= BM;
  4443   by0 &amp;= BM;
  4444   by1 &amp;= BM;
  4445   i = uLatticeSelector[bx0];
  4446   j = uLatticeSelector[bx1];
  4447   b00 = uLatticeSelector[i + by0];
  4448   b10 = uLatticeSelector[j + by0];
  4449   b01 = uLatticeSelector[i + by1];
  4450   b11 = uLatticeSelector[j + by1];
  4451   sx = double(s_curve(rx0));
  4452   sy = double(s_curve(ry0));
  4453   q = fGradient[nColorChannel][b00]; u = rx0 * q[0] + ry0 * q[1];
  4454   q = fGradient[nColorChannel][b10]; v = rx1 * q[0] + ry0 * q[1];
  4455   a = lerp(sx, u, v);
  4456   q = fGradient[nColorChannel][b01]; u = rx0 * q[0] + ry1 * q[1];
  4457   q = fGradient[nColorChannel][b11]; v = rx1 * q[0] + ry1 * q[1];
  4458   b = lerp(sx, u, v);
  4459   return lerp(sy, a, b);
  4461 double turbulence(int nColorChannel, double *point, double <a href="#feTurbulenceBaseFrequencyAttribute">fBaseFreqX</a>, double <a href="#feTurbulenceBaseFrequencyAttribute">fBaseFreqY</a>,
  4462           int <a href="#feTurbulenceNumOctavesAttribute">nNumOctaves</a>, bool bFractalSum, bool bDoStitching,
  4463           double <a href="#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">fTileX</a>, double <a href="#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">fTileY</a>, double <a href="#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">fTileWidth</a>, double <a href="#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion">fTileHeight</a>)
  4465   StitchInfo stitch;
  4466   StitchInfo *pStitchInfo = NULL; // Not stitching when NULL.
  4467   // Adjust the base frequencies if necessary for stitching.
  4468   if(bDoStitching)
  4470     // When stitching tiled turbulence, the frequencies must be adjusted
  4471     // so that the tile borders will be continuous.
  4472     if(fBaseFreqX != 0.0)
  4474       double fLoFreq = double(floor(fTileWidth * fBaseFreqX)) / fTileWidth;
  4475       double fHiFreq = double(ceil(fTileWidth * fBaseFreqX)) / fTileWidth;
  4476       if(fBaseFreqX / fLoFreq &lt; fHiFreq / fBaseFreqX)
  4477         fBaseFreqX = fLoFreq;
  4478       else
  4479         fBaseFreqX = fHiFreq;
  4481     if(fBaseFreqY != 0.0)
  4483       double fLoFreq = double(floor(fTileHeight * fBaseFreqY)) / fTileHeight;
  4484       double fHiFreq = double(ceil(fTileHeight * fBaseFreqY)) / fTileHeight;
  4485       if(fBaseFreqY / fLoFreq &lt; fHiFreq / fBaseFreqY)
  4486         fBaseFreqY = fLoFreq;
  4487       else
  4488         fBaseFreqY = fHiFreq;
  4490     // Set up initial stitch values.
  4491     pStitchInfo = &amp;stitch;
  4492     stitch.nWidth = int(fTileWidth * fBaseFreqX + 0.5f);
  4493     stitch.nWrapX = fTileX * fBaseFreqX + PerlinN + stitch.nWidth;
  4494     stitch.nHeight = int(fTileHeight * fBaseFreqY + 0.5f);
  4495     stitch.nWrapY = fTileY * fBaseFreqY + PerlinN + stitch.nHeight;
  4497   double fSum = 0.0f;
  4498   double vec[2];
  4499   vec[0] = point[0] * fBaseFreqX;
  4500   vec[1] = point[1] * fBaseFreqY;
  4501   double ratio = 1;
  4502   for(int nOctave = 0; nOctave &lt; nNumOctaves; nOctave++)
  4504     if(bFractalSum)
  4505       fSum += double(noise2(nColorChannel, vec, pStitchInfo) / ratio);
  4506     else
  4507       fSum += double(fabs(noise2(nColorChannel, vec, pStitchInfo)) / ratio);
  4508     vec[0] *= 2;
  4509     vec[1] *= 2;
  4510     ratio *= 2;
  4511     if(pStitchInfo != NULL)
  4513       // Update stitch values. Subtracting PerlinN before the multiplication and
  4514       // adding it afterward simplifies to subtracting it once.
  4515       stitch.nWidth *= 2;
  4516       stitch.nWrapX = 2 * stitch.nWrapX - PerlinN;
  4517       stitch.nHeight *= 2;
  4518       stitch.nWrapY = 2 * stitch.nWrapY - PerlinN;
  4521   return fSum;
  4522 }</pre>
  4524 <div class="adef-list">
  4525 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  4526 <dl>
  4527   <dt id="feTurbulenceBaseFrequencyAttribute"><span
  4528   class="adef">baseFrequency</span> =
  4529   "<em><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4530     <dd>
  4531     <p>
  4532   The base frequency (frequencies) parameter(s) for the noise function.
  4533       If two <a>&lt;number&gt;</a>s are provided, the first number represents a base frequency in the X
  4534       direction and the second value represents a base frequency in the Y
  4535       direction. If one number is provided, then that value is used for both
  4536       X and Y.</p>
  4537     <p>
  4538   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'baseFrequency'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.</p>
  4539     <p>
  4540   Negative values are <a>unsupported</a>.</p>
  4541         <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  4542 </dd>
  4543   <dt id="feTurbulenceNumOctavesAttribute"><span
  4544   class="adef">numOctaves</span> = "<em><a>&lt;integer&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4545     <dd>
  4546     <p>
  4547   The numOctaves parameter for the noise function.</p>
  4548         <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_turbulenceNumOctavesLacunaValue">The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'numOctaves'</a> is <span class="attr-value">1</span>.</span></p>
  4549     <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_turbulenceNumOctavesUnsupportedValue">Negative values are <a>unsupported</a>.</span></p>
  4550         <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_turbulenceNumOctavesAnimatable"><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></span></p>
  4551   </dd>
  4552   <dt id="feTurbulenceSeedAttribute">
  4553   <span class="adef">seed</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4554     <dd>
  4555     <p>
  4556   The starting number for the pseudo random number generator.</p>
  4557     <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_turbulenceSeedLacunaValue">The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'seed'</a> is <span class="attr-value">0</span>.</span></p>
  4558       <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_turbulenceSeedTruncation">When the seed number is handed over to the algorithm above it must first be 
  4559     truncated, i.e. rounded to the closest integer value towards zero.</span></p>
  4560         <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  4561   </dd>
  4562   <dt id="feTurbulenceStitchTilesAttribute"><span
  4563   class="adef">stitchTiles</span> = "<em>stitch | noStitch</em>"</dt>
  4564     <dd>
  4565   <p>
  4566   If <span class="attr-value">stitchTiles="noStitch"</span>, no attempt
  4567       it made to achieve smooth transitions at the border of tiles which
  4568       contain a turbulence function. Sometimes the result will show clear
  4569       discontinuities at the tile borders.<br />
  4570       If <span class="attr-value">stitchTiles="stitch"</span>, then the user
  4571       agent will automatically adjust baseFrequency-x and baseFrequency-y
  4572       values such that the <a>'feTurbulence'</a> node's width and height (i.e., the
  4573       width and height of the current subregion) contains an integral number
  4574       of the Perlin tile width and height for the first octave. The
  4575       baseFrequency will be adjusted up or down depending on which way has
  4576       the smallest relative (not absolute) change as follows: Given the
  4577       frequency, calculate <code>lowFreq=floor(width*frequency)/width</code>
  4578       and <code>hiFreq=ceil(width*frequency)/width</code>. If
  4579       frequency/lowFreq &lt; hiFreq/frequency then use lowFreq, else use
  4580       hiFreq. While generating turbulence values, generate lattice vectors as
  4581       normal for Perlin Noise, except for those lattice points that lie on
  4582       the right or bottom edges of the active area (the size of the resulting
  4583       tile). In those cases, copy the lattice vector from the opposite edge
  4584       of the active area.</p>
  4585     <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_turbulenceStitchTilesLacunaValue">The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'stitchTiles'</a> is <span class="attr-value">noStitch</span>.</span></p>
  4586       <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  4587   </dd>
  4588   <dt id="feTurbulenceTypeAttribute">
  4589   <span class="adef">type</span> = "<em>fractalNoise | turbulence</em>"</dt>
  4590     <dd>
  4591     <p>
  4592   Indicates whether the filter primitive should perform a noise or
  4593       turbulence function.</p>
  4594     <p><span class="requirement" id="assert_turbulenceTypeLacunaValue">The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'type'</a> is <span class="attr-value">turbulence</span>.</span></p>
  4595         <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  4596   </dd>
  4597 </dl>
  4598 </div>
  4600 <edit:example href="examples/feTurbulence.svg" image="yes" link="yes"/>
  4601 </edit:with>
  4603 <h2 id="feDropShadowElement">Filter primitive <span
  4604 class="element-name">'feDropShadow'</span></h2>
  4606 <edit:elementsummary name='feDropShadow'/>
  4608 <p>
  4609   This filter creates a drop shadow of the input image. It is a shorthand
  4610 filter, and is defined in terms of combinations of other <a>filter primitives</a>.
