Optional Attributes

PROV-DM allows for some attributes to be optionally expressed. Unless otherwise specified, when an optional attribute is not present in a description, some value SHOULD be assumed to exist for this attribute, though it is not known which. See TEXT HERE)

Time related attributes

Existence of time implied, if unspecified, since events are instantaneous.
  1. startTime
  2. endTime
  3. time
  4. time
  5. time
  6. time

Optional entity/agent/activity

  1. activity (existence of activity implied, if not specified)
  2. trigger (existence of trigger implied, if not specified)
  3. trigger (existence of trigger implied, if not specified)
  4. agent (existence of agent implied, if not specified)
  5. plan (no plan implied, if unspecified, there may be none, see TEXT HERE)
  6. activity (existence of activity implied, if not specified)
  7. responsibility (no agent implied, if unspecified, see TEXT HERE)
  8. quoterAgent (no agent implied, if unspecified, see TEXT HERE)
  9. originalAgent (no agent implied, if unspecified, see TEXT HERE)

Optional derivation-related

If some of the following attributes are not specified, the derivation path is not specified. It is always possible to infer some activity, generation and usage, for which the derivation holds (though not necessarily in current account if constraint on generation uniqueness holds).
  1. activity
  2. generation
  3. usage

Optional attributes

Existence of list of attributes (empty or not) is implied, if not specified.
  1. attributes
  2. attributes
  3. attributes
  4. attributes
  5. attributes
  6. attributes
  7. attributes
  8. attributes
  9. attributes
  10. attributes
  11. attributes
  12. attributes
  13. attributes
  14. attributes
  15. attributes
  16. attributes
  17. attributes
  18. attributes
  19. attributes

Optional id

Existence of identifier implied, if not specified.
  1. id
  2. id
  3. id
  4. id
  5. id
  6. id
  7. id
  8. id
  9. id
  10. id
  11. id
  12. id
  13. id
  14. id
  15. id
  16. id
  17. id