  4611 The expectation is that it can be optimized more easily by
  4612 implementations.</p>
  4614 <p>
  4615   The result of a <a>'feDropShadow'</a> filter
  4616 primitive is equivalent to the following: 
  4617 </p>
  4619 <pre class="examplesource">
  4620   &lt;feGaussianBlur in="<b>alpha-channel-of-feDropShadow-in</b>" stdDeviation="<b>stdDeviation-of-feDropShadow</b>"/&gt; 
  4621   &lt;feOffset dx="<b>dx-of-feDropShadow</b>" dy="<b>dy-of-feDropShadow</b>" result="offsetblur"/&gt; 
  4622   &lt;feFlood flood-color="<b>flood-color-of-feDropShadow</b>" flood-opacity="<b>flood-opacity-of-feDropShadow</b>"/&gt; 
  4623   &lt;feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"/&gt; 
  4624   &lt;feMerge&gt; 
  4625     &lt;feMergeNode/&gt;
  4626     &lt;feMergeNode in="<b>in-of-feDropShadow</b>"/&gt; 
  4627   &lt;/feMerge&gt;
  4628 </pre>
  4630 <p>
  4631 The above divided into steps:
  4632 </p>
  4633 <ol>
  4634   <li>Take the alpha channel of the input to the <a>'feDropShadow'</a> filter primitive and the <a>'feDropShadow/stdDeviation'</a> on the <a>'feDropShadow'</a> and do processing as if the
  4635     following <a>'feGaussianBlur'</a> was applied: 
  4636     <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;feGaussianBlur in="<b>alpha-channel-of-feDropShadow-in</b>" stdDeviation="<b>stdDeviation-of-feDropShadow</b>"/&gt;</pre>
  4637     <br />
  4638   </li>
  4639   <li>Offset the result of step 1 by <a>'feDropShadow/dx'</a> and <a>'feDropShadow/dy'</a> as
  4640     specified on the <a>'feDropShadow'</a>
  4641     element, equivalent to applying an <a>'feOffset'</a> with these parameters: 
  4642     <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;feOffset dx="<b>dx-of-feDropShadow</b>" dy="<b>dy-of-feDropShadow</b>" result="offsetblur"/&gt;</pre>
  4643     <br />
  4644   </li>
  4645   <li>Do processing as if an <a>'feFlood'</a> element with <a>'flood-color'</a> and 
  4646   <a>'flood-opacity'</a> as specified on the <a>'feDropShadow'</a> was applied: 
  4647     <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;feFlood flood-color="<b>flood-color-of-feDropShadow</b>" flood-opacity="<b>flood-opacity-of-feDropShadow</b>"/&gt;</pre>
  4648     <br />
  4649   </li>
  4650   <li>Composite the result of the <a href="#feFloodElement"><span
  4651     class="element-name">'feFlood'</span></a> in step 3 with the result of
  4652     the <a href="#feOffsetElement"><span
  4653     class="element-name">'feOffset'</span></a> in step 2 as if an <a>'feComposite'</a> filter primitive with <a
  4654     href="#feCompositeOperatorAttribute"><span
  4655     class="attr-name">operator</span></a>='in' was applied: 
  4656     <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"/&gt;</pre>
  4657     <br />
  4658   </li>
  4659   <li>Finally merge the result of the previous step, doing processing as if
  4660     the following <a>'feMerge'</a> was performed: 
  4661     <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;feMerge&gt;
  4662       &lt;feMergeNode/&gt;
  4663       &lt;feMergeNode in="<b>in-of-feDropShadow</b>"/&gt;
  4664   &lt;/feMerge&gt;</pre>
  4665   </li>
  4666 </ol>
  4668 <p class="note implementation">Note that while the definition of the <span
  4669 class="element-name">'feDropShadow'</span> filter primitive says that it can
  4670 be expanded into an equivalent tree it is not required that it is implemented
  4671 like that. The expectation is that user agents can optimize the handling by not having to do all the steps separately.
  4672 </p> 
  4674 <p>
  4675   Beyond the DOM interface <a
  4676 href="#InterfaceSVGFEDropShadowElement">SVGFEDropShadowElement</a> there is no way
  4677 of accessing the internals of the <a>'feDropShadow'</a> filter primitive, meaning <span class="requirement" id="assert_dropShadowShadowTrees">if the
  4678 filter primitive is implemented as an equivalent tree then that tree must not
  4679 be exposed to the DOM.</span> </p>
  4681 <div class="adef-list">
  4682 <p><em>Attribute definitions:</em></p>
  4683 <dl>
  4684   <dt id="feDropShadowDxAttribute">
  4685   <span class="adef">dx</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4686     <dd>
  4687     <p>
  4688   The x offset of the drop shadow.</p> 
  4689     <p>
  4690   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feDropShadow/dx'</a> is <span class="attr-value">2</span>.</p> 
  4691     <p>
  4692   This attribute is then forwarded to the <a>'feOffset/dx'</a> attribute of the internal <a>'feOffset'</a> element.</p>
  4693     <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  4694   </dd>
  4695   <dt id="feDropShadowDyAttribute">
  4696   <span class="adef">dy</span> = "<em><a>&lt;number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4697     <dd>
  4698     <p>
  4699   The y offset of the drop shadow.</p>
  4700     <p>
  4701   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feDropShadow/dy'</a> is <span class="attr-value">2</span>. </p>
  4702     <p>
  4703   This attribute is then forwarded to the <a>'feOffset/dy'</a> attribute of the internal <a>'feOffset'</a> element.</p>
  4704     <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  4705   </dd>
  4706   <dt id="feDropShadowStdDeviationAttribute"><span
  4707   class="adef">stdDeviation</span> =
  4708   "<em><a>&lt;number-optional-number&gt;</a></em>"</dt>
  4709     <dd>
  4710     <p>
  4711   The standard deviation for the blur operation in the drop shadow.</p>
  4712     <p>
  4713   The <a>lacuna value</a> for <a>'feDropShadow/stdDeviation'</a> is <span class="attr-value">2</span>.</p> 
  4714     <p>
  4715   This attribute is then forwarded to the <a>'feGaussianBlur/stdDeviation'</a> attribute of the internal
  4716       <a>'feGaussianBlur'</a> element.</p>
  4717     <p><span class="anim-target">Animatable: yes.</span></p>
  4718   </dd>
  4719 </dl>
  4720 </div>
  4722 <div class="note">
  4723 <h2 id="feDiffuseSpecularElement">Filter primitive <span
  4724 class="element-name">'feDiffuseSpecular'</span></h2>
  4725 The WG is looking at providing a shorthand for diffuse+specular.
  4726 </div>
  4728 <h2 id="feCustomElement">Filter primitive <span
  4729 class="element-name">'feCustom'</span></h2>
  4732 <p>The <a href="">Filter Effects</a>
  4733     specification does not define the <code>feCustom</code> element. This document proposes the following
  4734     definition.</p>
  4736     <div class="element-summary">
  4737         <div class="element-summary-name">
  4738             <span class="element-name">‘feCustom’</span>
  4739         </div>
  4740         <dl>
  4741             <dt>Content model:</dt>
  4742             <dd>Any number of the following elements, in any order:
  4743                     <ul class="no-bullets">
  4744                         <li><a href=""><span class="element-name">‘animate’</span></a></li>
  4745                         <li><a href=""><span class="element-name">‘set’</span></a></li>
  4746                     </ul>
  4747             </dd>
  4748             <dt>Attributes:</dt>
  4749             <dd>
  4750                 <ul class="no-bullets">
  4751                     <li><a href="">core attributes</a></li>
  4752                     <li><a href="">presentation attributes</a></li>
  4753                     <li><a href="">filter primitive attributes</a></li>
  4754                     <li><a href=""><span class="attr-name">‘class’</span></a></li>
  4755                     <li><a href=""><span class="attr-name">‘style’</span></a></li>
  4756                     <li><a href="#feCustomVertexShaderAttribute"><span class="attr-name">‘vertexShader’</span></a></li>
  4757                     <li><a href="#feCustomFragmentShaderAttribute"><span class="attr-name">‘fragmentShader’</span></a></li>
  4758                     <li><a href="#feCustomVertexMeshAttribute"><span class="attr-name">‘vertexMesh’</span></a></li>
  4759                     <li><a href="#feCustomParams"><span class="attr-name">‘params’</span></a></li>
  4760                 </ul>
  4761             </dd>
  4762         </dl>
  4763     </div>
  4765     <div>
  4766         <dl>
  4767             <dt id="feCustomVertexShaderAttribute">vertexShader: <code>&lt;uri&gt;</code></dt>
  4768             <dd>The shader at &lt;uri&gt; provides the implementation for the <code>feCustom</code>
  4769                 vertex shader. If the 
  4770                 shader cannot be retrieved, or if the shader cannot be loaded or compiled because it contains erroneous code, the shader is a <a href="#default-shaders">pass through</a>. Otherwise, the vertex shader is invoked for all the vertex mesh vertices. 
  4771                 </dd>
  4772         </dl>
  4773         <dl>
  4774             <dt id="feCustomFragmentShaderAttribute">fragmentShader: <code>&lt;uri&gt;</code></dt>
  4775             <dd>The shader at &lt;uri&gt; provides the implementation for the <code>feCustom</code>
  4776                 fragment shader. If the 
  4777                 shader cannot be retrieved, or if the shader cannot be loaded or compiled because it contains erroneous code,  the shader is a <a href="#default-shaders">pass through</a>. Otherwise, the fragment shader
  4778                 is invoked for each of the pixels during the rasterization phase that follows
  4779                 the vertex shader processing.
  4780                 </dd>
  4781         </dl>
  4782         <dl>
  4783             <dt id="feCustomVertexMeshAttribute">vertexMesh: <code>+&lt;integer&gt;{1,2}[wsp&lt;box&gt;][wsp'detached']</code></dt>
  4784             <dd>See the <a href='#vertexMesh-attribute'>vertexMesh</a> attribute discussion</dd>
  4785         </dl>
  4786         <dl>
  4787             <dt id="feCustomParamsAttribute">params: <code>[&lt;param-def&gt;[,&lt;param-def&gt;*]]</code></dt>
  4788             <dd>
  4789                 Parameters are passed as uniforms to both the vertex and the fragment shaders.
  4790                 <table class="values-desc">
  4791                     <tr>
  4792                         <td id="param-def">&lt;param-def&gt;</td>
  4793                         <td> &lt;param-name&gt;wsp&lt;param-value&gt;</td>
  4794                     </tr>
  4795                     <tr>
  4796                         <td>&lt;param-name&gt;</td>
  4797                         <td>&lt;ident&gt;</td>
  4798                     </tr>
  4799                     <tr>
  4800                         <td>&lt;param-value&gt;</td>
  4801                         <td>true|false[wsp+true|false]{0-3} | <br />
  4802                             &lt;number&gt;[wsp+&lt;number&gt;]{0-3} | <br/>
  4803                             &lt;array&gt; | <br />
  4804                             &lt;transform&gt; | <br />
  4805                             &lt;texture(&lt;uri&gt;)&gt;</td>
  4806                     </tr>
  4807                     <tr>
  4808                         <td>&lt;array&gt;</td>
  4809                         <td>'array('&lt;number&gt;[wsp&lt;number&gt;]*')'</td>
  4810                     </tr>
  4811                     <tr>
  4812                         <td>&lt;transform&gt;</td>
  4813                         <td>&lt;css-3d-transform&gt; | &lt;mat&gt;</td>
  4814                     </tr>
  4815                     <tr>
  4816                         <td>&lt;css-3d-transform&gt;</td>
  4817                         <td><a href="">&lt;transform-function&gt</a>;[&lt;transform-function&gt;]*
  4818                     </tr>
  4819                     <tr>
  4820                         <td>&lt;mat&gt;</td>
  4821                         <td>'mat2('&lt;number&gt;(,&lt;number&gt;){3}')' |  <br/>
  4822                             'mat3('&lt;number&gt;(,&lt;number&gt;){8}')' |  <br/>        
  4823                             'mat4('&lt;number&gt;(,&lt;number&gt;){15}')'
  4824                         )</td>
  4825                     </tr>
  4826                     <tr></tr>
  4827                 </table>
  4829                 <p>There are two ways to specify a 4x4 matrix. They differ in 
  4830                     <a href="#integration-with-css-animations-transitions">how 
  4831                     they are interpolated.</a></p>
  4833                 <p>The <code>&lt;mat&gt;</code> values are in column major order.
  4834                     For example, <code>mat2(1, 2, 3, 4)</code> has <code>[1, 2]</code> in the
  4835                     first column and <code>[3, 4]</code> in the second one.</p>
  4836             </dd>
  4837         </dl>
  4838     </div>
  4840     <div class="note">There may be different ways to specify the &lt;param-value&gt; syntax. For example, it
  4841         might be better to not have a <code>texture()</code> function and simply a &lt;uri&gt; for texture
  4842         parameters. Or it might be better to not have a <code>mat&lt;n&gt;</code> prefixes for matrices.</div>
  4844     <div class="note">
  4845         <p>The following <a href="">document</a> from Mozilla
  4846         describes how WebGL vertex and fragment shaders can be defined in <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> elements.</p>
  4848         <p>CSS shaders can reference shaders defined in <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> elements, as shown in the 
  4849         following code snippet.</p>
  4851         <div><code class="xml"><pre>
  4852 &lt;script id="warp" type="x-shader/x-vertex" &gt;
  4853 &lt;-- source code here --&gt;
  4854 &lt;/script&gt;
  4856 ..
  4857 &lt;style&gt;
  4858 .shaded {
  4859     filter: custom(url(#warp));
  4860 }</pre></code>
  4861         </div>
  4862     </div>
  4863     <h4 id="vertexMesh-attribute">The 'vertexMesh' attribute</h4>
  4865     <p>The <code>&lt;feCustom&gt;</code>'s 'vertexMesh' attribute defines the granularity of vertices in
  4866         the <a href="#vertex-mesh">shader mesh</a>. By default,
  4867         the vertex mesh is made of two triangles that encompass the <a href="#filter-region">filter region</a> area.</p>
  4869     <dl>
  4870         <dt><code>+&lt;integer&gt;{1,2}[wsp&lt;box&gt;][wsp'detached']</code></dt>
  4871         <dd>
  4872             One or two positive integers (zero is invalid) indicating the additional number 
  4873             of vertex lines and columns that will make the vertex
  4874             mesh. With the initial value of '1 1' there is a single line and a single column, resulting in 
  4875             a four-vertices mesh (top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left). If only one value is specified, the
  4876             second (columns) value computes to the first value. In other words, a value of 'n' is equivalent to a 
  4877             value of 'n n'.<br />
  4878             A value of 'n m' results in a vertex mesh that has 'n' lines and 'm' column and a total of 
  4879             'n + 1'.'m + 1' vertices as illustrated in the following figure.
  4881             <p>The optional &lt;box&gt; parameter defines the box on which the vertex mesh is stretched to.
  4882             It defaults to the 'filter-box' value which is 'border-box' with the added filter margins. 
  4883             For elements that do not have padding or borders (e.g., SVG elements), the values 'padding-box'
  4884             and 'border-box' are equivalent to 'content-box'. For SVG elements, the 'content-box' is 
  4885             the object bounding box.</p>
  4887             <p>The optional 'detached' string specifies whether the mesh triangles are attached or detached.
  4888             If the value is not specified, the triangles are attached. If 'detached' is specified, the 
  4889             triangles are detached. When triangles are attached, the geometry provided to the vertex shader
  4890             is made of a triangles which share adjacent edges' vertices. In the 'detached'
  4891             mode, the triangles do not share edges.</p>
  4893             <p>In the following figure, let us consider the top-left 'tile' in the shader mesh.
  4894                 In the detached mode, the vertex shader will receive the bottom right and top left 
  4895                 vertices multiple time, one of each of the two triangles which make up the tile.
  4896                 Otherwise, the shader will receive these vertices only once, because they are 
  4897                 shared by the 'connected' triangles.</p>
  4899             <p>See the discussion on uniforms passed to shaders to 
  4900             understand how the shader programs can leverage that feature.</p>
  4901             </dd>
  4902     </dl>
  4904     <div class="figure">
  4905         <img src="images/shader-mesh-property.png" width="300" />
  4906         <p class="caption">vertexMesh: 6 5</p>
  4907     </div>
  4909     <p>The above figure illustrates how a 'vertexMesh' value of '5 4' adds vertices passed to the vertex shader.
  4910         The red vertices are the default ones and the gray vertices are resulting from the 'vertexMesh' value.</p>
  4912     <div class="example">
  4913         <p>The following example applies a vertex shader ('distort.vs') to elements with class 'distorted'.
  4914             The vertex shader will operate on a mesh that has 5 lines and 4 columns (because there are 4 additional
  4915             lines and 3 additional columns).</p>
  4917         <code class="idl"><pre>
  4918     &lt;style&gt;
  4919     .distorted {
  4920         filter: custom(url(distort.vs), 4 3);
  4922     &lt;/style&gt;
  4924     ...
  4925     &lt;div class="distorted"&gt;
  4926     ..
  4927     &lt;/div&gt;</pre></code>
  4929 which could also be written as:
  4931     <code class="idl"><pre>
  4932 &lt;style&gt;
  4933 .distorted {
  4934     filter: url(#distort);
  4936 &lt;/style&gt;
  4938 ...
  4940 &lt;filter id="distort"&gt;
  4941     &lt;feCustom vertexShader="url(distort.vs)" vertexMesh="4 3" /&gt;
  4942 &lt;/filter&gt;
  4944 &lt;div class="distorted"&gt;
  4945 ..
  4946 &lt;/div&gt;</pre></code>
  4947     </div>
  4949 <h3 id="shader-inputs">Shader inputs in filter graph</h3>
  4951 <p>When an <code>feCustom</code> filter primitive is used in a filter graph, a 'texture' parameter 
  4952     can take a value of 'result(&lt;name&gt;)' where 'name' is the output of another filter primitive.</p>
  4954 <code class="idl"><pre>
  4955 &lt;filter&gt;
  4956     &lt;feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="8" result="blur" /&gt;
  4957     &lt;feTurbulence type="fractalNoise" baseFrequency="0.4" numOctaves="4" result="turbulence"/&gt;
  4958     &lt;feCustom fragmentShader="url(complex.fs)" params="tex1 result(blur), tex2 result(turbulence)" /&gt;
  4959 &lt;/filter&gt;</pre></code>
  4962 <h2 id="FilterCSSImageValue">The filter CSS &lt;image&gt; value</h2>
  4964 <p>
  4965   The filter() function produces a CSS &lt;image&gt; value. It has the following syntax:
  4966 </p>
  4968 <h4 class='no-toc' id='filter-syntax'>
  4969 filter() syntax</h4>
  4971 <pre class='prod'><code><dfn>&lt;filter></dfn> = filter(
  4972   &lt;image>, 
  4973   none | &lt;filter-function&gt; [ &lt;filter-function&gt; ]*
  4975 </code></pre>
  4977 <p>
  4978   The function takes two parameters. The first is a CSS &lt;image&gt; value. The second
  4979   is the value of a <span class="prop-name">filter</span> property. The function take the
  4980   input image parameter and apply the filter rules, returning a processing image.
  4981 </p>
  4983 <h2 id="RelaxNG">RelaxNG Schema for Filter Effects 1.0</h2>
  4985 <p>
  4986   The schema for Filter Effects 1.0 is written in <a
  4987 href="">RelaxNG</a>
  4988 [<a href="#ref-RNG">RelaxNG</a>], a namespace-aware schema language that uses
  4989 the datatypes from <a
  4990 href="">XML Schema Part
  4991 2</a> [<a href="#ref-Schema2">Schema2</a>]. This allows namespaces and
  4992 modularity to be much more naturally expressed than using DTD syntax. The
  4993 RelaxNG schema for Filter Effects 1.0 may be imported by other RelaxNG schemas,
  4994 or combined with other schemas in other languages into a multi-namespace,
  4995 multi-grammar schema using <a
  4996 href="">Namespace-based Validation
  4997 Dispatching Language</a> [<a href="#ref-NVDL">NVDL</a>].</p>
  4999 <p>
  5000   Unlike a DTD, the schema used for validation is not hardcoded into the
  5001 document instance. There is no equivalent to the DOCTYPE declaration. Simply
  5002 point your editor or other validation tool to the IRI of the schema (or your
  5003 local cached copy, as you prefer).</p>
  5005 <p>
  5006 The RNG is under construction, and only the individual RNG snippets are available at this time. They have not yet been integrated into a functional schema. The individual RNG files are available <a href="rng">here</a>. 
  5007 </p>
  5010 <h2 id="ShorthandEquivalents">Shorthands defined in terms of the <span class="element-name">'filter'</span> element</h2>
  5012 <p>
  5013   Below are the equivalents for each of the filter functions expressed in terms of
  5014   the 'filter element' element. The parameters from the function are labelled with
  5015   brackets in the following style: [amount]. In the case of parameters that are
  5016   percentage values, they are converted to real numbers.
  5017 </p>
  5019 <h3 id="grayscaleEquivalent">grayscale</h3>
  5021 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="grayscale"&gt;
  5022     &lt;feColorMatrix type="matrix"
  5023                values="(0.2126 + 0.7874 * [1 - amount]) (0.7152 - 0.7152 * [1 - amount]) (0.0722 - 0.0722 * [1 - amount]) 0 0
  5024                        (0.2126 - 0.2126 * [1 - amount]) (0.7152 + 0.2848 * [1 - amount]) (0.0722 - 0.0722 * [1 - amount]) 0 0
  5025                        (0.2126 - 0.2126 * [1 - amount]) (0.7152 - 0.7152 * [1 - amount]) (0.0722 + 0.9278 * [1 - amount]) 0 0
  5026                        0 0 0 1 0"/&gt;
  5027   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5029 <h3 id="sepiaEquivalent">sepia</h3>
  5031 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="sepia"&gt;
  5032     &lt;feColorMatrix type="matrix"
  5033                values="(0.393 + 0.607 * [1 - amount]) (0.769 - 0.769 * [1 - amount]) (0.189 - 0.189 * [1 - amount]) 0 0
  5034                        (0.349 - 0.349 * [1 - amount]) (0.686 + 0.314 * [1 - amount]) (0.168 - 0.168 * [1 - amount]) 0 0
  5035                        (0.272 - 0.272 * [1 - amount]) (0.534 - 0.534 * [1 - amount]) (0.131 + 0.869 * [1 - amount]) 0 0
  5036                        0 0 0 1 0"/&gt;
  5037   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5039 <h3 id="saturateEquivalent">saturate</h3>
  5041 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="saturate"&gt;
  5042     &lt;feColorMatrix type="saturate"
  5043                values="(1 - [amount])"/&gt;
  5044   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5046 <h3 id="huerotateEquivalent">hue-rotate</h3>
  5048 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="hue-rotate"&gt;
  5049     &lt;feColorMatrix type="hueRotate"
  5050                values="[angle]"/&gt;
  5051   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5053 <h3 id="invertEquivalent">invert</h3>
  5055 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="invert"&gt;
  5056     &lt;feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5057         &lt;feFuncR type="table" tableValues="[amount] (1 - [amount])"/&gt;
  5058         &lt;feFuncG type="table" tableValues="[amount] (1 - [amount])"/&gt;
  5059         &lt;feFuncB type="table" tableValues="[amount] (1 - [amount])"/&gt;
  5060     &lt;/feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5061   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5063 <h3 id="opacityEquivalent">opacity</h3>
  5065 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="opacity"&gt;
  5066     &lt;feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5067         &lt;feFuncA type="table" tableValues="0 [amount]"/&gt;
  5068     &lt;/feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5069   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5071 <h3 id="brightnessEquivalent">brightness</h3>
  5073 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="brightness"&gt;
  5074     &lt;feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5075         &lt;feFuncR type="linear" slope="[amount]"/&gt;
  5076         &lt;feFuncG type="linear" slope="[amount]"/&gt;
  5077         &lt;feFuncB type="linear" slope="[amount]"/&gt;
  5078     &lt;/feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5079   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5081 <h3 id="contrastEquivalent">contrast</h3>
  5083 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="contrast"&gt;
  5084     &lt;feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5085         &lt;feFuncR type="linear" slope="[amount]" intercept="-(0.5 * [amount] + 0.5)"/&gt;
  5086         &lt;feFuncG type="linear" slope="[amount]" intercept="-(0.5 * [amount] + 0.5)"/&gt;
  5087         &lt;feFuncB type="linear" slope="[amount]" intercept="-(0.5 * [amount] + 0.5)"/&gt;
  5088     &lt;/feComponentTransfer&gt;
  5089   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5091 <h3 id="blurEquivalent">blur</h3>
  5093 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="blur"&gt;
  5094     &lt;feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="[radius radius]"&gt;
  5095   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5097 <h3 id="dropshadowEquivalent">drop-shadow</h3>
  5099 <pre class="examplesource"> &lt;filter id="drop-shadow"&gt;
  5100     &lt;feGaussianBlur in="[alpha-channel-of-input]" stdDeviation="[radius]"/&gt;
  5101     &lt;feOffset dx="[offset-x]" dy="[offset-y]" result="offsetblur"/&gt;
  5102     &lt;feFlood flood-color="[color]"/&gt;
  5103     &lt;feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"/&gt;
  5104     &lt;feMerge&gt;
  5105       &lt;feMergeNode/&gt;
  5106       &lt;feMergeNode in="input-image"/&gt;
  5107     &lt;/feMerge&gt;
  5108   &lt;/filter&gt; </pre>
  5110   <h3 id="customEquivalent">custom</h3>
  5112   <p>The <code>custom()</code> function has the following syntax:</p>
  5114   <dl>
  5115       <dt><code>custom(<span class="highlight">&lt;vertex-shader&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">[</span><span class="fade">wsp</span><span class="highlight">&lt;fragment-shader&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">][,</span><span class="highlight">&lt;vertex-mesh&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">][,</span><span class="highlight">&lt;params&gt;</span><span class="highlight2">]</span>)</code></dt>
  5116       <dd><table class="values-desc">
  5117               <tr>
  5118                   <td><code>&lt;vertex-shader&gt;</code></td>
  5119                   <td><code>&lt;uri&gt; | none</code></td>
  5120               </tr>
  5121               <tr>
  5122                   <td><code>&lt;fragment-shader&gt;</code></td>
  5123                   <td><code>&lt;uri&gt; | none</code></td>
  5124               </tr>
  5125               <tr>
  5126                   <td><code>&lt;vertex-mesh&gt;</code></td>
  5127                   <td><code>+&lt;integer&gt;{1,2}[wsp&lt;box&gt;][wsp'detached']</code><br />
  5128                       where: <code>&lt;box&gt; = filter-box | border-box | padding-box | content-box</code></td>
  5129               </tr>
  5130               <tr>
  5131                   <td id='#shader-params'><code>&lt;params&gt;</code></td>
  5132                   <td>See the <code>&lt;feCustom&gt;</code>'s <a href='#feCustomParamsAttribute'><code>params</code></a> attribute.</td>
  5133               </tr>
  5134           </table>
  5135           </dd>
  5136   </dl>
  5137   <p>The <code>custom()</code> function is a shorthand for the following filter effect:</p>    
  5139   <code class="idl"><pre>
  5140   &lt;filter&gt;
  5141       &lt;feCustom vertexShader="<strong>vertex-shader</strong>" 
  5142                 fragmentShader="<strong>fragment-shader</strong>" 
  5143                 vertexMesh="<strong>vertex-mesh</strong>"
  5144                 params="<strong>params</strong>"/&gt;
  5145   &lt;/filter&gt;
  5146   </pre></code>         
  5148   <p>It can be used in combination with other filter shorthands, for example:</p>
  5150   <code>filter: sepia(0.5) custom(none url(add.fs), amount 0.2 0.2 0.2);</code>
  5152   <div class="note">It might be clearer to name the <code>custom()</code> function 
  5153       the <code>shader()</code> function instead and introduce an <code>feCustomShader</code>
  5154       filter primitive instead of <code>feCustom</code>.</div>
  5157   <h2 id="shading-language">Shading language</h2>
  5159   <h3 id="precedents">Precedents</h3>
  5161   <p>There are many precedents for shading languages, for example:</p>
  5162   <ul>
  5163       <li><a href="">OpenGL ES Shading Language</a> (also known as GLSL ES) from <a href="">WebGL</a></li>
  5164       <li><a href="">HLSL Shading Language</a></li>
  5165       <li><a href="">Adobe's Pixel Bender language</a></li>
  5166       <li><a href="">Apple's CoreImage Filters</a></li>
  5167   </ul>
  5169   <h3 id="recommendation">Recommended shading language</h3>
  5171   <p>This document recommends the adoption of the subset of <a href="">GLSL ES</a> defined in the <a href="">WebGL 1.0</a> specification.</p>
  5173       <p>In particular, the same restrictions as defined in WebGL should apply to CSS shaders:</p>
  5175       <ul>
  5176           <li><a href="">supported GLSL constructs.</a></li>
  5177           <li><a href="">differences between WebGL and OpenGL ES 2.0</a> as it applies to shaders.</li>
  5178       </ul>
  5180       <p>All the parameters specified in the <code>&lt;shader-params&gt;</code> values (e.g., the <code>feCustom's param</code> attribute or the <code>custom(&lt;uri&gt;, &lt;shader-params&gt;)</code> filter function or the <code>shader</code> property value) will be available as uniforms to the shader(s) referenced by the 'shader' property.</p>
  5182   <p>The group may consider applying further restrictions to the GLSL ES language to make it easier to 
  5183       write vertex and fragment shaders.</p>
  5185   <p>The OpenGL ES shading language provides a number of variables that can be passed to shaders,
  5186       exchanged between shaders or set by shaders. In particular, a vertex shader can provide specific
  5187       data to the fragment shader in the form of 'varying' parameters (parameters that vary per pixel).
  5188       The following sections describe particular variables that are assumed for the 
  5189       vertex and fragment shaders in CSS shaders.</p>
  5191   <div class="note">
  5192       Even though this document recommends the GLSL ES shading language, there are other possible options to 
  5193       consider, for example:
  5194       <ul>
  5195           <li>Allow multiple shading languages, present or future (similar to how the &lt;script&gt; tag 
  5196               allows different scripting languages).</li>
  5197           <li>Define a shading language specific to custom filter effects.</li>
  5198       </ul>
  5200       The implementation could use the mime type of the url or &lt;script&gt; element
  5201       to determine the the shading language.
  5202   </div>
  5204   <h4>Vertex attribute variables</h4>
  5206   The following attribute variables are available to the vertex shader.
  5208   <table class="values-desc">
  5209       <tr>
  5210           <td><code>attribute vec4 a_position</code></td>
  5211           <td>The vertex coordinates in the <a href="#filter-region">filter region</a> box. 
  5212               Coordinates are normalized to the [-0.5, 0.5] range along the x, y and z axis.</td>
  5213       </tr>
  5214       <tr>
  5215           <td><code>attribute vec2 a_texCoord;</code></td>
  5216           <td>The vertex's texture coordinate. Coordinates are in the [0, 1] range on both axis</td>
  5217       </tr>
  5218       <tr>
  5219           <td><code>attribute vec2 a_meshCoord;</code></td>
  5220           <td>The vertex's coordinate in the <a href="#mesh-box">mesh box</a>. 
  5221               Coordinates are in the [0, 1] range on both axis.</td>
  5222       </tr>
  5223       <tr>
  5224           <td><code>attribute vec3 a_triangleCoord;</code></td>
  5225           <td><p>The x and y values provide the coordinate of the current 'tile' in the shader mesh. 
  5226               For example, (0, 0) for the
  5227               top right tile in the mesh. The x and y values are in the [0, mesh columns] and [0, mesh rows]
  5228               range, respectively.</p>
  5229               <p>The z coordinate is computed according to the following figure. The z coordinate value 
  5230                   is provided for each vertex and corresponding triangle. For example, for the bottom
  5231                   right vertex of the top triangle, the z coordinate will be 2. For the bottom
  5232                   right vertex of the bottom triangle, the z coordinate will be 4.</p>
  5233       </tr>
  5234       </tr>
  5236   </table>
  5239               <div class="figure">
  5240               <img src="images/a_triangleCoord.z.png" width="50%"/>
  5241               <p class="caption">The a_triangleCoord.z value</p>
  5242               </div>
  5243               </td>
  5245   <h4>Shader uniform variables</h4>
  5247   The following uniform variables are set to specific values by the user agent:
  5249   <table class="values-desc">
  5250       <tr>
  5251           <td><code>uniform mat4 u_projectionMatrix</code></td>
  5252           <td>The current projection matrix to the 
  5253               destination texture's coordinate space). <em>Note that the 'model matrix' which 
  5254               the 'transform' property sets, is not passed to the shaders. It is applied to the 
  5255               filtered element's rendering.</em></td>
  5256       </tr>
  5257       <tr>
  5258           <td><code>uniform sampler2D u_texture</code></td>
  5259           <td>The input texture. Includes transparent margins for the filter margins.</td>
  5260       </tr>
  5261       <tr>
  5262           <td><code>uniform sampler2D u_contentTexture</code></td>
  5263           <td>A texture with the rendering of the filtered element. If the filter is the first
  5264               in the filter chain, then, this texture is the same as the u_texture uniform. However,
  5265               if there are preceding filters, this provides the rendering of the original filtered element,
  5266               whereas u_texture provides the output of the preceding filter in the filter chain (or graph).</td>
  5267       </tr>
  5268       <tr>
  5269           <td><code>uniform vec2 u_textureSize</code></td>
  5270           <td>The input texture's size. Includes the filter margins.</td>
  5271       </tr>
  5272       <tr>
  5273           <td><code>uniform vec4 u_meshBox</code></td>
  5274           <td>The mesh box position and size in the <a href="#filter-box">filter box</a> coordinate
  5275               system. For example, if the mesh box is the filter box, the value will be (-0.5, -0.5, 1, 1).</td>
  5276       </tr>
  5277       <tr>
  5278           <td><code>uniform vec2 u_tileSize</code></td>
  5279           <td>The size of the current mesh tile, in the same coordinate space as the vertices.</td>
  5280       </tr>
  5281       <tr>
  5282           <td><code>uniform vec2 u_meshSize</code></td>
  5283           <td>The size of the current mesh in terms of tiles. The x coordinate provides the number of
  5284               columns and the y coordinate provides the number of rows.</td>
  5285       </tr>
  5286   </table>
  5288   <h4>Varyings</h4>
  5290   <p>When the author provides both a vertex and a fragment shader, there is no requirement on the 
  5291       varyings passed from the vertex shader to the fragment shader. If no vertex shader is provided,
  5292       the fragment shader can expect the <code>v_texCoord</code> varying. If no fragment shader is 
  5293       provided, the vertex shader must compute a v_texCoord varying for the default shaders.</p>
  5295   <table class="values-desc">
  5296   <tr>
  5297       <td>varying vec2 v_texCoord;</td>
  5298       <td>The current pixel's texture coordinates (in u_texture).</td>
  5299   </tr>
  5300   </table>
  5302   <h4>Other uniform variables: the CSS shaders parameters</h4>
  5304   <p>When there parameters are passed to the <code>custom()</code> filter function or the 
  5305       <code>feCustom</code> filter primitive, the user agent pass uniforms of the corresponding name and
  5306       type to the shaders.</p>
  5308   <p>The following table shows the mapping between CSS shader parameters and uniform types.</p>
  5310       <div class="table">
  5311   <table class="values-desc">
  5312       <tr>
  5313           <th>CSS param type</th>
  5314           <th>GLSL uniform type</th>
  5315       </tr>
  5316       <tr>
  5317           <td>true|false[wsp+true|false]{0-3}</td>
  5318           <td>bool, bvec2, bvec3 or bvec4</td>
  5319       </tr>
  5320       <tr>
  5321           <td>&lt;number&gt;[wsp+&lt;number&gt;]{0-3}
  5322           <td>float, vec2, vec3 or vec4</td>
  5323       </tr>
  5324       <tr>
  5325           <td>
  5326               &lt;array&gt;
  5327           </td>
  5328           <td>
  5329               float[n]
  5330           </td>
  5331       </tr>
  5332       <tr>
  5333           <td>
  5334               &lt;css-3d-transform&gt;
  5335           </td>
  5336           <td>
  5337               mat4
  5338           </td>
  5339       </tr>
  5340       <tr>
  5341           <td>'mat2('&lt;number&gt;(,&lt;number&gt;){3}')' | <br />
  5342               'mat3('&lt;number&gt;(,&lt;number&gt;){8}')' | <br />    
  5343               'mat4('&lt;number&gt;(,&lt;number&gt;){15}')'</td>
  5344           <td>
  5345               mat2, mat3 or mat4
  5346           </td>
  5347       </tr>
  5348       <tr>
  5349           <td>texture(&lt;uri&gt;)</td>
  5350           <td>sampler2D</td>
  5351       </tr>
  5352   </table>
  5353   </div>
  5355       <p>The following code sample illustrates that mechanism.</p>
  5357   <div class="example">
  5358       <code><pre>
  5359   <strong>CSS</strong>
  5361   .shaded {
  5362       filter: custom(
  5363                      url(distort.vs) url(tint.fs), 
  5364                      distortAmount 0.5, lightVector 1.0 1.0 0.0, 
  5365                      disp texture(disp.png)
  5366                   );
  5369   <strong>Shader (vertex or fragment)</strong>
  5370   ...
  5372   uniform float distortAmount;
  5373   uniform vec3 lightVector;
  5374   uniform sampler2D disp;
  5375   uniform vec2 dispSize;
  5376   ...</pre></code>
  5377   </div>
  5379   <p>As illustrated in the example, for each <code>&lt;textureName&gt; texture()</code> parameter, an additional <code>vec2</code> uniform is passed 
  5380       to the shaders with the size of the corresponding texture.
  5383   <h4>Default shaders</h4>
  5385   <p>If no vertex shader is provided, the default one is as shown below.</p>
  5387   <div id="default-vertex-shader" class="shader example">
  5388       <code class="idl"><pre>
  5389   attribute vec4 a_position;
  5390   attribute vec2 a_texCoord;
  5392   uniform mat4 u_projectionMatrix;
  5394   varying vec2 v_texCoord;
  5396   void main()
  5398       v_texCoord = a_texCoord;
  5399       gl_Position = u_projectionMatrix * a_position;
  5402       </pre></code>
  5403   </div>
  5405   <p>If no fragment shader is provided, the default one is shown below.</p>
  5407   <div id="default-fragment-shader" class="shader example">
  5408           <code class="idl"><pre>
  5409   varying vec2 v_texCoord;
  5410   uniform sampler2D u_texture;
  5412   void main()
  5414       gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord);  
  5415   }        </pre></code>
  5416   </div>
  5418   <h4>Texture access</h4>
  5420   <p>If shaders access texture values outside the <code>[0, 1]</code> range on both axis, the
  5421       returned value is a fully transluscent black pixel.</p>
  5423   <h2 id="integration-with-css-animations-transitions">Integration with CSS Animations and CSS Transitions</h2>
  5425   <p>The CSS 'filter' property is animatable. Interpolation happens between the filter functions 
  5426       only if the 'filter' values have the same number of filter functions, and the same functions appearing in the same order.</p>
  5428   <h3 id="filter-params-interpolation">Interpolating filter functions parameters</h3>
  5430   <p class="todo">This section has to be written.</p>
  5432   <h3 id="shader-params-interpolation">Interpolating the shader-params component in the custom() function.</h3>
  5434   <p>To interpolate between <a href="#shader-params"><code>params</code></a> values in a
  5435       <code>custom()</code> filter function or between 
  5436       <code>&lt;feCustom&gt;</code>
  5437       <a href="#feCustomParamsAttribute">'params'</a> attribute values, the user
  5438       agent should interpolate between each of the <strong><a href="#param-def">[param-def]</a></strong> values
  5439       according to its type. List of values need to be of the same length. Matrices need to be of the same
  5440       dimension. Arrays need to be of the same size.</p>
  5442   <p class="note">
  5443     Interpolation between shader params only happens if all the other shader properties are identical:
  5444     vertex shader, fragment shader, filter margins and vertex mesh.
  5445   </p>
  5447   <table class="values-desc">
  5448       <tr>
  5449           <td><code>&lt;number&gt;[wsp&lt;number&gt;{0-3}]</code></td>
  5450           <td>Interpolate between each of the values.</td>
  5451       </tr>
  5452       <tr>
  5453           <td><code>&lt;true|false&gt;[wsp&lt;true|fals&gt;{0-3}]</code></td>
  5454           <td>Interpolate between each of the values using a step function.</td>
  5455       </tr>
  5456       <tr>
  5457           <td><code>&lt;array&gt;</code></td>
  5458           <td>Interpolate between the array elements.</td>
  5459       </tr>
  5460       <tr>
  5461           <td><code>&lt;css-3d-transform&gt;</code></td>
  5462           <td>Follows the <a href="">CSS 3D transform interpolation rules</a>.</td>
  5463       </tr>
  5464       <tr>
  5465           <td><code>&lt;mat&gt;</code></td>
  5466           <td>Interpolate between the matrix components (applies to mat2, mat3 and mat4).</td>
  5467       </tr>
  5468   </table>
  5470   <div class="note">
  5471       As with the 'transform' property, it is not possible to animate the different components of the 
  5472       'shader-params' property on different timelines or with different keyframes. This is a generic
  5473       issue of animating properties that have multiple components to them.
  5474   </div>
  5476 <h2 id="DOMInterfaces">DOM interfaces</h2>
  5478 <div class="note">
  5479 The interfaces below will be made available in a IDL file for an upcoming draft.
  5480 </div>
  5482 <h3 id="InterfaceImageData">Interface ImageData</h3>
  5484 <edit:interface name='::svg::ImageData'/>
  5486 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFilterElement">Interface SVGFilterElement</h3>
  5488 <edit:with element='filter'>
  5489 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFilterElement'/>
  5490 </edit:with>
  5492 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes">Interface SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes</h3>
  5494 <edit:with element='feTile'>
  5495 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes'/>
  5496 </edit:with>
  5498 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEBlendElement">Interface SVGFEBlendElement</h3>
  5500 <edit:with element='feBlend'>
  5501 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEBlendElement'/>
  5502 </edit:with>
  5504 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEColorMatrixElement">Interface SVGFEColorMatrixElement</h3>
  5506 <edit:with element='feColorMatrix'>
  5507 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEColorMatrixElement'/>
  5508 </edit:with>
  5510 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEComponentTransferElement">Interface SVGFEComponentTransferElement</h3>
  5512 <edit:with element='feComponentTransfer'>
  5513 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEComponentTransferElement'/>
  5514 </edit:with>
  5516 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement">Interface SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement</h3>
  5518 <edit:with element='feFuncR'>
  5519 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement'/>
  5520 </edit:with>
  5522 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEFuncRElement">Interface SVGFEFuncRElement</h3>
  5524 <edit:with element='feFuncR'>
  5525 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEFuncRElement'/>
  5526 </edit:with>
  5528 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEFuncGElement">Interface SVGFEFuncGElement</h3>
  5530 <edit:with element='feFuncG'>
  5531 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEFuncGElement'/>
  5532 </edit:with>
  5534 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEFuncBElement">Interface SVGFEFuncBElement</h3>
  5536 <edit:with element='feFuncB'>
  5537 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEFuncBElement'/>
  5538 </edit:with>
  5540 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEFuncAElement">Interface SVGFEFuncAElement</h3>
  5542 <edit:with element='feFuncA'>
  5543 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEFuncAElement'/>
  5544 </edit:with>
  5546 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFECompositeElement">Interface SVGFECompositeElement</h3>
  5548 <edit:with element='feComposite'>
  5549 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFECompositeElement'/>
  5550 </edit:with>
  5552 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEConvolveMatrixElement">Interface SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement</h3>
  5554 <edit:with element='feConvolveMatrix'>
  5555 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement'/>
  5556 </edit:with>
  5558 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement">Interface SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement</h3>
  5560 <edit:with element='feDiffuseLighting'>
  5561 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement'/>
  5562 </edit:with>
  5564 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEDistantLightElement">Interface SVGFEDistantLightElement</h3>
  5566 <edit:with element='feDistantLight'>
  5567 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEDistantLightElement'/>
  5568 </edit:with>
  5570 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEPointLightElement">Interface SVGFEPointLightElement</h3>
  5572 <edit:with element='fePointLight'>
  5573 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEPointLightElement'/>
  5574 </edit:with>
  5576 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFESpotLightElement">Interface SVGFESpotLightElement</h3>
  5578 <edit:with element='feSpotLight'>
  5579 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFESpotLightElement'/>
  5580 </edit:with>
  5582 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEDisplacementMapElement">Interface SVGFEDisplacementMapElement</h3>
  5584 <edit:with element='feDisplacementMap'>
  5585 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEDisplacementMapElement'/>
  5586 </edit:with>
  5588 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEFloodElement">Interface SVGFEFloodElement</h3>
  5590 <edit:with element='feFlood'>
  5591 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEFloodElement'/>
  5592 </edit:with>
  5594 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEGaussianBlurElement">Interface SVGFEGaussianBlurElement</h3>
  5596 <edit:with element='feGaussianBlur'>
  5597 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEGaussianBlurElement'/>
  5598 </edit:with>
  5600 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEImageElement">Interface SVGFEImageElement</h3>
  5602 <edit:with element='feImage'>
  5603 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEImageElement'/>
  5604 </edit:with>
  5606 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEMergeElement">Interface SVGFEMergeElement</h3>
  5608 <edit:with element='feMerge'>
  5609 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEMergeElement'/>
  5610 </edit:with>
  5612 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEMergeNodeElement">Interface SVGFEMergeNodeElement</h3>
  5614 <edit:with element='feMergeNode'>
  5615 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEMergeNodeElement'/>
  5616 </edit:with>
  5618 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEMorphologyElement">Interface SVGFEMorphologyElement</h3>
  5620 <edit:with element='feMorphology'>
  5621 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEMorphologyElement'/>
  5622 </edit:with>
  5624 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEOffsetElement">Interface SVGFEOffsetElement</h3>
  5626 <edit:with element='feOffset'>
  5627 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEOffsetElement'/>
  5628 </edit:with>
  5630 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFESpecularLightingElement">Interface SVGFESpecularLightingElement</h3>
  5632 <edit:with element='feSpecularLighting'>
  5633 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFESpecularLightingElement'/>
  5634 </edit:with>
  5636 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFETileElement">Interface SVGFETileElement</h3>
  5638 <edit:with element='feTile'>
  5639 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFETileElement'/>
  5640 </edit:with>
  5642 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFETurbulenceElement">Interface SVGFETurbulenceElement</h3>
  5644 <edit:with element='feTurbulence'>
  5645 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFETurbulenceElement'/>
  5646 </edit:with>
  5648 <h3 id="InterfaceSVGFEDropShadowElement">Interface SVGFEDropShadowElement</h3>
  5650 <edit:with element='feDropShadow'>
  5651 <edit:interface name='::svg::SVGFEDropShadowElement'/>
  5652 </edit:with>
  5654 <h2 id="references1">References</h2>
  5655 <h3 id="normref">Normative References</h3>
  5656 <dl>
  5657   <dt id="ref-CSS21"><strong class="normref">[CSS21]</strong></dt>
  5658     <dd><strong>Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification</strong>, 
  5659     Bert Bos, Tantek Çelik, Ian Hickson, Håkon Wium Lie, eds.,
  5660     W3C, 23 April 2009, (Candidate Recommendation) </dd>
  5662   <dt id="ref-NVDL"><strong class="normref">[NVDL]</strong></dt>
  5663     <dd><strong>Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) — Part 4:
  5664       Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language — NVDL. ISO/IEC FCD
  5665       19757-4</strong>, See <a
  5666       href=""></a>
  5667     </dd>
  5669   <dt id="ref-PORTERDUFF"><strong class="normref">[PORTERDUFF]</strong></dt>
  5670     <dd><strong>Compositing Digital Images</strong>, T. Porter, T. Duff,
  5671       SIGGRAPH '84 Conference Proceedings, Association for Computing
  5672       Machinery, Volume 18, Number 3, July 1984. </dd>
  5673   <dt id="ref-SVG-COMPOSITING"><strong class="normref">[SVG-COMPOSITING]</strong></dt>
  5674   <dd>
  5675     <cite class="w3cwd"><a href="">SVG Compositing Specification</a></cite>,
  5676     A. Grasso, ed.
  5677     World Wide Web Consortium, 30 April 2009.
  5678     <br/>This edition of SVG Compositing is
  5679     <br/>The <a href="">latest edition of SVG Compositing</a> is available at
  5681   </dd>
  5682   <dt id="ref-RNG"><strong class="normref">[RelaxNG]</strong></dt>
  5683     <dd><strong>Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) — Part 2:
  5684       Regular grammar- based validation — RELAX NG. ISO/IEC FDIS
  5685       19757-2:2002(E)</strong>, J. Clark, <span class="ruby"><span
  5686       xml:lang="ja" lang="ja" class="rb">村田 真</span> <span
  5687       class="rp">(</span><span class="rt"><span
  5688       class="familyname">Murata</span> M.</span><span
  5689       class="rp">)</span></span>, eds., 12 December 2002. See <a
  5690       href=""></a>
  5691     </dd>
  5692   <dt id="ref-Schema2"><strong class="normref">[Schema2]</strong></dt>
  5693     <dd><strong>XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition</strong>, P.
  5694       Biron, A. Malhotra, eds. W3C, 28 October 2004 (Recommendation). Latest
  5695       version available at <a
  5696       href=""></a>.
  5697       See also <a
  5698       href="">Processing
  5699       XML 1.1 documents with XML Schema 1.0 processors</a>. </dd>
  5700   <dt id="ref-svg11"><strong class="normref">[SVG11]</strong></dt>
  5701     <dd><strong>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification</strong>,
  5702       Dean Jackson editor, W3C, 14 January 2003 (Recommendation). See <a
  5703       href=""></a>
  5704     </dd>
  5705   <dt id="ref-svgt12"><strong class="normref">[SVGT12]</strong></dt>
  5706     <dd><strong>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification</strong>,
  5707       Dean Jackson editor, W3C, 22 December 2008 (Recommendation). See <a
  5708       href=""></a>
  5709     </dd>
  5710 </dl>
  5712 <h3 id="informref">Informative References</h3>
  5713 <dl>
  5714   <dt id="ref-html5"><strong class="informref">[HTML5]</strong></dt>
  5715     <dd><strong>HTML5</strong>, Ian Hickson editor, Google,
  5716       10 June 2008 (Working Draft). See <a
  5717       href=""></a>
  5718     </dd>
  5719 </dl>
  5721 </body>
  5722 </html>
